12. Refuse

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Stepping off of the train I could feel my hands start to sweat, as my heartbeat started to evaluate. It had been a week since dropping the divorce papers off to Alfie which had made me on edge the past seven days. After calling my lawyer almost everyday she agreed to meet with me in London and retrieve the papers for me while I have a small lunch with Jack. We had a lot to discuss regarding the taping for the show and how it would all be set up, a long with information about a contract with Youtube.
Pulling out my phone I wasn't surprised to see a missed call from Alfie. He had been trying nonstop to get a hold of me since giving him the papers. I didn't think we had anything else to talk about so I promised myself that I wouldn't talk to him until the divorce was final, in which we would only talk about Tallulah.
Pulling up Jack's number I quickly hit dial as I started my long walk from the train station.
"Hello" he answered a bit cheery.
"Hey" I sighed, "I am here in London."
"Okay, I will meet you at the train station in just a few minutes."
"I am nearly halfway in town" I giggled, "which restaurant are we eating at? I can just meet you there."
"We can eat wherever you, babe."
"Nandos?" I asked with my fingers crossed.
"Of course, I will meet you there in about five."
"Yay" I smiled, "until then."

Settling into a booth I slowly scrolled through my phone as a familiar number popped up.
"Hey Rissa" I sighed.
"How are you Zoe?"
"Fine, have you gotten the papers, yet?"
"Not yet" she groaned, "I am still at the office, Alfie doesn't have a lawyer yet."
"Does he need one?" I asked a bit confused.
"He will need one.."
"What do you mean?" I asked, "hasn't he signed the papers?"
"He hasn't Zoe, and he says hes not going to."
"Shit.." I mumbled under my breath, "well...what now?"
"It means, that we have to wait until he has a lawyer, gets released from the rehab center, and is able to get a court date set."
"Court date?"
"Word is he is wanting to take this to court Zoe, which in this case can be anywhere from a week to even a year."
Feeling my face stomach drop I couldn't help but want to march over to the rehab center and force his name on the papers. Didn't he know that I wanted to be free of him? I had agreed on fifty fifty custody over Tallulah with him, we would be living in the same apartment building for Pete's sake!
"Zoe?" I heard Rissa call
"I have to go" I snapped as I ended the call as I laid my head down on my arms.



Raising my head from my arms I watched as another doctor entered the small meeting room. This had been the second one today wanting to meet with me to see where my head was and to see how I was doing. I had been sober for five weeks and I had already wanted to break out of this place and go get a drink. After explaining to Zoe's lawyer that I wasn't going to sign the papers, I had had been referred to the special unit of the center. The unit where family problems are reasons for addiction.
"Alfie Deyes?" smiled the tall slender man, "how are you son?"
"Fine" I nodded as I sat back in the hard chair.
"So, Alfie, I heard your having some family troubles."
"I guess you could say that"
"Yeah? What kind?" he asked as he sat down in front of me.
"My wife wants to divorce me" I snapped.
"Oh, and how does that make you feel?"
"Like shit" I snarled as I crossed my arms.
"And you want to drink?"
"Loads." I laughed.
"Well, your in the right place then" smiled the man.
"Alfie you were doing good in the other unit, do you think you are in the right place?"
"I don't care" I sighed, "I just want to work on things with my family."
"You know we can help you with that" nodded the doctor, "we can sign up and your wife up for weekly therapy meetings here. Kind of like couple counseling."
"Really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, "can it fix a marriage?"
"It has before" he grinned, "would that be something you would be interested in?"
"I guess"
"Good" he glared as he stood from the table, "maybe if we can deal with that issue you will be able to leave on your estimated discharge date."

"And what day would that be?"
"August first"



"Hey pretty girl" smiled Jack as he sat down in front of me, "how are you?"
"Just a little annoyed" I grunted as I sipped on my Sprite, "you?"
"I am fine" he smiled as he took my hand, "anything you want to talk about?"
"No...no" I shook my head, "I am not going to talk about his sorry ass right now, this is our date."
Hearing Jack laugh I slowly felt a smile cross my face as he pulled out a large folder.
"So, we do have some business to take care of."
"Hit me with it" I sighed as I looked down at the stack of papers.
"So first off we have your contract" smiled Jack as he pulled out a pair of small reading glasses.
Looking over his face I couldn't help but feel butterflies start to swarm my stomach. The way that his smile fit perfectly with his framed eyes and small nose made me melt a bit.
"Zoe?" he laughed, "did you hear me?"
"What was that?" I smiled as I tried to focus on his mouth and words.
"Well, this is your standard contract. It says that you will be uploading a personal video every Monday with an appearance on the Friday live streams for two months, effective June 4th which will be when your first video is to be posted."
"So we are set for just two months?" I questioned as I looked over the large contract.
"Well, the first season of the show is two months in which that is the pilot season to see how many subscribers and views the four of you can get. If you can overpass the goal then you will be renewed for six months starting January of next year."
"Whats the goal?"
"We can do that" I laughed as I quickly signed Zoe Sugg-Deyes to every page.
"Good" he laughed.

After nearly an hour of talking nothing but business, Jack and I soon found ourselves back at his small office. Sitting on his lap we sat playing twenty questions with kisses as each kiss got a bit more risky and deep.
"Jackkk" I giggled as he left wet kisses from my ear lobe down to the top of my bra, "what was so important that you wanted me to come back to your office?"
"Just a second" he huffed as his hands framed my face as his lips met mine. Deepening the kiss I could feel my stomach start to flip as he pulled back and looked over my face.
"Jack..." I giggled.
"Okay, okay" he laughed as I slid off of his lap and onto the large couch.
Watching him walk out of the room, I quickly grabbed my phone to see if my mum had picked Tallulah up from school, yet instead of the usual text from her another lit up my phone.
Clicking open I could feel my heart drop when I realized it was from the rehab center and how they wanted me to come in for couples therapy for Alfie and how it would be beneficial for the both of us. Stuffing the phone back into my purse my attention was taken back to Jack as he walked back in with a large bouquet of wild flowers.
"Oh my.." I gasped as he pulled me from the couch.
"These are for you" he smiled as I took the flowers from his hands.
"Jack, you shouldn't have" I giggled as I smelled the fresh flowers.
"Zoe" he sighed as I watched him go down on one knee, "I know that you are still technically married, and..."
"What are you doing?" I snapped as stepped back.
"Zoe" he laughed, "I know that you are still married, but I want you to know that I have been in love with you, for the past six years. Since I first saw you, I knew that I had to have you. I know that I've made mistakes in the past, mistakes that have caused me to loose you, but Zoe...I love you and Tallulah...I guess what I am trying to say is will you marry me?"
Watching him pull a box from his pocket I couldn't help but burst out in tears. The way he looked at me was how Alfie use to look at me, the way he kissed me was the way Alfie did, the way that I felt for Jack was how I felt for Alfie. Looking at the huge diamond ring I couldn't help but fall down into his arms as I sobbed into his chest.



Sitting in the phone room I tossed thoughts of who to call around in my mind. Zoe was obviously ignoring my calls, so there was no use in calling her. Poppy and Joe was in the middle of moving and dealing with the twins so I couldn't call them. Thinking of a special person in my life I slowing tapped out the numbers of her cell phone as I picked up the phone to call her. I hadn't called this number in nearly five years, back when I knew she would answer, hell I wasn't even sure if anyone else had this number. But for some reason I felt like calling this number would give me some kind of hope.
Hearing the phone start to ring, I slowly held my breath as it went straight to voicemail.
"Mum..." I sighed, "its me, I know we haven't talked, but I kind of need your help."

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