20. Pre-Dinner

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If you haven't read 'Overjoyed'  or '3 AM' , I suggest you do! Otherwise the plot and most of the characters will be a mystery to you!  


Waking up I could feel the warm sun streaming through the window blinds as the smell of pancakes and eggs filled the air. Rolling over I wasn't surprised to see an empty bed next to me. Thinking over last nights events, I couldn't help but feel a sense of refreshment as if things between Alfie and I were brand new.

Tying on my comfy bath robe I slowly peaked my head out from the bedroom as Tallulah sat at the large kitchen counter coloring, as Alfie stood behind the stove whistling and cooking. Standing still I slowly took in the scene as Tallulah looked up and noticed me watching.

"Mummy, its about time you woke up" she smiled as I walked into the small kitchen.
"Oh come on, Tallulah, can't mum sleep in just one day?"
"I guess" she sighed, "but not when you guys have an important date today."
"Important date?" I smiled as I rested my head in my hand as I leaned onto the counter. "what kind of important date?"
"Something that was suppose to be a surprise" grunted Alfie as he peered over to Tallulah.
"I thought she knew" giggled Tallulah.
"Well, I do now" I smirked.
"Anywayyy" hummed Alfie, "we have a dinner date tonight, with Louise, Matt, Tanya, Jim, and Marcus and Niomi."
"Oh" I sighed a bit confused, "that sounds like fun."
"It will be mummy, grandmother is coming to watch me."
"She is?" I smiled, "but I thought she was going to be with Joe and Poppy?"

Truth was that my mum had agreed to become their live in nanny while Joe moved on with his Youtube career and Poppy went back to her job as a teacher at the local school. After the divorce my mum was left with nothing, no where to live or anything, so Joe and Poppy agreed to let them live with her in Bristol for free.

"Well, she called this morning and said she wanted to come over and spend sometime with Tallulah. She had something to tell us."
"That's what she said, mum." chimed in Tallulah as I stood from the counter.
"So I heard" I snapped back at Tallulah as I shuffled back into the bedroom.
"Are you okay?" yelped Alfie, "breakfast is almost finished."
"I am fine" I answered, "I just need to freshen up."

Picking up my cell phone I slowly made my way into the bathroom as I dialed Joe's number. Closing the door behind me I started to pace around the bathroom, listening to the ringing. My mum had a couple of medical scares in the past couple of weeks, one thing that had tore Alfie and I apart, yet I hadn't mentioned them to him. I couldn't help but think of the worse when Alfie had said my mum spoke of asking for time with Tallulah.

"Hello?" answered Joe a bit groggy.
"Joe" I sighed as I stopped in my tracks, "are you okay?"
"Fine..." he laughed, "whats wrong Zo?"
"Where is mum?" I snapped.
"She is out this morning, she said something about coming to your place, why?"
"She asked to spend time with Tallulah"
"Well, that's good." laughed Joe, "aren't you glad you have a mum that loves your kid?"
"I am, but Joe...it just doesn't sound like her."
"Zoe, she just wants to see Tallulah, I mean its been a while since they've seen each other, right?"
"Well...I guess."
"That's right. Now go and spend time with your daughter, or is that creepy to?"
"Bye, Joe." I sighed as I ended the call.

Turning around I slowly caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hair stood on the end of my head as last nights left over make up laid over my face.
"Real cute, Zoe." I groaned as turned on the water to the shower.
Stripping off my bath rob I slowly turned to examine my stomach as thoughts of having another baby popped in my mind. I wasn't on any type of birth control, quitting it the days when Alfie had moved out.  Running my hands over my navel and to the bottom of my stomach I quickly blew the bottom of it up.
"Baby?" I sighed.



Tightening up the dark blue tie I slowly looked over myself. I couldn't help but be thankful for the second chance that I was given. Not only with Zoe and Tallulah but for my life. The fact that I was a struggling alcoholic was a real world problem that many people weren't aware of. I had only spoke about it to Zoe, Marcus, Niomi, and my family. None of my blog or Youtube followers knew about it, which kind of made me feel happy but kind of sad. I wanted my life to be an open book, but if I was going to open it and let them in about my drinking problem I would have to let them in about my and Zoe's relationship, including Aniston.

