13. Realize

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If you haven't read 'Overjoyed' and '3 AM' , I suggest you do! Otherwise the plot and most of the characters will be a mystery to you!


Monday, April 30th


Packing is in full force now since it is nearly a month until Tallulah and I will be living in London. Starting in the bathroom we have nearly everything packed from Tallulah's small area as mine has became a mess. From all of the beauty products, to smell goods I have almost had a panic attack just looking it all over. But I know once we are back in London, everything will be better.

My classes are about to end, which I will be getting passing marks in everyone of them. I have planned to take next semester off, until I am free of Alfie and settled into my new life. Tallulah on the other hand is passing everyone of her classes with flying colors and is a bit excited to be moving to a new school with new kids. She has even tried to finish all of her end of the year projects so we could possibly move a bit early.

As for Alfie and I, I agreed to attend a couple of the therapy sessions. I only agreed to them so we could talk about the divorce and possibly get him to sign the papers. We are scheduled to start our first session today, which is why I am writing this on the train. I'm not sure what to expect but I do wish it was already over and I will be spending my afternoon with Jack, Niomi and Marcus. Since it is a Monday, my dad and Joe are picking Tallulah up from school and having a bit of a family day with her.

I am a bit excited to see Marcus, it has been years since I've seen him. By the way that Niomi has spoke about him, hes grew up a lot and it excited to start a family with her. I just can't wait to spill the good news to everyone, good news about Jack and I.

Until next time,

Sitting down in the large room I slowly looked around at all of the décor and professional stuff. The large white walls were scattered with degrees from different colleges. A large fire place sat snuggly beside the door, followed by a desk on the opposite side. I however, sat in the middle of the room on one of the two large couches. I could feel my nerves start to tick as the door flew open.
"Zoe?" smiled the tall slender man, "I am Dr. Posner, I will be the therapist helping you and Mr. Deyes."
"Nice to meet you" I smiled as I shook his hand.
"Hello, Zoe" I heard a loud voice yelp as the door was slammed closed.
"Hi, Alfie" I sighed as I sat back down.
"So, where do we start doc?" groaned Alfie as he plopped down next to me, "where Zoe made me leave or where she cheated on me?"
"I never cheated on you!" I snapped as I scooted over to the edge of the couch.
"Don't lie!" laughed Alfie, "I seen you that night in the park with Jack. Joe and Poppy even told me about you two."
"We are separated, Alfie. Practically broke up, so I wasn't technically cheating."
"Okay guys!" laughed Dr. Posner as he sat on the other couch, "lets just take a deep breath, this is just our first session."
Glaring over at Alfie I couldn't help but want to smack him, the way his smug grin laid on his lips made his joker-ish eyes stick out.
"How did you two meet?" smiled the doctor as I moved my glance from Alfie to the large door.
"We met at a party" sighed Alfie, "it was the annual partnership thing that Youtube throws."
"Go on.." smiled Dr. Posner.
"I was talking to one of his friends when he just showed up with his other friend." I sighed.
"Would you say it was love at first sight?"
"Yes" blurted out Alfie as I slowly nodded.
"And you both were young?"
"It was nearly six and a half years ago, so yes" I snapped.
"I see..."



