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(Y/n) hasn't been this excited in such a long time. The wind was blowing through her hair, Sin was soaring through the sky, and she was going to see Berk!

Hiccup had told her what to expect -  and a bunch of fun-loving, fighting Vikings sounded like a breath of fresh air. Never a day of peace, but a good community nonetheless, and if Hiccup had told her enough, it was that he was the anomaly in Berk. 

Which was fine! If Hiccup could get along with them, then so can she. 

She wobbled slightly in her saddle and gripped the handles tighter. Sinless grumbled, and (Y/n) loosened her grip. 

Plus, she could probably do with some flying skills in their dragon academy. 

While Hiccup was a professional at flying, clicking his foot controller and guiding Toothless in a seamless flight without half a thought, (Y/n) always ended up clumsy and too controlling. 

Sin was doing her best, really, but every once in a while, she got annoyed and tossed (Y/n) off the saddle. 

Hiccup glanced at the stormy clouds. "The weather might dampen your mood. Hopefully we can pitch in a short break before we reach Berk." 

(Y/n) patted Sin's head gently. "Sin seems to be enjoying the clouds." 

Sin was itching to dive into the storm and play with the lightning. 

They took a short break, where Sin disappeared into the clouds while the others perched on a big seastack, and Hiccup had a small spyglass that he used to look at Sin. 

Lightning flashed throught the clouds, gathering at the spot Sinless was, and she roared, dipping and conducting the lightning happily. 

"Amazing," Hiccup murmured. "She's playing."

(Y/n) snuck Toothless a small fish, and he happily gobbled it up. "She likes to do this when storms pass by. It seems to make her stronger." 

"I don't doubt that at all." He looked at her, smiling crookedly. "That's her home. And lucky for her, Berk is prone to storms every other day. She'll fit right in." 

(Y/n) sidled up to him, and he raised a brow. "And will I fit in?"

Hiccup snorted. "They'll love you. If you can kick their asses, they'll love you more. Especially my dad. He's practically adopted Astrid at this point, and you won't be much different. That is, if you choose to stay with us longer."

(Y/n) hummed. "Too soon to say. Just don't get your hopes up."

"Too late for that - my hopes are always up."

When Sin returned, rejuvenated and jumpy, they took off again for Berk.


(Y/n) pointed at the island. "Is that Berk?!"

Hiccup grinned, gesturing for her to follow, and together, their dragons swooped down to glide over the island. Its snow-capped mountains stoof stark against the green of the rest of the island. When they flew over the village, the colours of the buildings, the dragons popped out. 

Vikings looked up at them, cheering on Hiccup, and the turning confused when they saw her and Sin. 

The dragons landed at the edge of the island, near the docks. 

Then the blue spikes shot at them so fast (Y/n) barely even noticed until Sinless let out a roar. One of the spikes had nicked her leg and blood was oozing out. 

(Y/n) glanced at Hiccup, who was hurriedly dismounting from Toothless. 

"No, no, don't shoot! She's friendly!" He waved his arms, and the group of dragons that landed down across from them were snarling. 

The Dragon Master and The Lightning Rider *Hiccup Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now