The Beginning of the End

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I know I was late again and I'm so sorry but I couldn't write anything for a long time. I hope I can write longer the next time I hope you like it because it is 'The Beginning of the End...'


Nicolai’s Pov


They placed their men everywhere. We had the upper hand, that was obvious but they had something we didn’t. Demons…

The clearing, just outside the palace, was the battle ground. We didn’t see the head of them, Stefan yet. But I was sure that he would be here any second. I knew he wanted Ocean because of her powers but I swear the god, if he tries to hurt her I will kill him with everything I have.

Ocean didn’t come from the mermaid kingdom. Yet… I told where she was when the King asked me. For a second he looked at the Queen and they had the same knowing smile on their faces.

I didn’t know what was going on and they didn’t tell me either. I tried to get an answer but every time I asked they said: “You will learn soon.” I was going crazy. I didn’t know if Ocean was okay or how this war will end.

“Nicolai! You will be the head of the Archers.” The commander said. He was leading the army because the true commander, Ocean, wasn’t here.

“I’m on my way.” I said and started running towards the roof. The Archers took their places and I was leading them.

When I arrived there I saw one of Ocean’s friends, Chase. He looked at me when I stepped onto the roof.

“She will be okay. Don’t worry. She is the strongest woman and hybrid I’ve ever seen.” He said

He must have realized how worried I was. I nodded and went to stand where I was supposed to be. I knew Ocean and I knew how strong she is but she is my mate and I couldn’t help but be worried.

I found her after a painfull life. 1000 years I tried to find her and now I found the woman I was destined to be with and I have no intention to let her go.

“Why aren’t they attacking?” said one of the fighters.

“They are here for a reason and they are waiting for it.” I said

“What reason?” she asked

“Ocean.” Answered Chase “They are here for Ocean and right now, we are nothing to them. Their prize is her.”

Ocean’s Pov


“When will we be there?” I asked from the mind link. Since I was a mermaid now, I could communicate with them underwater.

“Five minutes more then we’ll be there.” Answered Jaquah

The Dark Side has stepped into the forbidden land. My land… If they hurt any of the people I love, I’ll make them pay for it.

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