Divide in Two

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I'm sorry guys it was short but I'll make sure the other chapter will be longer. :)

Love u all :*


Chapter 3

Logan’s Pov

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. When I turned to look whose room this is I saw a blond girl with big tits. I think this was the girl I found yesterday at the party.

Wow, my had is like blowing. I have to get out of here before she wakes up. I can’t handle with another whining girl about how much she likes me. Seriously, if you want a serious relationship ten go find a sweetheart. I’m a playboy what kind of idiot waits commitment from me.

Anyway I got up from the bed and got dressed quickly. When I walked out I found a few friends sleeping in the living room. I poked them to wake up and told them that we should go before these girls wake up. Yeah, they are like me too, except Edward, he is the sweetheart in our group in the same time one of my best friends.

We were sent to this academy for protection. Because of the war every teenage needed to sent. My dad is one of the strongest alphas in the world. I will take the title on my 18th birthday which is 2 weeks away.

When we arrived to the campus, I slept for a few hours then when I woke up, I quickly jumped into the shower, god, I smell slutty and like cheap beer. When I finished having shower, I put my black shirt and a pair of CK boxers with my dark jeans and finally my leather jacket. What can I say? I love being a bad boy.  

I should have found my mate when I turned 16 but I still haven’t. Who cares? I don’t want a mate anyway. Like I said I love my bachelor life and I don’t have an intend to lose it. Anyway after I finished dressing I walked out to meet with our group.

As soon as I arrived a Lamborghini caught my attention. Wow that car is like my dream car, I mean we are wealthy but this car is way ahead of me. I walked out of the car and went next to my group.

“Dude, have you seen the new girl? I’ve never seen anyone hotter man. She already caught attention of every male in the school.” Said Mike

“Really, how does she look like?” I asked

“Dude are you even listening to me she is the hottest girl I have ever seen. And you know I don’t say things like that.”

Yeah he was right no matter how much of a player he is, he just finds the hottest girls in the campus, of course after me. Suddenly a piano started playing on the speakers of the school and a girl’s voice filled the air.

Wow, I haven’t heard anything more beautiful than that. I was so captured by her voice that I didn’t realize I was walking towards the auditorium. When I stepped inside I saw the most beautiful girl playing the piano and singing.

Not just me everyone in the school started to come to auditorium and filled the seats and the windows were full of people watching her with awe and the males were with lust. I wanted to growl at them and rip their eyes off for looking at her like that. I don’t know what’s going on with me but she captivated me with everything.

Her voice was like heaven to my ears. She had metallic- blond hair and amazing body but I couldn’t see her eyes because her eyes were closed while she was singing. I have never wanted anyone that much in my life. She was so hot. No! She was beautiful.

When she finished the song everyone started clapping and screaming. She looked around surprised. My Lord! Her eyes have the most amazing color. Her smile… I can’t explain how much I want her to be mine. When she was surrounded by other people I couldn’t help but growled a little.

Then our music teacher came forward and talked to her, she smiled widely and nodded. Suddenly she came closer to me, her scent hit me. The most beautiful ocean scent with lotus mixed…

MATE! My wolf howled with happiness. Wow I can’t believe I found her. I mean I know I’ve never wanted a mate but she was pure perfection. I realized she was human but I didn’t care at the moment.

When I caught her scent our eyes met and locked. She was looking directly at me wow her eyes looks more piercing closer. Just as I was about to walk, Britney, our school slut, came in front of me and broke our eye connection.

“Hey Logan, I missed you, you know? Why don’t we go have some fun? These people are obsessed with that new girl, I don’t see why, because she is really ugly and I hated her voice anyway” she said while wrapping her arms around me. I was furious at her comment about our mate.

The only thing my wolf and I want right now is rip her head off for insulting our mate. But she was one of the pack members so I can’t do that. So I just pulled away just in time to see that my mate was leaving.

“I don’t want you Britney get lost.” I said and walked after her.

I stopped in front of her; she looked surprised but didn’t say anything so I decided to start the conversation. I raised my hand and smirked.

“I’m Logan Newman and I believe you are my mate.”

She didn’t say anything for a few minutes than took my hand. Her hands felt so soft and warm that I wonder how her body would feel against mine.

“I’m Ocean Lively.” She said with a melodic voice. Just like her scent, her name is ocean too. Wow she was really beautiful.

“So, do you want to go on a date with me?” I asked nervously. What? I’ve never asked a girl out, they always came to me.

“Don’t you already have an appointment with that brunette.” She asked and raised an eyebrow. Wow, jealousy, I like it. My smirk grew.

“She means nothing. So what do you say?” I asked but suddenly she started looking around.

“Are you ok? What’s wrong?” I asked but her eyes were glued something behind me. When I turned I saw Edward standing there looking at her with love and admiration clear in his eyes. Wait! Love? What the fuck? I growled at him and finally they turned to look at me. Edward growled at me too. And we looked each other with confusion and. Hate?

“What are you doing with my mate?” he asked

“What the fuck are you talking about she is not your mate. She is mine.” I yelled and every eye in the school turned to us. I looked at Ocean and she was looking at us with confusion.

“Tell him Ocean. Tell him that I’m your mate.” I said. I tried to hide the pleading but couldn’t

 She looked at me for a while and turned to him. I knew she would chose me we are mates after all. I smirked with confidence but her next words shocked me as hell.

“I don’t know what is going on but both of you are my mates.”

Ocean’s Pov

“I don’t know what is going on but both of you are my mates.”

I didn’t know what was going on but both of them felt the same. Both of them were my mates. But how can that happen?

“What?!” they yelled in unison

I couldn’t handle it right now. This is too much to take.

“I can’t do it. I’m sorry I have to go.” I said and walked away before they can stop me. Blake and Megan followed me with the same confusion in their faces.

I need to call my mom. NOW!

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