The L Word

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I know how much you hate me for taking it so long but I really didn't have time. This will be the last upload until I pass my exams. So sorry for the grammer mistakes. And please




Love you all :))


Edward’s Pov

How can I just sit there and watch them without hurting? How can I say that I don’t care when I’m burning inside?

They are laughing and having fun while I am crying for my lost. Ocean and Logan are back together but now I am the one being the outcast.

I know how hard Ocean’s work is and I know she needs some fun after all that boring meetings but I really wonder sometimes if I ever come across her mind.

I know that I’m being selfish by saying that but at least we were happy back at the academy when there was nothing to think. I am lost when I can’t even talk to Ocean.

Now I had to listen full of bullshit due to my position. Yes I mean being an Alpha can be a suck it up situation.

“Edward what do you think son?” I came to earth with my father’s voice

“Excuse me? I couldn’t hear it?”

“We were thinking about sending some of the royal forces to the areas where the Neola’s living. What do you think?” asked the King, wow I must be away for a long time

“I think that’s a very good idea. But there is a little problem.”

“What is it?” asked the Queen with a soft smile. God she is so much like Ocean with that smile, okay I have to stop now.

“What about the free ones. Free from the territories of the other’s?” I know they are important too. And no matter how powerful they are they can’t take a stand against those forces.

 “You are right. How about we bring them here until the war ends?” asked dad

“Well that’s a solution but I don’t think that would be enough. There are so many of them and I don’t think they will want to leave their homes.”

The King seemed really bothered now. He waited for a while to think like the rest of the leaders.

“I can help them.” Everyone stopped and looked to where the sound was coming from. I couldn’t because I knew who that person was and I don’t have courage to see her now.

“How sweetie?” asked the queen

“I can make a border for their safety. You know where they can be away from all this drama.”

“But shouldn’t you go there for the spell, your highness?” asked one of the young alpha’s which I despise because of his looks towards Ocean. I shifted in my seat to stop myself from jumping to him.

“I don’t need it. I can make the spell here but I’ll need a lot of things. First alphas I need you to bring the names and a belonging of these people. I will collect the other items, but I will need a lot of power so you all will join the ceremony, is that ok?”

She said it with such authority that nobody could say anything.

“Of course princess.” Said my father

“Good now if there isn’t any important thing to say I want to take my mate for a while.” She said, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. Even the ones that didn’t know about me being her mate was looking at me with shocked and expectation, like I need to do something before anything else happens.

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