17. Same Place

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If you haven't read 'Overjoyed'  or '3 AM' , I suggest you do! Otherwise the plot and most of the characters will be a mystery to you!


Hearing a loud knock echo from the door I instantly stood up as Joe appeared from the hall.
"Zo, Jack and Finn just left...is everything okay?"
"Its fine" I snapped as I looked down at Alfie before I busted from the room and down the hall, "so do we have everything?" I asked as my dad stood in the living room.
"Everything from the kitchen, living room and Tallulah's room" nodded my dad as he crossed his arms, "are you okay?"
"Lets just get the rest of this ready to go" I sighed as I spotted Tallulah in the front yard, "I want to be ready to go before dark."
"Okay..." he groaned as he pushed past me and into the hall with Joe.
"Tallulah!" I yelped as I waved from the front door, "are you sure you have everything from your room?"
"Yes!" she smiled as she ran towards me, "daddy's better now!"

Nodding I smiled shyly as I was unsure what to say or do about Alfie. Of course we just kissed, but I wasn't sure of his condition regarding the rehab, so I couldn't really agree or disagree with her.
"Is daddy spending the night with us in the apartment?" she asked as ran past me and into the house.
"I'm not sure" I muttered as I followed her into the kitchen preoccupied with everything that had just happened.
"I wish he could" she giggled as she took a bottle of water from a box, "just the three of us." 
"Lets go and make sure we have all of your bath toys packed from the bathroom." 
"Okay.." she groaned as she pushed through the kitchen door.

Leaning back on the counter I couldn't help but go over the last couple of hours. Jack had left after reading my journal, which was suppose to be a secret, its not like I was writing to please anyone. But then he found the divorce papers, what Alfie had wrote was still there but what I had wrote was too. When receiving the papers I was in a dark place, I didn't have my head on straight, I was confused beyond words. I wanted to do the right thing, separate myself and Tallulah from Alfie. I wanted to make a better life for her and I, with a guy that I thought would put us first. Yet when I seen what Alfie had wrote, I had went back to the mind set when we were first married. When Alfie didn't have a drinking problem, when I loved being a mom and a wife. Yet as time went on, I slowly started to picture myself being a successful designer, mother and wife to man that actually appreciated me. I didn't see myself being married to Alfie, the guy that couldn't grow up from Youtube and that decided on a job with people and work that he didn't enjoy. I guess you could say all of his bitterness from his job was the major thing that was taking the toll on our lives.

"Mummy!" yelped Tallulah as she came through the kitchen door, "I forgot a couple."
Looking at her overflowing arms I couldn't help but laugh, "looks like you did" I smiled.



"Are you okay?" laughed Joe as he shut the door behind him.
"Fine" I sighed as I tried to wipe the smile from my face.
"What happened in here?" he asked a bit curious.
"Nothing" I snapped as I jolted from the floor, "we were just talking."
"About getting back together??"
"No..." I shook my head, "about our lives before meeting" I muttered, "you know she didn't want this life.."
"It doesn't matter if you or her wanted this life, Alfie this is what you all have and honestly I think you both need to decide what your going to do. You have a little five year old girl out there wanting nothing more than her parents to be together."

Looking down at the floor I slowly nodded as everything that Joe had said started to sink in. The truth of the matter was that Tallulah was going to be with Zoe and I for at least 13 more years, we had to work together to make sure that she had a good life. I wanted nothing more to have more kisses with Zoe, I wanted to be able to come back home and live our life the best way that we could. But could Zoe accept the new me? Could she take a chance on me and know for sure that I wouldn't mess up like before?

"Joe, the captain has spoke!" laughed Mr. Sugg as he opened the door.
"Oi, what is she saying now?" smiled Joe as he looked back at the door.
"We have until tonight to get all of this stuff gone." he chuckled as he looked over to me, "are you the new help, Alfie?"
"I guess so" I nodded, "that is if you guys want me."
"Boy, you will always be apart of this family" he laughed, "now start packing up this room."
"Yeah, boy" winked Joe as he gave me a nudge.

