18. Him

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If you haven't read 'Overjoyed' or '3 AM', I suggest you do! Otherwise the plot and most of the characters will be a mystery to you!


Carrying a box of clothes into the familiar bedroom I couldn't help but feel like I was home. Six years ago, I wouldn't have even thought that I would be moving back into the very same apartment, but this time with a daughter and husband. Just thinking about all of the things that had happened here made my head spin. This was the place that Alfie and I had conceived Tallulah, we had brought her home, and had made our own home. This apartment was where Jack and I had started out, but soon realized we were just kids playing house. When we moved from here, I never really felt like we were home anywhere else. This apartment was the only place that actually was my home, it was a place where I really felt like I belonged. It was home and it would never be anything but.

"Is this your room?" I heard Tallulah ask as she sat down on the big bed.
"Yes" I answered as I joined her, "this has been my room for six years."
"Is this were you and daddy lived before me?"
"Yes, we lived here nearly two years before you came along."
"So, this was my first house?"
"This is your home, where your daddy and I brought you from the hospital."
"I like this room" smiled Tallulah.
"Me too" I giggled.



"So how did you convince Zoe to let you come back home so fast?" questioned Joe as we stacked boxes outside of the truck.
"I didn't have to convince her" I huffed, "she finally saw that I am here for her, always have been."
"Yeah, but how can she go from hating you, to loving you in like an hour?"
"I don't think she really hated me" I laughed, "Zoe is a really good actress."
"Well, tell her to turn on that smile, trouble is coming." sighed Joe as he pointed to Jack as he turned the corner.
"Shit, what is he doing here?" I muttered.
"He was her fiancé, until your arse showed up." chuckled Joe.
"I'm her husband" I yelped as I stepped from the truck.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as Jack flashed a cheeky grin.
"Here to see my fiancé, what are you doing?"
"Shes not marrying you, we aren't getting a divorce."
"Yeah, I know that. But once I go up there and talk to her, she will see the real you. She loves me, Alfie."
"Let me get this straight" I laughed, "you were helping her move today and you just up and leave her to do it herself? You take and move in on my family when I am gone? You really think she is going to take and throw six years down the drain?"
Exactly" he smirked, "your broken, Alfie. Zoe and Tallulah need a real man in their lives, one that loves them over a bottle of beer."

Clenching my fist, I started to lunge on him when I felt an arm wrap around my chest.
"Alfie, don't do this" yelped Joe, "hes not worth it, you know Zoe loves you more than him."
"Loves him more them me?" scoffed Jack, "if she loved him more than me, then why did she fuck me?"
"JACK!" screeched Mr. Sugg as he stood at the door of the apartment building, "I think its time for you to leave."
"With all do respect" coughed Jack, "I would like to see your daughter, we left things.."
"I will give you three seconds" growled Mr. Sugg, "before I let Alfie and Joe loose on your ass."
"Fine" sighed Jack, "but Zoe isn't going to fall for your whole sober routine Alfie, shes told me how much she hates you, plus I can make her scream in ways you can't."



Making Tallulah a small bed on the couch I watched as she slowly fell asleep. After nearly ten hours of moving, she was in need of a long nap. Hearing a loud scream from the street I slowly poked my head out of the window as I quickly spotted Jack near the steps with Alfie and Joe with looks of anger written across their face.
"Shit..." I muttered as I jolted from the apartment to the street.
"Zoe, get back upstairs" sighed my dad I pushed past him and down the steps, "ZOE!"
"Jack" I yelled as he looked over to me, "what are you doing here?"
"I need to talk to you" he sighed as he pulled at my arm, "I am sorry for just leaving, I was upset."
"You had a right to be" I muttered, "but I just can't do this."
"Can't do what?" asked Jack as we continued to walk away from Alfie, "hold up this act that you love him?"
"But I do love him, I mean he is my husband the father of Tallulah.."
"Yeah, but he hasn't been one for nearly two years. Don't throw your life away on him, Zoe, you are much better than that."
"Jack, you don't understand. I love Alfie, but.."
"You don't love me?" he asked a bit heartbroken.
"I am sorry Jack, I just can't commit to you while I still have feelings for him. I have to make things right."
"So this is it?"
"I am sorry, Jack."
"No, Zoe, I'm sorry." he muttered as he looked up at Alfie and then back to me.



Sitting on the steps I watched as Zoe wrapped her arms around Jack as she pulled from his grasp and handed him the ring. Seeing the look of pain and hurt in Jack's eyes, I knew that Zoe had picked me, she finally believed in our love as much as I did.

Watching her turn to walk back down the side walk, she slowly came to a stop as her cell phone lit up in her small pocket. Answering a call her eyes went from happiness to distress in just a matter of seconds. Tears soon started to fall from her eyes as she ended the call and sprinted towards the steps.

"We have to get to the hospital" huffed Zoe as she ran into my arms, "its Niomi."
"Niomi?" I asked confused.
"They think she is in labor."
Feeling all of the air leave my lungs I slowly looked down at Zoe as the pain from Aniston's birth made itself known.
"Its okay, Zo" I whispered as wrapped my arms around her shoulders, "just breath.

Walking through the familiar halls Zoe and I rounded the corner to see Marcus sitting on the floor with his head on his knees, his white shirt covered in blood.
"Marcus" yelped Zoe as she broke from hands and down the hall.
"Zoe...Alfie..." he sighed as he stood tears staining his face.
"What happened? How is Niomi? The baby...?"
"We were out picking her a wedding dress, we were going to get married tomorrow in a small ceremony, Niomi wanted to be married before the baby came. First she was changing into a dress the next thing I know she is on the ground, I tried to get her here faster..but all of the traffic..."
Watching Marcus start to break down, I tried to stay strong and comfort him and Zoe, but the thoughts of how painful this was for not only Marcus but Zoe entered my mind. I wanted to say something, anything to make this pain go away, but I knew that I couldn't.



Walking into the darken room I quietly made my way to Niomi's bed side. Marcus had mentioned about Niomi delivering the baby but he wasn't sure what both of their conditions were. Thoughts of Aniston and the day that I had delivered her and Tallulah both flashed before my eyes. I wasn't awake for Tallulah's but for Aniston I was awake and fully aware of everything that was happening. To loose a baby within minutes of giving birth is in a world of pain by itself.

"Zoe?" I heard a faint voice call, "is that you?"
"Niomi" I whispered as I took her cold hand, "I am here."
"How is Marcus?" she asked as she tried to squeeze my hand, "is he okay?"
"Worried about you" I smiled shyly, "he really loves you."
"And the baby?"

Feeling my throat start to become dry I slowly looked down at her small bump. I didn't want to be the one to tell her this news, I shouldn't have been the one. But she was a friend and she was worried, when I had delivered Aniston none of the doctors would give me a straight answers, Alfie had to tell me.

"They have him in the NICU".
"Him? it's a boy?"
"You and Marcus have a boy" I smiled.

Hearing the door open I could feel a smile cross my face as Marcus and Alfie appeared.
"Shes awake" I smiled.
"Niomi?" Marcus called as I stepped out of his way and back into Alfie's arms.
"How is he, Marcus?"
"Hes small, but the doctors say were you were 26 weeks that he might be able to over come this."
"I am sorry for pushing myself" cried Niomi, "I should have stayed in bed."
"Its not your fault, babe. Our son is beautiful, you did perfect."

Looking up to Alfie I couldn't help but start to cry as he left a small wet kiss on my forehead. The love that Marcus had for Niomi made me think of Alfie.

"Are they back together?" I heard Niomi ask Marcus as he looked over at Alfie and I with a grin.
"I think so" he laughed as Niomi turned her head to look at us.
"Good, they deserve each other" she smiled faintly.
"Yeah, so whens the wedding?" I asked as Niomi laughed, "you know I have to be the maid of honor."
"You will be" laughed Niomi as she turned her glance back to Marcus, "can Alfie be your man of honor?"
"He can be my best man" laughed Marcus as he gave Niomi a small kiss.
"Good, because you know I have to be in this wedding" laughed Alfie.

As hours started to pass, they were able to give Niomi several pints of blood which made her blood pressure and other stats come up pretty quick. She was able to hold down some juice and a bit of toast as a late night snack. The condition of the little boy was never discussed as Zoe and I visited but for some reason I knew that whatever happened with him, the love that Niomi and Marcus had for one other and the little boy would never be broken. No matter what happened after all this was over they would stand together as strong as ever due to the fact that they were in love.

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