A Nightmare

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Hiccup's POV

When we arrived at the place we suggested, we had a small problem, there were thre rooms, only one bed in each. Oops. I rubbed the nape of my neck when I felt everyone's glares on me. I laughed awkwardly ad didn't look at any of them.

"So..... What do we do now?" Jack asked still holding Elsa in his arms. The rest of us except for Jack ran to the other two separate rooms, girls in one, boys i the other leaving Jack with Elsa to have the other  room.

"Guys!" He shouted annoyed but we just laughed.

"Sorry Jack, you snooze, you lose."

"Well you try wining with a weak girl in your arms!" He argued.

"Hey! Right here!" Elsa yelled sounding very offended. The rest of us just laughed and we could practically feel the heat of Jack's blush. I ignored it and just grabbed my emergency cover kit.

It had hair dye, contact lenses, make up (to cover skin tones!!! Not for me, hair equipment and money.

I got it all out and called for everyone to meet i the living room where we would use the disguises They all looked at me confused but then got it, I went first, took off my glasses, did some stuff to my hair, got contacts, cover some of my freckles and added a bit of make up to cover my ski tone and voila! New me.

The others gasped and smirked.

"Nice job Hicc!" Merida said and I may or may not have slightly blushed at her comment, "If I didn't know it was you, I would'nt've recognized you.

"My name is no longer Hiccup, the name's Harry Bana. So, who's next." They all looked at each other, we all know what we'll do for the next hour.

(A/N Insert Sponge Bob voice thing) 1 hour later

We were all finished with our disguises. Eugene dyed his hair black and wore green contacts then shaved his goatee. His new name was Flynn Rider

Kristoff kept his hair colour the same but turned it into an Edward Cullen like hairstyle and decided to use baby blue contacts. New name was Kade West

Jack dyed his hair brown and used brown eye contacts and used some  "make up" to make it look like he had a bit of a tan and kept his bed head hair. His new name was Jamie Smith.

Merida, even straightened her hair and dyed it blonde wearing brown contacts, honestly it took a lot of arguing, which I would like to call constructive convincing , to get her to do that to her hair. Her new name was Maria Scott.

Rapunzle was next, since she couldn't do anything to her hair, she wore a short brown jagged wig and kept her normal eye colour, her undercover name was Rachel Drola.

Anna took her pigtails out of her hair and let her natural strawberry blonde hair flow down her back, but she changed her eye colour to blue and used some make up to cover a few freckles. And Hannah Heed was born

Finally, Elsa. She dyed her hair brown with some golden streaks and kept it in a normal french braid and used brow contacts. Also, like Jack, she used some make up to make her look less pale. She was newly named as Ella Heed.

After we were all finished, it was pretty late and we al went to bed, except for the girls and Jack who was still arguing.

Elsa's POV

"Are you guys sure I can't sleep in your room?" I asked annoyed. Yeah I kissed Jack, but I have no intention of sleeping in the same need as him.

"Sorry sis, but the bed's already gonna be crowded, I have to sleep on the end. Hey at least you got a double bed." She winked and I groaned in frustration.

I walked into the bigger bedroom and saw Jack with his shirt off. I gulped and he saw me, embarrassed he rubbed the nape of his neck and chuckled. I blushed and looked away going towards the bed.

"You," I pointed to him, "sleep there." I pointed to the small sofa in the room and threw him a spare blanket.

He nodded and went there as I started to drift to sleep.

The dream

I was wondering throughout the boy's agency when I heard calls and shouts. I ran down the corridor as fast as I could to see the boys and the girls arguing with each other.

"Guys?" I asked nervous when they all looked at me with either hatred or evil smirks. I gulped and backed up a bit as they all got closer to me.

"Why'd you do it Elsa? Why'd you try to kill us again?!" Anna screamed at me making me flinch back. The girls just laughed then turned their evil faces to me, "you promised you'd protect us, but it's your fault the others are gone! It's your fault for lying to us!!" She screamed once again allowing Merida to shove me against the wall.

I fell to the floor and the others laughed including the boys, it was their turn now.

"You lied to me Elsa. You deceived me!" Jack yelled, "you made me care for you! Then you stabbed me in the back!!"

"Jack, please I didn't d-"

"SHUT UP!" He screamed shoving me against the wall.. He shoved me so hard that my head hit the wall. I winced and raised a hand to my head feeling blood rushing from it. I gulped as my vision got blurry.

As I was slowly losing consciousness, they kept yelling at me, "liar, deceiver, monster."

Then I blacked out.

I opened my eyes and I was in a black room with a figure laughing in the shadows. I curled up into a small ball and started to cry.

"This isn't real. This isn't real. It's only a dream." I kept repeating to myself, but the longer I was here, the more times I cried and the voice kept booming in my head.

"You're a monster Elsa!" He yelled at me, "you only hurt people. They hate you, they despise you, they loathe you."

"Stop" I begged holding my arms over my head trying to get those words out of my head, "please." I whimpered starting to cry.

"Monster! No wonder your parents chose to die instead of looking after you!!!"

I squeezed my eyes shut and finally let a load of ice out of me, "Argghhhh!!!!"

End Of Dream

I woke up to my own scream and I felt water on my face. I continued to cry and turned to my side hugging myself. I can't get the words out of my head. While I was crying, I felt a dip in my bed and felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I flinched but when I heard who's voice it was I calmed down.

"Elsa? I'ts me, are you okay?" Jack's voice calmed me down.

I turned to him and flung my arms around his neck stuffing my head into his naked chest while crying. He wrapped his arms around me as well and started rocking me telling me it was all right. When I stopped crying Jack was about to go back to the sofa but I tightened my grip on him.

"Please stay." I whispered not wanting to let go. I don't want to be alone in the dark again.

I felt Jack unwrap my arms from him and he lay down beside me. I turned on my side and placed my head on his chest as he kept his arm around me.

"It's okay Elsa. I'll always stay with you." He told me before I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek snuggling myself into his chest.

I just can't get the voice out of my head.




A Monster

A/N Hello guys, thanks for reading, sorry this is late, but I had to go out with my family so I couldn't up date, sorry, but I hope this was alright. Thanks I'll update soon.


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