16. Moving Moments

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If you haven't read 'Overjoyed'  or '3 AM' , I suggest you do! Otherwise most of the plot and characters will be a mystery to you!


"Its moving day!" yelped Tallulah as I heard her door fly open, "we are finally going to the big city!"
"Not just yet" I giggled as she ran into the kitchen, "breakfast first!"
"But mum, can't we get something on the road? I am ready!"
"No, but's" I sighed as I sat her bowl of cereal on the table, "the moving truck still hasn't arrived plus we have to get all of the boxes ready to be moved."
"I thought you said we would be moving today?" croaked Tallulah as she sulked to the wooden table.
"We are moving today, silly. Its just going to take some time, you know... patience."
"Yeah, yeah" she groaned as she settled down at the table.
Hearing a knock on the door, I hurriedly ran to answer it as Jack, Finn, Joe and my dad stood ready to get the move on the road.
"Hey, guys" I smiled as they piled into the house.
"Ready for a move?" smiled Jack as he left a small kiss on my forehead.
"I guess, Tallulah is really pumped though."
"Yes, I am" agreed Tallulah as she ran into my dad's arms.
"Hello, grandfather" she smiled as she gave him a quick kiss, "are you going to help us?"
"Sure am" laughed my dad as he gave Tallulah a squeeze, "are you going to help?"
"I was thinking of being more like a boss" winked Tallulah as she looked over to me.
"No, dad, she will be a helper today" I smiled, "and if she helps enough she might just get a surprise tonight."
"In that case" smirked Tallulah, "lets get this show on the road, fellas!"

Washing up Tallulah's breakfast dishes I couldn't help but think of the day we moved in. Joe, Alfie and I had moved all of our things in, in just one day while Tallulah was off on a holiday with my parents. After a long day of moving, Alfie and I ended the day in front of the fireplace wrapped up in blankets drinking wine and making love like teenagers. We were so happy to finally have a place of our own, but I should have seen the warning signs of Alfie's addiction appear that night.

"What are you thinking about?" I heard a voice question as I nearly dropped Tallulah's cereal bowl.
"Nothing" I coughed as I sat it back in the sink, "how excited are the boys on moving?"
"They really don't know what is going on" laughed Joe as he leaned against a nearby counter, "Poppy is happy though, she says she misses it here."
"Its very peaceful here, I love this house."
"But you don't love him?"
"Joe..." I groaned as crossed my arms, "its not that easy."
"Zoe, it is that easy. Either you love Alfie or you don't, either you want to be married or you don't...you just have to make a choice."
"Don't start on me, okay? I've had a hard enough time explaining all this moving, rehab, and Jack to Tallulah, I really don't want to go over all this with you."
"Fair enough" he sighed, "but can you really stand here and tell me you don't love him?"
"ZOE!" I heard my dad yelp.
"Just a second!" I answered as I looked over Joe trying to find something to say, "Joe...you..uh..."
"You know, just stop it, sis. The look on your face tells me everything I need to know."
"Coming!" I snapped as I pushed past Joe and into the living room as I tried to clear my face of any looks.



Zipping up my suitcase I instantly thought back to how I felt when first coming here. I was hopeless, unsure of myself and my life, and a hot mess. But after having time to be able to look everything over and work on myself I finally was able to admit my demons and set my head on straight. Of course I would always struggle with this disease, but I know that I would always have a chance to change my life and to make myself a better person. Unlike last time, I planned on doing a job that I enjoyed, I planned on giving all my attention to Tallulah, and I planned on getting my family back.

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