7. The Night

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{If you haven't read "Overjoyed"or "3 AM" , I suggest you do! Otherwise the plot and most of the characters to this story will be a mystery to you! }  


Arriving back at the hotel I wasn't surprised to see countless messages from Jack. After passing out around midnight, at Joe's, I was awaken by the faint cry of the boys around seven. Not wanting to bother either Poppy or Joe I quietly let myself out and headed back to the hotel. It was now almost nine, with eight hours until I had to be back at the train station for Tallulah I decided to get a jump on some school work and try to keep myself busy. Changing into some leggings and a large sweater I made myself comfortable as I pulled open my laptop. Starting on a reading for my English class I was instantly interrupted by the ringing room phone.
"Hello?" I answered
"Zoe, its me Jack!" he laughed, "what happened to you last night?"
"Jack" I sighed, "I just needed some air, and then my brother called..and.."
"Its okay if you had a panic attack, I mean you seemed really bothered when I mentioned the whole Youtube thing."
"Oh" I laughed nervously, "you noticed the panic attack?"
"Zoe, you don't have to be ashamed about it, I mean I know you have anxiety"
"I just don't want it to affect us, Jack."
"It doesn't have to, pretty girl. I mean I love you, ALL of you, your good things and bad things."
Sensing my cheeks turn red I couldn't come up with what to say next, he had left me speechless.
"Listen, Zo" he sighed, "how about I pick us up some breakfast and spend the rest of your time in London with you at the hotel. It could be a fun way to spend your last hours here."
"Okay" I choked out, "I will see you then."
"Bye" he laughed as the phone went silent.
Letting out a low sigh I couldn't help but feel like I was falling in love all over again.

Laying down with Jack, I slowly nuzzled under his chin as he rested his head on mine. We had found a movie marathon on the hotel TV which was showing all chick flicks all day, exactly what I needed.
"So, what are your plans for this week?" I questioned as I felt his arm lay on my stomach.
"A lot of editing and uploading, I think Finn and I are going to start a new series on our channel."
"Oh really?" I smiled, "what about?"
"We aren't that far along in the planning" he laughed.
"Jack?" I sighed.
"I've been thinking about what you said about the Mom's Youtube channel...and I think I am going to do it."
"Really?" he yelped
"Yeah, I mean before I freaked out last night, when the girl noticed me by my Youtube name, it made me think. So what if its been a while since I've been on Youtube, its like my home, its where I met you."
"Zoe, I think this will be a great chapter to your life" he muttered, "your chance to reconnect with all of us, and to make your debut back on Youtube."
"Me too" I sighed as I felt him leave a small wet kiss on my forehead.



Sitting Tallulah's breakfast on the table I hurried into her room to wake her for our busy day ahead.
"Babe" I sighed as I pushed open her door, "time to wake up."
"Five more minutes" she groaned, "please."
Looking down at her small body I couldn't help but smile, the way that she laid and begged for more time instantly made me think of Zoe.
"Just five more" I laughed as I felt my phone start to vibrate.
"Hello" I whispered as I crept back into the kitchen.
"Alfie?" yelped Joe and Poppy.
"Yes" I answered a bit confused.
"Its Joe and I" announced Poppy, as if I didn't know who it was.
"Okay, and what did you two need?"
"Alfie" groaned Joe, "we need you to go and talk to Zoe."
"Whats wrong with Zoe?" I asked a bit concerned.
"Nothing is wrong with her" sighed Joe, "but she is dating again..."
Feeling a knot start to form in my stomach I slowly cleared my throat, "I kind of know.."
"How do you know?" asked Poppy.
"Who cares!" chimed in Joe, "you need to go to her before she leaves to go back tonight, you have to get her back!"
"Guys" I sighed.
"Seriously Alfie! You have to go to her, tell her you are willing to fight for her, tell her you want your family back!"
"Guys! I really do love you both for this, but..."
"Alfie" sighed Poppy, "I know you love her, and you love Tallulah. These girls are your life, you have to fight like hell to get this back, if you don't...I just don't want to think about that."
Hearing the phone go silent I couldn't help but look at Tallulah's door, to think of loosing her or Zoe made my heartache. I knew what Joe and Poppy were saying was right, I just didn't want to barge in and go at it the wrong way. Yet again I had waited nearly a year for the perfect moment to take my family back. I had to confront Zoe today and tell her how much I wanted to be with her and that I would go to the end of the world, that is if it meant that she would give me a second chance. I had to break things off with Sadie and fight for Zoe.
"Alfie?" screeched Poppy.
"I will talk to her tonight, before she leaves at the train station, okay?"
"Good" sighed Joe, "I just hope this doesn't end like my and Zoe's parents marriage."
"What?" I asked confused as the phone went black.
What was Joe talking about his parents marriage for? They seemed totally in love, especially at Joe and Poppy's wedding.

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