Throwing a sheet over the large dresser I slowly looked around the nearly empty room as thoughts of just moving in appeared. It was just six weeks after my mom had died, Tallulah was a wild toddler, Zoe had just signed up for college classes and I was just starting my addiction to alcohol. It was a cold morning as Zoe and I had beat the movers to the house. We still had a lot of planning on which room would be which and how we wanted everything set up. At that time her parents were gone on a honey moon trip, while Joe and Poppy were nursing new born twins. Looking around the room I could start to picture the very day we had moved in. We both were happy to finally have a home of our own, yet I was still mourning from the loss of my mum.

Letting out a sigh I slowly looked around the room as I came to a stop at the small bathroom door. It was suppose to be a master bath, yet it was smaller than the second one out near Tallulah's room. Just 24 months ago, Zoe and I both paced nervously outside the door as thoughts of another baby haunted both of our thoughts. I had been spending a lot of time at work, while Zoe was busy with her school work and working with Tallulah on learning the alphabet. We both didn't want a baby but in reality we would have welcomed one with open arms. Zoe was nearly in tears as the test came out positive, I was on the edge thinking of how we were going to support another child and if we could actually handle another one.

We had both agreed not to tell anyone about the baby until five months, we didn't want to get everyone excited since Tallulah's birth was so drama filled and unsure. Around 17 weeks we both had came around and was starting to get excited about the baby, Zoe had actually let me buy a small white bear for it.

Feeling my heart drop I instantly remembered the 17 week sonogram appointment. We had dropped Tallulah off at Zoe's mum and dad's for the day. We told them that we were going to the grocery store when in reality we were going to find the sex of the baby. Feeling the anticipation in my stomach I remember becoming almost sick as we walked into the darken room. A long bed was set in the middle of the room as a chair sat in the corner for me. Watching the nurse squirt the gel on Zoe's stomach she slowly looked over to me as a calm smile spread across her face. Within seconds we were introduced to our second daughter and given the news that there was no heartbeat. Aniston Elizabeth Deyes was born just days after that on August 23rd. As we buried her small body I could tell that a part of Zoe was also buried that day. She had become depressed and antisocial as I had taken on the responsibility of Tallulah and my job.

Our relationship started to go down hill after Aniston was born, with my drinking increasing along with Zoe distancing herself from me. We had an out pouring of support from Zoe's parents along with Joe and Poppy during the funeral for Aniston, yet I think Zoe wanted more support from our Youtube family. Just months after Aniston's funeral Zoe had told me she wanted me to go to rehab, which I did, but it didn't work. I didn't really take it serious and was constantly drinking after the meetings. Zoe had blocked herself from me sexually, making me sleep on the couch and refusing my kisses, I guess you could say that's why I did what I did with Niomi. Just weeks after rehab failed Zoe ordered me not to leave and to not come back.

"Daddy, are you okay?" I heard a faint voice ask.
"I am perfect" I sighed as I turned to see Tallulah, "do you have your things packed?"
"Yes, mum and grandfather are almost ready to leave, will you be coming home with us?"
"I will be helping you guys move in" I smiled.



"We are ready, Zoe" announced Joe as I stood back from the house giving it a small look over.
"Yeah, we are" I smiled as I looked back to the moving truck.
"So, dad and I will take the truck up to London, and you three can follow."
"Three..." I sighed as I watched Alfie shut the front door while holding Tallulah, it felt just like we were moving back in.
"Just give it a chance" I heard my dad whisper as he pushed past me and to the truck.
"A chance..." I muttered as Tallulah called for me.
"Mum! We are ready to leave! Lets go to London!" she giggled as she ran to the car.
"Is it fine for me to ride with you?" Alfie asked as he watched Tallulah run to the car, "I can call another cab..."
"You can ride with us" I sighed, "I mean we are going to the same place."
"Same place?" he asked confused.
"I want you to move back in Alfie. I think we owe it to her to try and make this work."

Seeing a smile cross his face, I watched as he wrapped his arms around my waist, slowly pushing his lips onto mine.
"I love you, Zoe" he whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
" I love you, Alfie."

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