12.3 Conviction

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   Many on the dais and in the assembled crowd nodded their approval at this. Another man on the dais spoke. "A smaller group then, in stealth. Might they not have a chance to infiltrate the warlord's estate, and battle him, and him alone?"

   Many voiced their agreement, and the master healer finally spoke again, "I have had this same thought. It should be a small group, no more than thirteen. We should have several accomplished swordsmen, and all should be accomplished rohvim, each able to challenge the warlord in rohva duel, and thus able to take mastery of his body and destroy him."

   There was general chatter all around and after a minute, Clara stood and declared, "We have several options before us. Let us cast our voices now. Who desires to do nothing and wait for the King to assemble his army?"

   A few scattered "yeas!" were heard, but quickly muffled when they realized the unpopularity of their opinion.

   "And who desires to send our entire number, gathering those who we might along the way to make a direct assault on the warlord's stronghold?"

   Many more voices called out their approval, Aeden included. Clara continued, "And who desires that we send a small covert group to eliminate the warlord himself?"

   The majority of the crowd roared their approval. Clara continued, "Very well, that course of action is decided. We must now choose the group. Who among you volunteers for this dangerous and potentially lethal mission?"

   Over one hundred hands shot up into the air. Clara stared at them in awed silence, a look of immense pride beaming from her face. "My dear rohvim," she began tenderly, "not all of us may go. How shall we decide this question, then?"

   The master healer cleared his throat. "Madam, I propose we gather the Elder Council together, and choose ourselves. As I said before, most of the group should be familiar, preferably expert, with a blade, and all should have mastery over the seven rohva skills."

   Clara nodded in agreement. "Let us then reconvene in an hour's time, when we will then present to you the names of those chosen. Of one mind and heart."

   The crowd answered her back and the chamber erupted into a tumult of chatter as the crowd rose and slowly pressed through the exit. The thirteen men and women on the dais stayed in their seats until the crowd had left, and then retired to a smaller room at the back of the chamber. Aeden and Priam, meanwhile, wandered about the hall chatting. Aeden remarked, "I wonder who they'll pick? I did not know that many healers are also accomplished warriors."

   Priam shrugged. "Yeah, who'd have thought that? But then, we are pretty new here and ..."

   Aeden interrupted, whispering close to Priam, "Look! There's Betha."

   "Who's Betha?" Priam whispered back.

   "She's this ... girl. Society member. Very good looking, and last time we talked, she said she was a swordswoman. Said her father served in the royal guard for years and taught her everything he knows."

   Priam looked to where he had pointed, and there saw a young woman, rather short with brown hair, talking with another girl.

   "Who's the friend?"

   "Oh, that's Darla. They're always together. She seems to be interested in a guy named Frederick ..." Aeden added when he saw the look in his friend's eye.

   "I can look past that ..." Priam muttered. Aeden turned to look at Betha again and saw the two girls laugh. The time of day allowed the sun to pass its golden beams through the openings in the roof until they fell directly on the girls. Betha seemed aglow, bathed in the sunlight, and Aeden's eyebrows rose in breathless wonder.

   The two girls suddenly noticed the two boys staring, and decided to approach them. Darla called out, "Hey prince, get a good look?"

   Aeden greeted them and introduced his friend, "This is Priam. We grew up together in Elbeth, and he just made it here this morning with the master healer. Priam, this is Darla, a member of the society that I've known for almost a week. Stay away from her right fist. And this ..." He turned to Betha, searching for the right way to introduce her, "... is Betha. She runs a shop here in town with her father, and by all accounts is a renowned swordswoman." He nodded slightly to her.

   She gave a half-smile and said, "Pleased to meet you, Priam. If you're anything like your friend, then we are all very ... uh, lucky, to have you here."

   Priam bowed low to them both, saying, "Pleased to meet your acquaintances." He arose, and continued, "Well, Betha, you may be a good swordswoman, but I must say, you'd probably be outmatched by my friend here. He just won the tournament in Elbeth before the invasion-just his age bracket, of course, but impressi..."

   Darla interrupted him, "Oh, what do you know about swordsmanship? You're looking at one of the finest in all of Ramath right in front of you. You're trying to tell me some spoiled son-of-a-duke can hold his own against someone trained her entire life by a man that spent his whole career in the royal guard? Ha!"

   Priam escalated, "Not only hold his own, madam, but I daresay he could humble her readily. Do we have a challenge, then?"

   Darla retorted, "We have! Come on, Betha!" And she grabbed her protesting friend.

   "But, but, I don't want to duel him!" She shot her friend a wicked look.

   Priam nudged Aeden in the ribs. "Oh look, she's backing out now. Doesn't think she can take you."

   Aeden shot him his own lethal look, muttering through clenched teeth, "What do you think you're doing?"

   Darla pulled her friend toward the entrance, "Let's go Betha. Time for you to teach prince two here a lesson in swordplay." 

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