Little Prophet

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Hey guys, I finished but if it's short I'm really sorry. My computer was broken and haven't come back from service yet so I had to write on my mother's haha. Anyway I hope you like it. Don't forget to share, love you aaaaall :))


Ocean’s Pov

Sometimes, something goes wrong. People, places or decisions don’t be made by your will. Sometimes you fall in love with someone you completely hate. And sometimes when a mermaid comes to you and tell you that they will accept you as their last queen, there won’t be chance for you to reject.

 Before I could reject and go back to my house to whip around my room, the leader of their haven, Marine, the mermaid who had talked to me earlier, held my hand and walked.

There was nothing to say really. Not when the water was calling for me but I turned around to look at Nicolai anyway. He was standing there with a beautiful smile on his handsome face. I knew he was approving my decision.

With that approval I turned and let them take to their colony. It was long and hard journey. I thought I needed to breath but when Marine took my hand there was no need to breath.

While we were swimming there, I looked around to see hundreds of mermaids and mermans had joined us. It was a sight to see. It was amazing to see that thousands of sea creature swimming with us and honoring us like we are the most important people in this universe.

Come, my child.” I heard Marine said.

We were getting closer to a place that looks like a small city. “This is our colony where our leaders stay. We have hundreds of colonies but this, this is the most sacred one.” She said

When we arrived to the center of the city, a man that gives authority came forward and kissed Marine.

“This is my husband Jaquah.” Marine introduced us.

“It is an honor to be in your presence, my Queen.” He bowed; I felt my cheeks burning from embarrassment. I mean I was used to these kinds of things but when a leader of a society that I thought was a myth bows to you, trust me it was a little weird.

“I… I am not a queen yet.” I said

He looked up and smiled genuinely. “Trust me; we wouldn’t be here, accepting you as our queen if we didn’t believe you. You were born to be the Last Queen. You are meant to be the leader of seven kingdoms. You, Ocean Corvinues, you will be the most powerful queen of all times.”

“How can you know that?” I whispered. This was too much to take. Yes, I was raised to be the queen but I never thought this would mean something as big as this.

 “Come, let us talk before ceremony.” Marine said

“Ceremony? What ceremony?”

“There will ritual for you to be accepted as our queen. It is an ancient business because we haven’t accepted anyone since Michael Corvinues. It is a miracle that I can feel his power in your bones. You really are coming from his bloodline. You are young Ocean. But you will learn how important you are in this war between Light and Dark.”

They took me inside the palace. The throne room we sat was outrages. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. There was a round table on the corner and three huge thrones.

One of them was small and standing in the middle of two. I couldn’t understand why they would put it there but I couldn’t deny the fact that it was beautiful with breath-taking diamonds around it.

Marine must have felt my carious looks to the throne because she smiled and nodded somewhere close to the door. Just then a little girl with beautiful long red hair and green eyes that would take your soul within minutes came in running towards Jaquah.

“Daddyyyy!” she yelled and jumped to his lap. Jaquah laughed and hugged her tight. She was the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen.

“How is my little spit fire?”

“Daddy, I told you not to call me that!” she pouted and looked away from his dad. Suddenly her eyes found me and widened. She seemed like she went in a shock state. Slowly she got up from his father’s lap and came towards me.

“You are her, aren’t you?” she whispered in awe. I didn’t understand what was going on so I just kneeled in front of her.

“Who am I?” I asked

“You are the Queen of seven kingdoms. You are the last Corvinues. I can’t believe it. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. You are more beautiful than you were in my dreams.”

I couldn’t believe even this little girl knew who I am or who I meant to be. But seriously what is this seven kingdom deal? There are only 5 kingdoms in this world with mermaids.

Vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves, witches and mermaid… then what are they talking about? I reminded myself to ask them that later.

“What do you mean in your dreams?” I asked the other question that stuck in my mind.

“Mina was the one who saw you in her dream. It’s more like a prophecy. She is our little prophet in here.” Said Jaquah

I was shocked with his statement. She was the first young prophet I’d seen in my life.

“How did you see me? What was doing?” I asked

She looked at her mother at first I think for approval and when she nodded, Mina started talking making me paralyzed.   

“I saw you with a big crown on your head. You were holding a man’s hand but I couldn’t see him. The sun was shining on your head and your eyes were the most breath-taking blue I’ve ever seen. There were people behind you. They were coming from all seven kingdoms.

And a man was looking at you from the sky and smiling. His eyes were the same shade of blue with yours. The other day I was reading a book about ancient history and I saw the man’s photo. That man was Michael Corvinues, father of us all.”

Nicolai’s Pov

After mermaids took Ocean with them, I stood where I was for a while. One by one everyone was realizing how powerful she is. One by one everyone was giving their loyalty to her.

She was the most special and amazing girl I’ve ever met. The way her eyes shine when she smiles was the view that I wanted to watch until the day I die. People may consider it love at first sight but I wouldn’t say that.

If I was waiting for her for a thousand years then how could it be love at first sight? I waited for her for a thousand years and I am willing to wait for thousands more.

While I was thinking hard about it, I couldn’t hear the yelling coming from the palace. I wanted to wait for Ocean but I couldn’t help but think what if it was something important?

So I ran towards the palace. When I was in front of it I saw the guards were waiting outside anxiously. I got closer and asked one of them.

“What is going on in there? What is this chaos?”

He turned and looked at me in the eye. It was obvious how nervous he was from his features.

“The dark side…” he couldn’t finish his sentence because the King came out and his eyes found me. His next words were enough to make me nervous too.

“Find Ocean, the dark side is coming. We have to prepare for the war.”   

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