A deal with Pan

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Jack's POV

I gritted my teeth and glared at the boy. 15 years old and the second biggest trouble maker I've ever met (besides myself of course), "what do you want Pan? You abandoned us after you joined Hook."

Peter glared back at me but said nothing, a hatred burning deep on his eyes, "I left Hook. You don't know my reasons for joining him so don't judge."

Rolling my eyes I was about to turn around when He stood in front of me, "We can save your friend." He looked at me and smirked, "for a price..."

Why is there always a f*cking price?! I groaned and turned to leave once again, "it's only a small thing. We just want some of Sandy's dream sand. The batch he left you when...." He trailed off and I glared at him, "we can help you Frost. Unless you want Blondie over there to die."

I threw him against a wall and held him by his collar to see him smiling at me. I know he could fight back if he wanted to, so why wasn't he? "There's no point Frost. I need to sand to help the fairies, they're dying and kids have stopped believing, they NEED, that sand. And in return...."

He lifted up a vial of golden liquid, "it's enough, like real blood once it touches air it turns red. Elsa's blood is special, I nearly got attacked by the Dracula's trying to take this from their vault."

Should I take the offer? It... It could.. It could save her. Slowly I let him off the wall and put a hand in my pocket, my hand clasping around a bag of dream sand. My friend Sandy entrusted it to me when he died. I swore only to use it for emergencies. I promised. But...... I....

Before I new what I was doing, I handed over the bag and he placed the vial in my hand. I didn't look at him, but I knew he was smirking. He had got what he wanted, but I had just let an old friend down.

"Good decision Frost, I hope our paths will cross again." My turn. He was about to leave, but I tripped him and took the dream sand and kept him on the floor.

"You will only get this, when you tell me why you betrayed us!"

"I can't!" He looked like he was about to cry and he began to struggle when a piece of paper fell from his shirt. I was quick to pick it up

Birth Certification

Name: Peter Phillip Pan

Date of Birth: July 27 2000

Mother: Crula Dekil Pan (that was done on purpose)

Father: James Hook

So, that's the reason he turned against us, his father is Hook. Then why did he run from his father after abandoning us?

"He murdered innocent people Frost." Peter had tears dripping down his cheeks and he kept his eyes closed, "he loved to hear them scream as he tore his hook through their legs, as he killed wives and children in front of the men. And.... He wanted me to do the same."

I took my foot off of Peter and held out my hand to pull him up and pulled him in for a hug. I don't know why. I mean, I've always hated this guy, but I guess finding out that your father is a cold blooded killer is a blow right under the belt.

"Here" I tossed him the bag and went on my way to help save Elsa.

"Save her Jack" He whispered as I ran back to them.

Punzie's POV

"She's getting worse Eugene, if we don't do something, we may lose her..." I began to cry holding my friend's hand. Eugene hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my neck looking sadly at Elsa.

"Jack will do something. He wont let her go that easily. Not again."

I nodded at his attempt to comfort me and stared at my friend. The one who had loved and protected each of us for a very long time. We can't lose her, we just can't.

After a few moments, Jack came into the room panting clutching something in his hand. He ushered us out of the room and though we were hesitant, we did it anyway.

~3 Hours Later~

"You guys can come in now." Jack called from the room.

We entered ad saw Elsa resting her head on Jack's lap as he stroked her hair, but, she was awake!

"Elsa!" I ran to her and hugged her sobbing softly gripping her tightly, "Anna, Mer! Get your butts in here!" They rushed in and we were all hugging. We can't lose each other, we're family.

Or so I thought.....

Until her eyes quickly flashed black.....

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