12. New Friendship

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Skye paused at the doorway, looking back at Hiccup who was sleeping, snoring softly, his auburn hair golden in the early morning light. No one was supposed to look that cute with their mouth-half open. Shaking her head, she left the house quietly and sucked in a fresh breath of air. She stretched before heading to the woods for a jog. The breathing and careful, quick steps that burned her muscles shot adrenaline through her and soon, she was racing and feeling the breeze against her, so cold and smelling of pines. The sun rose over the horizon as time passed, and when she finished her run, it lit the ocean and the island in sparkling waves.

Leaning against a tree, Skye bent over and caught her breath, wiping sweat off her forehead. She winced at the strain on her side, and when she lifted her tunic and jacket, she was relieved to see her wound better than yesterday. And when the leaves rustled around her, leaving her alert to fight, Sinless shot out of the shrubbery, licking her friend's face. After they spent a good time playing around and throwing around a branch, she mounted the dragon and they shot into the sky and ventured back home.

She found Hiccup messing around with Toothless in front of his house. He waved at her as Sin landed. "Good morning!" He greeted with a grin. "I was wondering where you had run off to."

"I saw you flying," she murmured. Patting Toothless, Skye sighed. "The stunts you pulled nearly had me scared shitless."

"I figured you'd catch me."

"Oh, ha, ha." Skye wasn't amused at all. Her heart had left her chest when the duo had barrelled into a sea stack. But he was okay and she realized that she had been over-reacting. Hiccup mentioned taking a flight with Toothless and Sin followed, but Skye headed into the house to wash up.
Once she was ready, Skye headed to the Great Hall to grab a quick breakfast. Only the twins were present and she joined them. Tuffnut asked her to consider the offer they had proposed yesterday, and she thought of Hiccup's words. Maybe it would be fun to get on his nerves every once in a while, so she replied that she would think about it.

Skye found Sin on the way. The dragon gave her a ride to the Academy, where quite a number of propels were already present and waiting. Sinless snaked her way through the people outside the dome structure, and Skye smiled at them as she passed.

"Skye! Over here!" Hiccup gestured from the stand where he and his father were proudly standing with their dragons. It was built higher than the floor of the Academy outside its chained roof. There was a small entrance to the inside of the building, so Skye stood by Hiccup, waiting, watching. She could only spot Astrid, who was setting up an empty weapons' rack inside.

"You'll do great," Hiccup murmured, even though his eyes were on the crowds.

Her cheeks flushed. "I know."

He just softly laughed. He couldn't deny he was a bit worried about her. She had a tendency to get carried away when she was in a fighting zone.

Stoick cleared his throat, it could have compared to a loud rumble that echoed the Academy. "Students and teachers of Berk!" The spectators grew quiet and he nodded at them respectfully. "Today, we introduce the newest combat teacher to our Academy. As an initiation, she will combat our greatest warrior—Nopow-"

Skye's mind drifted. When Stoick had said initiation, it was like she was thrown back into her past. It irritated her that every single thing triggered her memories, but this one was more painful than most. She sucked in a breath, glancing sideways to make sure Hiccup couldn't see her trembling fingers. She forced herself to go easy here. No killing or maiming. They were not the enemy.

"-to prove her skills!" Stoick completed. He announced for the two competitors to step into the ring. Other people exited the building and surrounded the Academy, waiting eagerly for the fight.

The Dragon Master and The Lightning Rider *Hiccup Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now