"Ready?" I heard Zoe call from the bathroom.
"Yes" I sighed as I turned to see her standing in the doorway.
Her hair was down, simple curls with a bit of make up on. Her smile and low cut dress instantly caught my attention as she let out a small giggle.
"You like?" she asked as she met me in the middle of the bedroom.
"I love it" I smiled as I pushed my lips onto her, "I love everything about you, Zoe."
"I want to have another baby." she blurted out.
"Wh..what?" I asked confused.
"I've been thinking, Alfie I want another baby. I mean its been almost a year and a half since Aniston and..."
"You want to start trying again?"
"Yes" she smiled, "I want to have a house full of babies with you Alfie Deyes."
Nodding I slowly pushed my lips back onto hers as a giggle came from the bedroom door.
"Let me guess" I smirked, "Tallulah Eden Deyes?"
"How did you know?" she yelped as Zoe and I looked over to her.
"Lucky guess" I laughed as a knock came from the front door.
"Grandmother is here!" yelped Tallulah as she disappeared from the bedroom.
"Grandmother..." I cheered as Zoe and I stood in the bedroom as Tallulah opened the door to Zoe's mum.



Greeting my mum with a hug I slowly pulled her into the bedroom as I promised to Alfie that this would only take a minute.
Closing the door behind me, I slowly turned to face her as I let out a long sigh.
"Whats wrong?" I asked, "and don't lie to me and tell me everything is fine. I know that you had a cancer scare a couple of months ago. Apparently I am the only one that knows about this, since Joe hasn't spoke of it and you've divorced the only man you've ever been with."
"Zoe" she sighed.
"No mother" I snapped, "I want the truth and nothing less."
"I have cancer." she announced with a straight face, "I've had it for six months."

Feeling my stomach drop I couldn't help but feel tears start to sting the edges of my eyes. Six months ago she told me that it was just a scare, there was nothing there, that the doctors just thought that there was cancer but there wasn't. She had been lying to not only me, but Joe and my dad as well.

"Now, Zoe. There is no need to be alarmed, or scared" she smiled bravely.
"No need?" I choked out, "but you have cancer!"
"Zoe, do you know how proud I am of you and Joe? The two of you have gave me three of the most beautiful grandchildren in the whole world. Little Tallulah reminds me so much of you when you were her age. Her long hair, infectious smile and laugh. Zoe I have lived a long life, I have learned so much, from heartbreak to miracles. There is nothing to be afraid of with cancer, life is life and baby we just live it."

"But mum, how long do you have?"
"Now, you listen to me" she smiled as she wiped the now falling tears from my face. "Numbers are just numbers, they may tell you how much money you have or how old you should be but they don't tell you how long you will live. Only one man knows this, and he is not on this earth."
"But mum.." I cried as I buried my head into her shoulder, "How am I...how are we going to know what to do when you leave?"
"Oh my dear Zoe, you have known what to do all your life, I have just been here to watch you."



Sitting on the couch waiting for Zoe I couldn't help but watch as Tallulah sat coloring. The way that she randomly picked colors to fill the page made me think of Zoe so much. Zoe would always pick her life tasks at the drop of a hat, she would never think of what she was about to do, she just done them, which turned out to be one of the reasons why I really loved her. From loosing Aniston just months ago, and now wanting to try for another baby made me see just how strong and determined she really was.

Feeling my phone vibrate I slowly pulled it out of my pocket as Marcus's name lit up the screen with a text.
"Alfie, Jack is here at the dinner. Looks like this date night has turned into a business night for the girls. Hes brought a new member into the group of girls."
Letting out a sigh I quickly tapped out a message as the bedroom door opened.
"Who is it Marcus, is she pregnant?"
Feeling my phone I quickly stood to greet Zoe and her mum as I pulled out the phone.
"Yeah, its Sadie, Alfie. Shes pregnant with his baby."

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