Listening to Zoe talk about her childhood I slowly looked over her small frame. The way that her short skirt laid just above her knees made me want her. Her thin shirt sat tucked into her skirt as her breast seemed to become a bit more perky and prominent. The way that she had changed her long dark hair back into the ombred blond made me think of her when we just met. The way that Zoe was a bit nervous and shy kind of turned me on to her, yet when we got to know each other better she came out of her shell and showed her funny personality and sexual side.
"How about your life Alfie?" asked the doctor as Zoe turned to look at me.
"There really isn't much to say" I sighed, "my dad was never around, my mum raised two kids on three different paychecks. I had to take a job once I had finished my GCSE's so I picked Youtube. After getting a big enough following I became a partner which led to the party and my meeting Zoe."
"What about your mother's death? Can you explain that time in your life?"
"I don't know..." I sighed, "it was after Tallulah was born. Zoe and I were living in London. My mum was on her way home after a lunch date with Poppy and I...and she was involved in a car accident."
"And she didn't make it?"
"No" I snapped, "she didn't."
"Do you think that's where a bit of your drinking came into play?"
Rubbing my face I quickly leaned my head into my hands as I sat on the edge of the couch.
"I guess" I sighed.
"It was very hard on him" muttered Zoe, "your safety blanket just jerked away from you...he was devastated."
"I agree" sighed the doctor.
Letting out a low sigh I slowly looked over Zoe's bare legs as she flashed her hands on her knee as she pulled down her skirt. Sitting a ring on her finger instantly made my face go red. It was either of the rings I had gave her, and wasn't one that I was familiar of.
"Where did you get that ring?" I asked as I stood from the couch, looking down at her hand.
"What ring?" snapped Zoe as she hid her hands.
"The one you have on, I didn't get you that ring!"
"Lets not talk about that right now" she sighed as she turned her attention back to the doctor.
"Zoe, where did you get it?" asked the doctor as he looked up at me, "I mean its obviously upsetting Alfie.
"Jack..." she mumbled as I started to pace the room.
"JACK!?" I screamed, "what in the hell are you doing accepting a ring from that ass?"
"I am sorry Alfie, but since you practically deserted me and Tallulah we've needed some positive male attention in our lives."
"You took him around Tallulah?" I screeched.
"So what?" she groaned, "Jack is a good man."
"Did you totally forget he cheated on your ass?" I laughed, "Zoe are you really that dumb to take him back?"
"I guess so" she sighed as she stood collecting her bag, "we are engaged.



Putting a bit of new powder under my eyes, I quickly made my way from the rehab center and to the nearby Nandos, where everyone was waiting for me. I couldn't believe how dramatic Alfie was about the ring, I mean I knew he would have been mad, but not that mad. The truth was Alfie and I was over, it was time for me to be happy, not to try and get him mad by doing nothing with my life. I had to be happy, not just for myself but for Tallulah.
Walking up the large stairs to the private room, I slowly breathed out a sigh of relief as I spotted Jack, Niomi and Marcus all waiting for me.
"Well, hello Zoe" smiled Marcus as he greeted me with a hug.
"Hello, everyone" I giggled as I found my spot next to Jack.
"How was your meeting with Alfie?" questioned Niomi as she sipped on her water.
"Dramatic" I groaned, "but it was okay..."
"I am sorry you had a rough day" whispered Jack as he left a small wet kiss on my cheek.
"Yeah, but on the Brightside, I get to have dinner with you guys, right?"
"Right" smiled Marcus.
"So Niomi are you on bed rest yet?" I asked as I looked over the menu
"Yes" she groaned, "for nearly two weeks."
"Oh, I bet that is fun" laughed Jack.
"Hardly" she sighed, "Marcus won't let me do anything productive."
"I just want the best for my girl and little boy" smiled Marcus as he looked around the table.
"A little boy?" I gasped, "really?"
"That's what the doctors are saying as of right now, but I go on May 18th for the anatomy scan." smiled Niomi, "but he is a health boy, you know despite the complications.
"Which we aren't going to talk about because I know my babes are going to come out just fine."
"That's a good way to think of things" smiled Jack as he looked over to me, "because Zoe and I have a secret of our own."
"Your pregnant!" screeched Niomi.
"Nooo" I laughed, "I haven't had sex in nearly two years, but Jack and I are engaged!"
"Really?" laughed Marcus, "congrats you two!"
"Whens the wedding!" yelped Niomi.
"We aren't sure but maybe in August." I smiled over to Jack.
"August is a perfect month" he smiled.



"Can she really be engaged?" I sighed as I sat motionless on the couch, "you know since we are still married..."
"Technically she can be, but before she can marry the two of you have to be divorced."
Letting out a loud sigh I couldn't believe that Zoe was engaged, had she really hated me that much? Did she want to through out our live together and start a new one with him? I still loved Zoe, she was and would always be my true love, but if she didn't want me, would it be fair to stay married? What was I accomplishing by forcing her stay with me?
"I am sure the rest of the therapy sessions will go better than this one. I mean this was just the first one..."
"I don't want to do this any more" I sighed, "I am going to sign the papers, and let her move on with her life."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I mean just three more months until I am free, so why should I try to make her wait for me, when she doesn't want to."

Come To Me (Zalfie Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora