Chapter 31: Take Nashi and Run

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A/N: The picture above I found on the internet, and I really think it looks like how I imagine Nashi to look like right now, so I thought I'd show it to you guys :D
Ok, to the story-

-Natsu P.O.V-
I woke up to a harsh light.
"L-Lucy..." I muttered, looking around. It was dark, except for a bright lacrima shining above my head. My hands were in chains with magic restriction handcuffs, as were my ankles. The room was small, and I was eventually able to make out a door opposite me. I struggled against the chains, making my wrists sore. I stopped, as I heard the sound of the door creaking open. I glanced up, to see a man I didn't recognise. However, his council guard uniform didn't give a great first impression.
"Where is she?" I said coldly.
"She ran away," He replied. "And that's what you're here for."

-Erza P.O.V-
They hadn't come into the guild this morning. I had gone to check on them, just to make sure-
Now I was staring down, on my knees in Lucy's apartment. My trembling hands reached out, and gently picked up the white scarf gathering dust under the rubble. I stroked it softly, the fresh blood upon it staining my fingers.
"Natsu?..." I whispered, in tears.

-Natsu P.O.V-
"I don't understand," I said. "Why did you take me?"
"Lucy Dragoneel, as dangerous as she is...has a family. I believe she took her daughter with her, but you..."
"No," I muttered angrily. "Don't you dare use me as bait."
"Natsu, that's exactly what we're going to do," he snickered.
"Leave Lucy alone! She did nothing wrong!" I shouted at them.
"You should of told us that before she killed the chairman..." The man said quietly, almost in a whisper. Then he vanished from the room again, leaving me alone with my horrible thoughts.

-Lucy P.O.V-
I woke up, and instantly realised Nashi was in my arms. I groaned as I sat up, my back sore from sleeping on rough ground. Nashi stayed asleep on my lap, as I stroked her hair. I stared up into the morning sky, my mind confused. As I went deep into thought, the beautiful shade of blue that blended with the clouds made me remember something.
I frantically grabbed my bag and began to go through it. It's here somewhere... I thought to myself. I always kept it on me...
My eyes lightened up as my fingers brushed the edge. I pulled it out, and admired it carefully.
A gold key lay gently in the palm of my hand.
"Aquarius..." I whispered. "It's been four years..."
I stood up, resting Nashi's head on the ground. I raised the key in the air, closed my eyes, and chanted.
"Open! Gate of the water bearer! Aquarius!"
I waited, for a light, a sound...
But there was nothing. I sighed, and glanced back at the key. It glinted in my eye, the sun reflecting off it. I hesitated, then grasped it tightly and tried again.
"Open! Gate of the water bearer! Aquarius!"
But I kept trying.
Again, and again, I repeated the spell, to the point that I was panting. I held onto the key, the memories of when we were little filling my mind.
I've survived, all this time...I thought. Just let me show you.
I inhaled, then stood up straight. I raised my arm slowly until it was outstretched as far as it could go. I closed my eyes again, and focused all my energy into my hand. And then, I gave it my all.
There was a shining light. I covered my eyes, smiling, as I waited for her arrival. As the light died down, I lowered my hand.
Aquarius stood there, looking confused.
"W-Where am I?" She asked, looking around. I burst into tears, and put my hand over my mouth.
"Aquarius..." I muttered with joy. She turned round, hearing me, and our eyes locked. She stared deeply into them, as she recognised my face.
"I-It can't be..." She whispered. "It's been-"
"Four years," I sobbed. "I know."
She began to breathe heavily, barely believing her eyes.
"Lucy..." She said, with such emotion that it made me cry even more. I ran towards her, and wrapped my arms around her waist. She froze, shocked, but shortly after relaxed.
"I'm sorry," I began to say. "I'm so stupid and horrible-"
"I'm not mad at you," she replied. She said it so softly that I looked up, just to check if it was Aquarius. "It's not your fault. You've been-" she stopped, mid sentence, as she spotted Nashi asleep on the muddy ground.
"W-Who is that?" She said, getting her water ready to fire.
"No, Aquarius," I said, blocking Nashi. "She's my daughter."
Aquarius's face went still. In fact, her whole body went still. "D-Daughter?" She muttered. I nodded, laughing. Aquarius moved closer with caution, and began admiring Nashi's face. "Now that I'm this close, she looks just like you," she said, smiling. Nashi turned slightly, deep in her dreams. "She beautiful," Aqaurius said to me.
"Thank you," I replied, smiling.
"Who's the father? I bet it's Natsu, right? The hair makes it pretty obvious," She asked excitedly. I was about to answer, but my smile faded as I began to remember. "Lucy? Is everything ok?" Aquarius asked.
"Yeah," I said quickly, on the verge of crying again. I sniffed, and wiped my eyes.
"Lucy..." Aquarius muttered. She put her hand on my shoulder, making me look up at her.
"Stay strong," she said softly. I stared up at her, breathless, my golden eyes glistening.
"I will," I whispered.

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