13.2 Commence

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   Betha's face softened a bit at the sight, but Priam's lips only pressed tighter together. Aeden arose and returned to his friend's side. The shopkeeper came to them and said, "Aeden, you never introduced me to your friend."

   Aeden's eyes grew wide again and he quickly made the introduction, taking care to emphasize his friend's title (to which Betha rolled her eyes), and narrow escape from Elbeth with the master healer. The shopkeeper took Priam to another corner of the store and showed him other swords and pieces of armor.

   "They are not quite as nice as the other, boy, but they are still worthy of a quest such as this. I see you have a sword already, but please, choose from my stock as you wish." Priam graciously thanked the man, and, after perusing the various armors, settled on a piece of banded steel, interlaced with leather straps.

   After he was properly arrayed for the mission, they said their goodbyes, and the shopkeeper rested his hands on both their heads, raising his head and his voice, and called out in prayer: "Great Creator of heaven and earth! Take now these thy sons, and thy daughter. Be thou their guide, their protection, their hope and their rest. Strengthen their bodies, quicken their minds, and shield them from the fierce flames of this accursed warlord. Of one mind and heart!"

   "Of one mind and heart!" the others murmured.

   Once outside, they started off to bid Aeden's mother farewell. Walking in silence for awhile, Priam finally spoke his mind, "I can't believe he gave you that armor and that sword." 

   "Yeah." Aeden replied.

   "I mean, you told me that the master armorsmith of Ramath made that, like it was his final work or something. And he gave it to you!"


   "That must be worth all the swords and armor in your family's armory put together!"


   Priam brooded a bit, "Well, at least I got something."

   They continued on in silence until they came to the Rossam's temporary residence. Lady Rossam, of course, rested on her knees, weeding the garden and harvesting ripe vegetables. She stood as they approached, smiling as she saw Priam, but darkening her look as she noticed their armor. "What news, my son? Why are you arrayed as if for war?"

   He came to her and hugged her. She embraced him back, a look of confusion on her face. He spoke. "Dear mother. The king himself has asked that I join a group to go and liberate our land from the stone-faced army."

   Her eyes grew wide. "The King! He is here? Why is he sending you? A boy? My boy?"

   "He is not here, but has asked the master healer to lead a small group to the north and neutralize the warlord responsible for the massacre."

   "Why the master healer? Why not the captain of the royal guard?" she asked defiantly.

   "The royal guard is preoccupied with protecting the capital. The king is raising an army to liberate Elbeth, but it will take many months. So he asked the master healer to lead the mission. The king respects the master healer greatly and he has travelled widely in the lands to the north."

   She shook her head, asking, "But why you? Why Priam? Are there not any warriors here in Ramath? This makes no sense at all!"

   Aeden touched her elbow, "Mother, no. There hardly are. Priam and I are among a small group of properly trained swordsmen. And we will be accompanied by at least ten other accomplished warriors. We are needed, mother."

Metal and Flesh (The Rohvim, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now