Inevitable End

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Hey guys please read this before reading the chapter! I know I know I was quick right? Well I wanted to write this chapter because this is a very important one for me. Even I cried myself while I was writing it. I want to dedicate this chapter to my amazing friend Ayşen. She never lost her fate in me and she was always there whenever I needed. This is for her. I hope you like it please comment and let me know what you think :)


 Nicolai’s Pov

They started attacking a few minutes before I sensed someone got into the palace ground. It was impossible for someone not to notice because whoever it was, he or she was giving a very powerful vibe.

It was a vibe that could bring you on your knees.

“What the hell is she doing in there?” I heard Chase yelled. He was looking towards the center of the battle.

I followed his gaze and saw… Ocean?! What the hell was going on?

“You have no idea what you are dealing with. After tonight nothing will be the same. This is your last stand Stefan. The beginning of the end” I heard her say.

Was she thinking about fighting with Stefan just by herself? She was crazy. No matter how strong she is, it was impossible for someone as inexperienced and as young as her to defeat the head of the Dark Side.

But what confused me more was the expression on Stefan’s face. He looked scared. I could see it before he covered it with a smirk. This confused me as hell. why would he be scared by a young girl?

“Oh darling, I thought you would be smart enough by now to know that you can’t defeat me with this childish attitude.” His laugh was cut by a strong voice.

The voice was chanting some ancient words. I knew that language immediately because it was the language of Siréos. The oldest language on the face of earth… But what surprised me more was the person who is chanting those words. Ocean…

Suddenly out of nowhere flames started off around her. This time Stefan looked really scared. He jumped away from the fire but the demons and rouges stopped fighting and came near.

Stefan was trying to stop them like his life depended on it. But they were ignoring him and getting closer. I wanted to be close to her too. I was like in hypnoses. I jumped from the roof and landed on a big rock. I started walking towards her.

Her eyes were close and she was a death angel on earth. She was glowing unnaturally. Everyone was looking at her with awe and they looked like they were ready to submit her, even her parents.

Suddenly I saw Logan and Stefan. Stefan was holding Logan there was a dagger in his hand, holding it on Logan’s throat.

“Stop it or I swear the god I’ll kill him!” he screamed and that made Ocean stop and look at him. This time she looked scared.

“If you hurt him then I’ll kill without a blink.” She said calmly

“You know it’s funny how you love him without even knowing that he was actually MY spy.” He laughed.

I was shocked so was everyone else. Ocean looked at Logan but he kept quiet and looked at her begging. She got her answer with his silence but Stefan wasn’t giving up. He laughed again.

“See, I told you. He doesn’t even worthy for your love. He is just a piece of shit, waiting to be thrown away.”

I looked at Ocean and I just wanted to throw my arms around her and tell her that everything was going to be fine but she wasn’t taking her eyes from Logan and they looked like they were in a big conversation. And Stefan didn’t even know that Ocean could communicate with people without bounding them.

“You don’t even know what love is. You’ve been searching for revenge for such a long time that you forgot what looking out for your loved ones means. He is my mate uncle. Do you even know what that means? Let me tell you; that mean I will forgive him no matter what happens.” She looked like she made her decision.

But it looked as if Stefan had other ideas. “So be it.” He said and daggered Logan from his chest. Ocean screamed and ran at him.

Ocean’s Pov

He did it. He hurt me using Logan. I ran as fast as I can towards to Logan. He was losing a lot of blood. I learned why he betrayed me. He did it for his family. I would have done the same that’s why I forgave him already.

“Logan, look at me. You will be alright okay?” I whispered and tried to cover his wound.

“O-ocean, I know w-what is ha-happening to m-me. I’m d-dying.” He whispered

“No! No, I won’t let it. You will be okay. We will fight o-over stupid things again. But please hold on o-okay?” I was crying so hard that my voice came out hard.

He was trying to wipe my tears and that made my tears to flow harder. God, please don’t take him from me.

“Please, Logan please. Don’t let me go.”

“Take c-care of my fa-family Ocean.”

“Noooo! Stay with me! Look at me. I love you! Please stay with me.” He smiled

“You n-never said y-you loved m-me.”

“I’ll say it every day, I promise but you need stay with me.”

“I love you, O-ocean. Whenever you l-look up a-at the sky a-and see a s-star re-rememb-ber me. Okay? Pr-promise m-me?” I was losing him I could feel it. I didn’t answer. I was crying so hard that I couldn’t even see anything.

“Promise m-me!” he demanded.

“I promise. I promise baby.” I said

And he closed his eyes forever. I felt everyone was gathering around us. Then I saw him. Stefan…

I was fuming because he was smiling over my mate’s death. I felt something rose in me. Everywhere became dark and there were lightning everywhere. I felt my eyes turned complete white. I was going to make him pay for everything he had done to me and the people I loved.

I threw a fist to the floor and the ground beneath us cracked. The crack was going towards Stefan. He was trying to run but it was inevitable. His death will be from my hands.

He fell to the crack with a scream but I saw him held on to the surface. He was looking at me with a begging expression.

“Please Ocean, I’m your uncle. Please come on, hold my hand. We can be like we used to be.”

I looked at him with pity.

“Don’t you like it? I’m surprised because I used dark magic just like you. I thought you would be proud of me.” I said

He looked more than scared. As a matter a fact he looked petrified. But this was what I wanted him to feel. In this war no one helped me. Not even the mermaids that came with me to help because just like me everyone knew that this was my battle.

“You stopped being my uncle when you made plans to hurt me. This was the inevitable end of you. Just like I said it was the beginning of the end, your end. Goodbye uncle!”

I closed the crack while he was falling deep into it. This was it. The war between the Dark Side and our kingdom is ended.

I lost many people to this war just like a lot of people like me. It made us violent people who are seeking for an end or a revenge for the people they love. And now everything came to end but with great number of lost.

I looked towards the people from all Seven Kingdoms.

“All of you had lost the people you love in this war. I can’t give them back to you but I can promise you that under my rule no war will begin again. None of you will lose your beloved ones again.

I am your new Queen Amelia Ocean Mariah Corvinues and I swear in front of you that there will be nothing but peace in these lands from now on.

This is a new era. THIS IS MY ERA!”     

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