Chapter 30

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All night long I was worried that people were going to freak out on me or Rikert, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that wasn’t the case. Obviously, we did get some looks, but most people already knew I was gay, anyway. And they were preoccupied and drunk enough that they didn’t really care. Not to mention, Rikert’s popularity was enough of a reinforcement not to ruin his reputation.

Rikert was confident and happy as we walked around hand-in-hand. I couldn’t have been more delighted. I never thought Rikert would be so excited to show me off. It was just amazing to me that he’d outed us in such a packed place. I honestly had no idea he was planning on it either.

“Hey,” Rikert yelled above the music to me. I moved closer so he could talk into my ear. “I have to go to the bathroom. Try not to get lost, I’ll be right back.”

I nodded in response. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me twice on the lips. I grinned blissfully and watched him walk away. I looked around and saw that the house was less full than before. Half of the people were outside already. I hadn’t been out there yet and I was curious, so I headed towards the door to the back of the house.

I pulled out my phone to check the time as I went through the door. I stepped through the sliding door and noticed that it was nearly eleven p.m. right now. I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and looked around.

I glanced up at the sky. I sighed happily as I gazed at the stars. It was so weird seeing them because the constellations out here were completely different from the ones that I was familiar with from home. It was yet another thing that made America so different compared to New Zealand.

I took a step forward, and my foot slipped out from under me. I let out a startled cry as I fell backwards. Only I didn’t end up on the ground because I crashed into someone who had been walking by me.

I fumbled to keep myself on my feet and straightened up. The boy I had run into caught himself from falling and pushed himself back up. I blushed fiercely and strictly avoided making eye contact with him. I stared at the ground between us. I noticed there was a broken red plastic cup on the ground next to me. Well, that certainly explained how I’d slipped in the first place.

“I am so sorry,” I mumbled. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

Staring down, I saw his feet moving forward towards me and I flinched, taking a step back before I could think. It was a natural reaction for me. I was afraid he was really angry at me. His hands fell on my shoulders to keep me in place. I turned my head away.

“I’m sorry,” I rushed out. “Please don’t hurt me.”

The boy laughed and my head snapped up to look at him. “Hey, I’m not gonna hit you or anything. It was an accident, I get it.”

My eyes focused on his. I relaxed under his hold after his chocolate coloured eyes seemed to smile at me.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just stepped on some cup. I’m sorry I ran into you.”

He smiled and let go of me. I shifted backward, a little uncomfortable standing so close to him. “It’s okay,” he said. “I’m Jaxon, by the way. I play soccer with Rikert. Wait, you call it football, don’t you?”

I studied him carefully as I answered. “Yeah, but I know what you’re talking about. Soccer’s a cool sport. What position do you play?”

I felt an arm snake around my waist. I turned my head to see Rikert. The grin was an immediate reaction to seeing him. He pulled me close and said, “Jaxon’s the goalie. And damn good at it too.”

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