Chapter 5~ Flying

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On the next morning I woke up, got dressed and put my hair up into a big bun

then I went downstairs and ate pancakes with Bella then we headed to the bus stop Where we met paul

"Morning" he greeted in a sleepy tone

"Good morning Paulie,I didn't have the opportunity to tell you that you were really great yesterday! I really loved you!! er I mean your music" I said and he grinned

soon the bus had arrived and we got on board and it kept on getting more and more crowded until we reached school.

It was a boring day and the time passed slowly and finally it was lunch time I walked to the table where Anna was sitting

"hey Ann, I was wondering if Lennon is your boyfriend why don't you sit together at Lunch?" I asked her

"urm I don't like some of his friends and by that I mean the girls ..they enjoy making fun of me because I am younger than him by two years and I can't do anything because John and the boys seem to like those "birds" flying around them so I stay away" She said sadly


The rest of the day was boring and I was glad it was over

"Hey Prudes ! Fancy coming to the park with me?I know you don't really want to go back home and the boys will also be there" Paul offered with a hopeful smile

I nodded with a smile, he was right I don't want to go back home

we started walking together and I slowly felt Paul's hand holding mines which I didn't mind actually

we kept on talking the whole way,It was lovely how we got along easily

It's like we have known each other forever

"you know I don't like Pete that much.." I told him

"oh why? I noticed that yesterday, and well you're the first bird to dislike him" he said

later I told him about how I met John and he was laughing at how I made him carry my tins and at the way I was treating him like a servant.

After a little while of walking and more talking , we arrived at the park.

Paul and I ,hand in hand headed to the place where the boys were standing and it was the same spot where I first met Paul , we greeted the others then I sat on the swing

"Miss can I swing you or are you going to slap me this time?" Paul asked with a smirk

"you have to give it a try and see what happens" I said laughing

he started pushing the swing and his smile grew wide when he saw me enjoying my time

I actually felt like I was flying,

he even tickled me and we were giggling loudly when I was about to hit John with my legs while he was kissing Ann

Which resulted to a strange look -almost glare- from John

But he quickly turned away and talked to Anna, Stu and Bella

"where are George and Pete?" I asked them

"they are probably getting themselves some birds and who knows what else they might be getting" John answered giving me a wink which made me laugh

We spent some hours talking , joking and having fun and later the boys left to practise at Paul's.

Ann, Bella and I hanged together for a little then decided to go skating !

So, we took the bus to the town and made it to the humble ice rink

we immediately put on the skates and skated around gracefully

I was dancing around singing or more like shouting Rip it up

it had been stuck in my head since the boys had sung it last night

"I'M GONNNNAA ROCK IT UP, GONNA RIP IT UP , GONNNA SHAKEE IT U-UCH" I had crashed right into Anna making us both fall on our bums laughing

Bella just stood infront of us laughing because everytime we tried to stand up we'd end up falling over each other again

"HELPPP HELLPP !"We called in between laughter but the laughter increased when Bella tried to help us stand but instead she fell on us

"You're no help woman!"

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