16.2 Destiny

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Aeden, still puzzled, asked, "How do I use my sword to light a fire?"

    "Just like you would use it to shock someone in a duel, only you point at some kindling or dry moss or something, and give it a quick burst. Try it!"

   Hesitantly, Aeden unsheathed one of the swords from the scabbard on his back and approached the firepit. Once again, he attempted to do as Arturo had tried to teach him. He reached back into his mind, and tried to be in two places at once-in his head and in his body. He entered his mind, found his wall, and then tried to return to his surroundings. His mind's surroundings faded away as he pointed the sword at the firepit. Frustrated, he entered again and repeated the process.

   "Aeden. Let me help." Betha approached and stood next to him. "May I?" she asked, raising her hand near his head. He nodded and she rested her palm on the back of his head. Darla, returning from the woods with Frederick, flashed her a thumbs up, which Betha rolled her eyes at. She entered his mind and approached him there. Come here, by your wall. She said. They stood before the right section of his mind's wall, and she continued, Put your hand on mine, here, on the controls.

   Aeden, in his mind, unable to control the emotion broadcast from his face, blushed and beamed at her. She returned a small smile, and they placed hands together on the controls. Now, follow me out. Don't worry about losing your place here, just go there. He exited his mind, and in the waking world Betha looked in his eyes and said, "Now, let me hold your sword hand, and we'll both aim at the firepit." He offered his hand, she wrapped hers around it, and they both aimed at a small piece of kindling. "Now, think of my hand on yours in your mind. The one on the controls."

   His eyes glazed over a bit, and he said, "I can! I can feel you still there. No, I can still see you there."

   She continued, "Now, give it a blast. Your hand is on the controls with mine. Use it. Give it a small shock." His eyes unfocused, and after a few seconds a jagged white stream arced out of the tip of the sharp sword, igniting the kindling.

   Arturo, Rupert, Darla, Frederick and Betha all cheered. Aeden smiled broadly, a little stunned, and remarked, "I can't believe it. I finally did it. You helped me do it."

   Betha removed her hand from his and lowered her other hand from his head, breaking the connection. "I knew you could do it. Good job." She slapped him firmly on the back a few times, letting her hand linger there for a few moments before she withdrew and walked over to Darla, asking where the rest of the firewood was.

   "We brought some, we brought some! We're tired! It took us awhile to find any! Give us a break!" She stormed in a mock-offended voice, and continued, "Come on, let's go get some more." And the two girls wandered off back into the woods.

    Aeden let his eyes wander after them, and when they passed out of sight, he returned his attention to the fledgling fire, which had gone out and was now only a faint stream of smoke. He raised his sword again, pointing the tip just inches away from the kindling, and reached back to his mind's wall, where Betha had left him. He found it, and manipulated the controls. A large spark shot out and reignited the fire. This time he got on his knees and blew, feeding the fire with other small pieces of kindling until it was a roaring bonfire, sufficiently large to drive the moisture from their wet clothing and warmed them to the core.


   Priam awoke with a start. He could not see, and realized he was blindfolded. He struggled a bit and felt that he was tied to a table-his hands tied to the edge above his head, several ropes keeping his torso and legs down, and his feet were secured to the other end. He heard people talking nearby, but the voices seemed distant and muffled. He gradually became aware of his aching headache, and a sharp localized pain on the back of his head. He had been knocked put, he remembered now. He was in battle, fending off ten, no, twenty warriors. One slipped in behind him and knocked him down, then bashed the back of his head with a stone or a sword hilt or something. He remembered nothing after that, and had no idea of how long he slept.

   He struggled a bit more, then heard footsteps behind him. From their echo, he could hear that he was in a closed stone room. Through the edges of the blindfold, the room appeared quite dark, lit only by a candle or two. The footsteps paused behind him. There were two, possibly three people standing there.

   One of them spoke. "Welcome Priam." The man said.

   Priam answered, the slightest quiver in his voice, "How do you know me?"

   "I've been watching you for awhile now." The man replied, and continued, "I keep an eye on all new society members, though none suspect it."

   Priam pondered this, and asked, "So you are a member of the society? Did you see us off from Ramath?"

   "Yes. I noticed you upon your arrival-you stood out. You seemed special. Did you know you are special, Priam?"

   Priam shrugged, "Sure. Why not?"

   The heavy voice went on, "You are special-I've seen it. While you were asleep I entered your mind, my apologies, but I had to be sure. I looked, and indeed you have the mark of prophecy about you. You are far more special than you realize. Much more than that royal brat you associated with."

   "Aeden is my best friend. He's like my brother. We grew up together."

   "You grew up. He is a noble, and as such, will never grow up."

   "But I'm the son of the twenty-sixth duke! My father is the steward of the artifacts!"

   "Is he? Very impressive. You and I both know, Priam, that the nobility ceases to be technically royal after the twentieth duke. Somehow, I don't find that quite fair. Do you?"

   Priam hesitated, "Well, no, I guess."

   The man went on, "But now, now you have a real opportunity before you. I tell you, I've been in your mind, and I've seen your destiny. Would you like to know what it is?"

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