6.1 Muster

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"Take counsel together, for the storm draweth nigh, and is at the gates, the gales cometh, and assails the doors. Sorrow shall follow, and pain endure. But the Creator, who is good, shall overcome all sorrows, and shall subdue all enemies under his feet. For from the mountain he shall sweep down like the wind, and from the peak he will smite your oppressors. Sit now together and rejoice at His coming." -The Lay of Galen Thunderspeak, 5:4-6


AS AEDEN DASHED AFTER THE TWO MEN he could hear the master healer wheeze-clearly he was not used to running. The clomping of their boots upon the cobblestones echoed against from the walls as they wove back to the castle at the rear of the estate. They saw other noblemen rushing in through the gates towards the castle, and a steady stream of servants ran out of the castle, scattering out into the city to summon other nobles. They climbed the steps and passed the gate, marching straight back to the lord's council chamber. The room looked as if a storm had hit it. Piles of parchments and scrolls littered the vast table, heaps of swords and other weapons and armor accumulated along the walls, large maps scattered about the room, and people rushed in and out. The lord sat at the head of the table with twenty noblemen, surrounded by about forty more standing who remained standing. All listened closely to the latest messenger. The three arrived just as the man was interrupted by the lord of the city.

   "And they are definitely armed? This is verifiable an army?" the lord demanded loudly.

   "Yes my lord. They march quickly, taking no rest, and are dressed in the garb of the north. Perhaps Volda, or one of the other northern kingdoms. And my lord," the man lowered his voice, "the scouts estimated their number."

   "How many? Go on!" the lord shouted.

   "Greater than twenty thousand, my lord," the man stammered.

   The lord stared at the man, his jaw clenched, and the group of noblemen fell into hushed, terrified, silence.

   "Twenty thousand? Are you sure? Were they doubly or triply counted? Did you add the numbers correctly? Were the scouts drunk?" the lord questioned, badgering the poor messenger.

   "I am sure, my lord. The scouts report that they look stern. There are both men and women among them, some have armor, others not, but all have swords, and look able and deadly. At the speed they travel, the scouts estimate their arrival in three hours time." The table erupted in a tumult of talking and shouting. The lord held up his hand.

   "Peace. We will prepare. We will meet this threat and deal with it." He turned to the man at his side, the first duke, "Lord Elbery, begin preparations for the muster. I must speak with the master healer for a moment." He turned from the table and motioned for the master healer to join him. Lord Elbery began giving orders to the rest of the nobles, and Aedan caught sight of his father sitting at the table. He threaded through the crowd and bent down to his father's ear.

   "Father!" he whispered.

   The man turned, and glared at his son. "What are you doing here?"

   "I was with the master healer when the news came, and followed him here. What is happening?"

   "We don't know where the army came from. The representative from the royal court has no knowledge of any rumors of war or contention with any neighboring kingdom. Before you arrived, the lord gave the order to gather weapons and armor from among the nobles and bring them here, in preparation for a potential muster, and now that order has been given as well. Lord Elbery is organizing the muster now." He paused to listen to the man speaking at the head of the table.

   "... and most of the city guard shall be positioned at the eastern city gates, which by now will have been shut and locked-for the first time in over one hundred years I should think. Our western city gates shall remain open until the arrival of the army to allow citizens to escape should they desire it, but will be closed at the first sight of the enemy. The first through the fifth dukes shall position their forces behind the eastern city gate and reinforce the guard there. The sixth through tenth dukes shall gather their men here, and defend the castle should the army penetrate our defenses. The eleventh through twentieth dukes shall scatter their forces throughout the city, concentrating more in the eastern quarter, hiding in alleyways, behind doorways, behind buildings, and ambush the enemy in the streets should they perchance make it that far. Go now. Assemble your men, equip them from your armories and from among the gathered arms here if your stores are not sufficient, and assume your posts in two hour's time."

   The men stood up and rushed for the exit. Aeden ran after his father, looking back to see the master healer still in deep discussion with the lord of the city. He caught up to Lord Rossam, matching his long stride and asked, "What do we do?"

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