2. Divorce

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[If you haven't read 'Overjoyed'  or '3 AM' , I highly recommend you do, otherwise the characters and most of the plot will be a mystery to you]  


"And you liked the princess gown?" asked Tallulah as she laid sleepily in her small bed.

"Of course I did!" I exclaimed with big eyes, "all those sprinkles of glitter, diamonds and the color...perfect!"

"Good!" she giggled as I tucked the covers around her small body, "what are we doing tomorrow?"

"How about going to see your cousins?" I suggested

"Aunty Poppy?" she gasped

"And uncle Joe and the boys" I nodded.

"YAY!" she cheered as I gave her a small kiss on the forehead.

"But, we have to go to sleep right now, so we can get up early and go, okay?"

"Okay, daddy" she smiled as she quickly closed her eyes.

Turning off her large light I slowly looked back before I shut her door. To be honest the best part of my Fridays were seeing Tallulah's small face in that bed, she was my life and even though Zoe didn't believe it, I loved Tallulah more than anything in this world. Shuffling into my room I quickly switched out of my work clothes and into a tank and some sleep pants, it was only 7:30, yet I was almost sleep walking, from the long day at work.

My days usually start just before daylight as I leave the apartment and to the office, getting there before eight is always my goal. As I enter the large office building I usually grab a cup of coffee and check my email for the days agenda. My duties usually consisted of working with difficult models, conceited actors and their managers. I was the assistant to the assistant to the assistant to the CEO of the PR firm, which is usually a fancy way of saying secretary. Sometimes I even helped with the accounting staff balancing the books and making sure the company stayed afloat. My job isn't much, yet its something I have to do, since my Youtube career started to decline.
After taking a break from making videos I soon came back with less than half of the subscribers I had before Tallulah was born. Taking a pay cut from Youtube, I've started a lifestyle blog which makes up from the loss.

Sitting down on the large couch I slowly opened my laptop as I opened my blog and Youtube. Around 7:30 was when I would start work on my online career and something that I loved. Hearing my Skype sign on I quickly clicked to see if she was online, feeling a smile spread across my face, I instantly hit call as I grabbed my headphones.

"Well, hello stranger" she giggled as I gave her a wave.

"Long time no see" I winked as I adjusted the volume so I could hear her.

"We talked last night.." she smirked.

"Nearly 24 hours!" I squeaked.

"Too long?"

"Yes!" I nodded, "toooo long."

"Oh, Alfie" she sighed.

Feeling my eyes run across the screen I looked over her small body as she sat curled up in a computer chair. Her light hair thrown into a ponytail with large thick framed classes around her eyes. I couldn't help but feel butterflies when she made small smirks, especially when she caught me starring at her.

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