10. A New Start

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[If you haven't read 'Overjoyed' or '3 AM' , I highly recommend you do, otherwise the characters and most of plot will be a mystery to you!]    


Zipping up my suite case, I pulled out my phone and brought up Zoe's number. I didn't want to call her, but I knew I had to. I had to make this call and move on with my life so I could have a brighter future. I had to go back to the rehab center and get a grasp back on my life. I knew that this time would be much longer than the six weeks I had stayed before but this was what I had to do. If Niomi's baby was mine, I had to be able to be a good father to it and I had to be the best father I could be to Tallulah, no matter what.
Clicking on Zoe's name I let out a low sigh as it started to ring.
Hearing her voice instantly made my mouth dry, all the words that I had practiced saying since I woke up, were gone.
"Alfie?" she asked as I made a low grunt, "Alfie?"
"Yeah" I coughed as I stood from the bed and started to pace the small room, "Zoe?"
"Yes?" she sighed.
"Zo, I don't really know how to say this"
"Okay?" she mumbled a bit confused.
"Zoe, I am going back to the rehab center today."
"I'm not sure how long this stay will be, but I promise when I come back out I will be a better father to Tallulah. I want to be able to take her places and be confident that I can be the best dad for her."
"That's good" she snapped as the phone became quiet again.
"Yeah, so like I said I might be in there a couple of weeks or even months. It is the same center as before, here in London. After a couple of weeks clean Tallulah will be able to visit for a day."
"We know the drill, Alfie." she interrupted.
"Oh" I laughed nervously.
"There was something I wanted to talk to you about, its about Tallulah and I."
"Oh, what is it Zo?'
"Tallulah and I are moving to London in late May. I am starting a new Youtube channel, and I need to be closer to filming."
"Youtube channel?" I asked confused, "what about your college work? Your dream of being a designer?"
"I will still be attending college, Alfie. I will just be switching schools for the fall, you know since we will be living there for a while."
"A while? What about the house? Where are you two going to stay?"
"Yes, a while" she scoffed, "maybe indefinitely, and I was going to ask you about the house. What would you think of Poppy and Joe lived here while Tallulah and I took their apartment? I mean it's the same building as yours, two bedroom with two baths...I mean it won't be any different than living here, just closer to you and to London."
"Okay..." I sighed, "I mean, its up to you and Tallulah. Hopefully I can be out before you guys move, that way I can help."
"Don't worry about that Alfie, just focus on yourself, Tallulah and I have an excellent team behind us."
"Oh" I sighed as I sat back down on the bed a bit confused.
Hearing the phone go silent I couldn't help but want to tell her that I loved her, that I wanted to be with her and Tallulah. I had so many things swirling in my mind that I wasn't sure how to tell her.
"Alfie?" she sighed as she broke me from my thoughts.
"Yea..h" I croaked as I rested my head in my free hand.
"I am meeting with a lawyer today, you know concerning the divorce. When you get settled into the center and are allowed to make calls, please call me so I can tell you what she says."
"Zoe" I muttered.
"Take care of yourself Alfie" she stuttered before the phone went black.
Tossing my phone behind me I could feel pieces of my heart start to break as the word 'divorce' ran through my mind. I had no idea how Zoe could give up on us as easy as she did. Then again there were plenty of things that I could have done to let Zoe know that I love her, but I couldn't change her mind, or could I?



Ending the call with Alfie made me feel a bit sad. When Alfie entered the rehab center the first time devastated Tallulah. She loves her visits with Alfie, but the fact that she could miss months worth would hurt her more than anything, having to explain to her again that Alfie would be leaving was not something I was looking forward to.
Letting out a low sigh I slowly made my way from my room and into the living room. Today was my first meeting with the lawyer about the divorce and my nerves were beyond torn up, I had never had to actually see a lawyer, so everything that I was going to experience in this small visit would be new to me. Flipping off the kitchen light along with the rest of the living room lights I quickly slipped on a pair of flats as my phone started to chime. Pulling it out of my pocket I was a bit relieved to see Jack's name run across the screen.
"Hello" I sighed as I answered the call.
"And how are you?" he asked with a bit of a cheeky tone to his voice.
"A bit frazzled" I answered as I ran through a mental list of all the things I needed.
"And why is that?"
"I am meeting with a lawyer today, about the divorce."
"Really?" he asked in shock.
"Yes, I mean if Tallulah and I are moving in May I want to be divorced and finished with Alfie before then. Its already March so..."
"No need to explain to me" laughed Jack.
"Well" I groaned as I pulled open the door as a familiar face stood smiling back, "what are you doing here!"
"I thought we could have an early lunch, plus I know how nervous you are about this lawyer stuff, and you hate the train...
"Jack" I sighed, "you are a life saver."
"So, they say..." he smirked as he gave me a small kiss.

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