22.3 Return

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   The days that followed blurred together in Aeden's mind-the exquisite pain of his loss now subjected to the exquisite joy of his gain, of the newness surging in him and through him. The master healer and the rest of the company awoke and marveled at the sight before them. With Aeden's urgent explanation and plea, the elder members joined him inside the fallen warlord's head to assist in more thorough healing, Betha kneeling behind Aeden with her hand on his shoulder.

   They freed the prisoners, did what they could for the permanently disabled test subjects, and several of the older companions joined together to place robust copies of themselves inside the lieutenant to ensure his cooperation for the journey back to Ramath. Cyrus, healed and free, approached the remaining soldiers of his army that were still stationed at the compound, and announced the welcomed presence of the new strangers, who touched all and freed them one by one.

   After a day of rest, the company, along with the now Lord Rossam, the lieutenant, and the freed citizens of Elbeth and surrounding towns began the journey home, arriving at dusk in Ramath nearly four months after they embarked on their quest.

   Aeden and his brother walked towards the house of their mother, talking, joking, punching and poking like brothers, and at last entered the garden, where a woman stood, surveying the frost's effect on the garden. Their reunion was sweet and joyful, and need not be told here.

   Early the next morning, Aeden dreamed of a voice calling him. He rose from his bed, hearing the voice more clearly, coming from outside. He quickly dressed and opened the front door, seeing Betha and Darla on the front walkway.

   "Hey Prince! There's another council at the healer's hall this afternoon. You coming?"

   Aeden rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Already?"

   Darla retorted back, "Don't you want to go whip that army out of your city? I thought you'd be first in line! Oh, and tell your brother to come-he's the guest of honor, so to speak."

   Betha asked, "How is your mother?"

   "Good. Very good. She's ecstatic-made us stay up half the night telling her of our adventure and Cyrus' capture. I just went to bed a few hours ago ..." he trailed off in another yawn. Aeden's brother appeared in the doorway behind him.

   "Hey warlard!" called Darla.

   He leaned to his little brother, "Why does she keep calling me that? I'm very proportional!"

   Aeden retorted to Darla, "Ladies, please, a little more respect for the sixth duke of Elbeth for his majesty the king, and holder of the ancient scepter of King Rossam the second ..."

   Darla interrupted, "There's your new nickname!" She continued in an official sounding voice, "The sixth duke of etcetera! Or just duke etcetera, for short. Nah, I like warlard better." The older brother rolled his eyes and re-entered the house.

   Betha looked at Aeden, "Will you and your family like to join my father and me for supper tonight?"

   Aeden smiled at her. "We would love to. I'm afraid my mother has hardly left this house in four months. It's about time we reintroduce her to society."

   "It's a date then. Well, maybe not a date, more like a ... two families ... eating dinner togetherletsgoDarla." She spun around and pulled Darla with her. Aeden watched the two girls stride off, grinning slightly.

   After the noon hour, Aeden and his brother wandered through the city, aiming for the healer's hall. As they passed down the streets and alleys, He noticed the people staring at the wicked looking gashes on his face. After long sessions, the master healer and Lady Ellen had been able to heal them only to a point-sealing up the wound such that the metallic skull and jaw were mostly no longer exposed, but the wound was deep and his face would never be the youthful wonder of before.

   They talked, Cyrus reminiscing of the trips to Ramath their father would often take him on as a youth, the wellbeing of their mother, Aeden's interest in Betha, any possible prospects for Cyrus in Ramath ....

   "You've been asleep for fifteen years, and the first thing on your mind when you get back to civilization is girls?"

   The man looked at his younger brother, "So, to restate what you've said, I've been prisoner in my essentially virginal, pent up, desire filled twenty-something body for fifteen years stuck with a bunch of drones, I get back to civilization, and you're surprised that I think about girls?"

   Aeden asked, "There weren't any good looking drones?" Cyrus shoved him into an outcropping of wall with one arm, continuing his walk.

   They arrived at the gleaming white hall, seeing other healers stream into the building. They paused for the doorkeeper, and Aeden whispered into Cyrus' ear, "You have to enter his mind and shake his hand there." Cyrus nodded, and after placing his hand on the old man's head, passed inside with a "Welcome!" from the gatekeeper, Aeden following. The large white hall thronged with people, milling about, generally moving towards the council chamber at the rear of the building.

   "This is far more than were here four months ago ..." Aeden remarked. 

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