23. New Beginings

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  If you have not read 'Overjoyed' or '3 AM' , I suggest you do! Otherwise the plot and most of the characters will be a mystery to you! 


Sitting down at the small desk I slowly pulled out the journal I had saved all of my mum's memories in. Reading over a couple I soon found myself at an empty piece of paper. Resting my head in my hand I gradually started to write as memories of how Alfie and I met come to mind.
The scent of the large party hall instantly came to my mind as the way I had felt followed. I was fresh out of school with thoughts of University on my mind, I was dumbfounded how something as crazy as making videos with my spare time had brought me to a large partying in London. What I expected for the night wasn't nearly as good as what had came from it. Alfie and I were just two dumb kids that had fallen in love with the thought of being in love. Yet through the hot summer days and cold winter months of that first year, we both kind of grew up. Cheating on Alfie with Jack, the first time, was something that had regretted and still regret to this day. But the way that Alfie and I had found our way back to each other was something that would only be in a fairytale, but we did it. And with that second summer coming Alfie and I had not only fell back in love but we had created one of the greatest gifts and the most beautiful little girls ever.
Many people would say that Alfie and I ran head first into a relationship, we had moved way to fast and married too early. Then again many of those people don't really know what real love is. Of course Alfie and I had strayed a bit while I was pregnant with Tallulah but like always we found ourselves together once again. However this time we decided to make it final and got married. I am kind of happy that we got married when we did mainly because both of our mothers were present and there to celebrate with us. Thinking about my and Alfie's life now I can honestly say we have made mistakes, we have gotten greedy and lost a lot. But to have these two babies on the way we are family rich.
"Writing again?" I heard a voice laugh.
"Maybe" I sighed as I turned to see Alfie and Tallulah standing at the door, "and what do I owe this pleasure?"
"We want to see the babies" smiled Tallulah, "are they kicking tonight?"
"They might be" I smiled, "I guess we could have some family time before bed."
"I love family time!" giggled Tallulah as the three of us laid down on my and Alfie's large bed.
I was now officially a month from my due date, however with twins I could go at any time. After reveling that we were having twins in late December, Niomi and Marcus had reveled that they would be welcoming a baby girl in the beginning of April. Coming right on schedule the small six pound angel was born but without a mother. Just fifteen minutes after delivering the small bundle of joy, Niomi had found her place in Heaven with her angel babies. We were all shocked by the news but soon banded together to help Marcus and his new little girl make it in this world. I often think of Niomi and how much she wanted a child of her own, yet to know she was with her others made me feel a bit better.
"I think one just kicked me!" yelped Tallulah as she pulled her small hand from my stomach.
"You must've woke them up!" smirked Alfie as he pulled out his cell phone.
"You and the boys going out tonight?" I questioned.
"Yeah, I mean Marcus is..."
"I understand" I nodded.
"Do you really?" sighed Alfie, "I mean if you are feeling a bit off, or need help with.."
"We will be fine dad!" smirked Tallulah as she continued to rub on my stomach.
"Yeah, dad..." I giggled as Alfie left a small kiss on my hand.
"It will only be for a while, I will be back before you even notice I am gone"
"Just be careful and take you cell phone" snapped Tallulah, "mummy hates it when you forget your phone."
"She does?" grinned Alfie.
"I do" I giggled as I winked down to Tallulah.
"I am putting it in my pocket right now, so I won't forget it, okay?"
"Good" smiled Tallulah.

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