Anna's dream

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Anna's POV



I was running fast. I don't know where, I don't know why, but I was running like my life depended on it. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath when I heard a scream. My eyes widened and I began running to the scream.


"Anna! Help me!!!!" Elsa?! I picked up the pace and ran to where I heard Elsa's voice.

"Elsa! Where are you?!" I heard screams and gun shots. I began to panic and I was losing my breath quicker. I found myself in a new hallway. It was a dead end. Sighing, I turned to go back, but there was a new wall. There were no doors or windows in my new dark cage.

I ran to the walls and began bashing my fists against them trying to get out. But the walls wouldn't budge. I put my head on the wall but quickly withdrew it when I felt a warm liquid on my head.

I backed up into the other wall and felt more thick water on my back. I gasped and fell to the floor where there was the same water type thing on the ground.

I lifted a hand to my nose and could smell something metallic. I knew what it was. It was blood. I gasped and jumped up only to be met with another wall.

I looked around quickly and saw a limp body curled up on the floor. I walked towards it slowed and could barely see the girl's features, but the cold skin and platinum hair was a sure give away. "Elsa?

She opened her eyes slightly and when she did I could see hatred coursing through her eyes. I gulped as tears fell from my face, "what happened?"

"YOU SHOULD'VE COME FOR ME!!!!!!" She screeched making me jump away in fear. She chuckled but winced when she did, "I thought you guys would come to save me. I thought you guys would actually care, but Pitch was right wasn't he? I'm a monster. You guys don't care do you? I disgust you, and now I'm dying."

"Elsa?" I whispered coming closer to her with blurred vision, "you're my sister. I love you so much. It broke me when you were taken. We're trying Elsa. We're trying so f*cking much."

Elsa shook her head chuckling as I felt more and more blood flow to the ground, "you don't understand Anna. If I didn't have to protect you, I might've been safe. If you weren't weak, I wouldn't have to protect you. If we loved you and didn't think you were a stupid, weak girl, then the boys wouldn't know. YOU took the chocolate. YOU gave our location away. YOU are the monster."

I gasped and felt my heart shatter in two, "that's not..... that's not true. This.... This is just a dream. You don't mean it!"

"Oh Anna, a dream is what you think. What you feel. You are the reason I am dying, so I hope that your dreams, that your guilt tears you away piece by piece until there is only a shell of who you used to be."

Elsa started chocking and I knew what was coming, "Elsa, please. We need you. The girls need you. The boys need you. Jack needs you. And no matter what you say, I'll always need you."

She didn't reply. She stayed silent and I began sobbing violently as I started shaking and someone was screaming my name.

"Anna? Anna! ANNA!!!!"

End of Dream


My eyes snapped open and I saw Kristoff standing over me, arms on my shoulders and worried eyes. I was panting and looked at Kristoff, I didn't realize that I had been crying in my sleep until my eyes began to sting because of unshed tears.

I jumped into Kristoff's arms and began to sob loudly, "Anna? Anna it's okay, it was only a dream." He started stroking my hair in an attempt to calm me down, but it didn't work so I could stuffed my head into the crook of his neck with my arms around him as well.

He slowly started to pull away but I tightened my grip, "please don't leave Kristoff. Please." I felt him nod. I went back under my bed covers as he wrapped his arms around me bringing me to his chest. I placed my head on his chest and felt myself start to drift off, but I wanted to stay awake.

"Kristoff. I'm scared."

"Of What?"

"My nightmare. I don't want to sleep. I don't want to hear Elsa telling me it was my fault she's gone. I don't want to watch her die."

"Anna, we're going to find her. I promise you, and when we do, I'm gonna beat the sh!t out of Pitch. It's not your fault, look at me" I did as instructed and felt a finger lift my chin up, I was met with brown eyes and only seconds later, he kissed me.

I closed my eyes as a tear made its way down my face. I'm scared of a lot of things. One of my fears has already come true, so what if another comes true.

What if I lose the one I love?

What if I lose Kristoff?

I broke away and looked at him as I put my hand to his cheek. I stared into his eyes and said the words I needed to say. I said the words that might take him away from me.

"I love you."

A/N Hey guys, so small Kristanna part her, hope you liked it, we'll get back to Elsa soon. But I hoped you liked this chapter, but I thin I wanna give each of the girls nightmares then do something with Elsa.

Anyway, thanks for waiting for this chapter and I loved your comments from last chapter.

I wanna thank 3 people from last chapter, first jelsa_lover123, thanks for the support that you've always given me.

ralitsa002 for making me laugh last chapter, your comment was hilarious

and Janna_Leara for saying you understand in the comments.

Thanks everyone else who reads the book and I'm glad you guys like it.


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