18) The Faint of The Heart and Of the Mind

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After the crowd quieted down and went off to do their own thing, Hiccup took off in the direction of where she had left to.
He found her gasping behind the ice piece, wondering how the rest of the village had managed to not notice her.

"Skye. Oh my gods! Aye you okay?" He looked frantically as her head was thrown back and she clutched her side tightly.
Sin was beside her and whimpering. Toothless started comforting her by licking her cheek.

"Oh yea. I'm completely fine and that's why I'm standing and gasping like a moron." She said sarcastically and closed her eyes tightly.
"I guess my leave will have to be postponed. "

That sentence made his heart leap. "Let's get you to Gothi." He said and managed to prop her up on himself.

Skye was losing consciousness again. Everything she had done had taken a great toll on her body and she could barely see because of dizziness.

Toothless had managed to distract Sin and they ran off without thinking about their riders.

"Wow. Our dragons really love us, don't they?" The girl commented with a flat smile. Hiccup smiled with a happy gleam in his green eyes, hoping that Skye that he knew and loved was back but then she realized what she was doing and stopped, her frown returning.

He noticed this and his features drooped. "Skye, I'm reall-"

"Stop. Unless you want me to bleed to death, either help me or stop blocking me so that I can go to Gothi for help. " she snapped and pushed him strongly which was surprising because she was more weaker and dizzier than before.

Skye took a shaky step forward as Hiccup looked with sad surprise. She clenched her side tightly to stop the bleeding. She didn't feel pain but she was slowly succumbing to the weakness.
Her legs could barely hold her up as she took another step. Taking one more step, her knees buckled and she fell to the ground, clutching her head.

Hiccup's head shot up and he dropped to her side, pitting his hand on her back. She was trying to shake away the nausea but it was futile.
He sighed. "You're a stubborn one. Lets go. "

The girl scoffed and started struggling as he strongly put one arm under her knees and the other one around her. He then stood up, carrying her bridal style.

"This is not my definition of help." She stated as she tried fighting off the wave of nausea. She was slowly falling asleep, breathing in Hiccup's scent of pine and water.

The man laughed. "You were in no condition to walk."

"So you had to be my knight in shining armor?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hiccup looked confused. "What's a knight?"

"Never mind. Just part of old tales. "

"We'll leave that for another time then. " he said gently.

Skye shook her head. " There won't be time. I will be recovered in about a week. I'll be leaving after that then. "

Hiccup kept walking and found Fishlegs with his Gronckle. He called him over and placed Skye on the dragon gently.
"What happened to her?" The chubby man asked in concern.

"I'll explain later. First we have to go to Gothi. Mind if we take Meatlug?" Hiccup asked in an authoritative voice and the other boy nodded in agreement.

"Thanks. " with that Hiccup mounted the dragon and directed him to the tall house of Gothi.

Gothi treated Skye quickly since the girl was already asleep against Hiccup's chest, something which Hiccup couldn't stop blushing at.
She were still unconscious as she finished bandaging her side and he had to carry the girl back home.

The Dragon Master and The Lightning Rider *Hiccup Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now