4. I Love You

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"Excuse me" I smiles shyly as Tallulah and I navigated off of the large train.
"Why do you say excuse me?" asked Tallulah as we hurried through the large depot.
"It is the nice thing to say" I smiled down to her, "especially when someone is in your way and you need them to move."
"Why don't you just say move?"
"Because it is rude, and we are not rude, are we?"
"No, mommy.." she sighed as I pushed through the door to the cool February air.
Looking around the parking lot I quickly noticed Alfie leaning on the edge of his car. Keeping my eyes on him, I could feel my heart start to beat faster as I looked over his outfit. Light washed jeans, a black t-shirt and a burgundy jacket. His light stubble framed his places in all of the right places along with his slight smirk which lit up his face.
"Daddy!" cheered Tallulah as she ran into his arms.
"My girl!" he laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Clearing my throat a bit I slowly nodded to him as he looked up at me.
"How are you Zoe?" he questioned as he stood, bringing Tallulah up in his arms.
"Just fine" I smiled.
"The train ride okay?" he asked a bit concerned.
"Yes, a bit crowded, but we made it"
"Good" he smiled as he gave Tallulah a quick tickle.
"Now, Tallulah, you be a good girl for dad, I will see the two of you back here Sunday evening."
"Your staying in London this weekend?" asked Alfie confused.
"Yeah she has some school stuff" interrupted Tallulah.
"A couple of conventions and boring stuff for school" I lied as Alfie nodded.
"Sunday evening it is" he smiled.



Pulling out of the train station I couldn't help but think of Zoe. The way that she was dressed made me fall a bit in love with her. Her small frame was fitted in a shear lace dress with a dark blue cardigan. She had obviously lost all of her baby weight yet her boobs had practically grown a cup size, which stole my attention the whole time we stood talking. I had offered her a ride to her hotel, yet she gladly turned it down, talking about some kind of dinner she had. Even though a year had past there was still some kind of attraction between the two of us.
Snapping out of my thoughts I quickly answered my ringing phone.
"Hello?" I asked a bit groggy.
"I'm at the restaurant" answered Sadie.
"Oh" I sighed, "Tallulah and I are about five minutes away, "care to grab a table?"
"Sounds good" giggled Sadie, "see you then."
Ending the call I glanced back to Tallulah who sat playing with her doll that I had gotten her last Christmas.
"Are you hungry?" I asked with a smile.
"A bit" she answered without looking up
"Are you excited to meet one of my friends?"
"Is it a boy or girl?" she asked as she looked up at the mirror.
"A girl"
"Is it mummy?" she asked a bit concerned.
"No...this girl is just a friend."
"Is she pretty?"
"A bit" I laughed, "her name is Sadie."
"That's a pretty name" Tallulah smiled.
"It is" I nodded, "she will be eating dinner with us, is that okay?"
"I guess" grinned Tallulah.
"Good" I smirked as we continued to drive down the business streets of London.

Packing Tallulah into the large restaurant I instantly spotted Sadie near the back. After greeting the host we were escorted back to her.
"Hello Sadie" I smiled as she looked up from her phone.
"Why, hello!" she giggled as her attention ran to Tallulah.
"I'm Tallulah" announced Tallulah as I sat her down across from Sadie.
"Tallulah? That is a pretty name" smirked Sadie as she extended her hand, "its very nice to meet you, I am Sadie."
"I know" sighed Tallulah, "daddy told me about you in the car."
"Oh" giggled Sadie as she looked up at me, "I hope it was all good things."
"It was" nodded Tallulah.



Walking into the dimly lit restaurant I searched for Jack as I felt a presences behind me.
"Well, don't you look beautiful" smiled Jack.
"You don't look too bad yourself" I giggled I as turned to see a bouquet of wild flowers in his arms.
"For you" he smiled as he gave me a quick kiss.
"Jack!" I moaned, "you shouldn't have."
"Only the best for my girl" he grinned.
"Mr. Harries?" asked the host as he appeared at his stand, "will it be dine in or take out?"
"Mr. Harries?" I grinned as I admired the flowers.
"Take out please" smiled Jack as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"It will be five minutes" nodded the host as he disappeared into the kitchen.
"And where are we going to eat this meal?" I asked looking back up to him.
"Somewhere special" he smiled, "its kind of a surprise."
"A surprise?" I mumbled, "I kind of like those."
"Oh, I know" he winked.
After waiting for our dinner Jack had led me blindfolded for what seemed like forever. Peaking from my behind my blindfold I watched as he grabbed a basket from his car. Making our way down the walk way he kept me busy by talking about Tallulah and what she had planned this weekend. He thought by keeping me busy that I wouldn't notice where he was taking me, yet I knew exactly where we were going.
"Just a few more yards" laughed Jack as I held tightly onto his arm.
"Are you sure?" I asked in a whine, "we have been walking forever!"
"Trust me, just a bit further" he laughed.

Letting out a low sigh, we eventually came to a stop as Jack made me stand blindfolded for just a bit longer. Crossing my arms I started to become a bit annoyed as he pulled off the blindfold. Letting my eyes adjust to the light I slowly looked around as I finally figured out were he had taken me.
"Jack..." I gasped.
"A nice picnic with a movie, one of your favorites to be exact.."
"Breakfast at Tiffany's?" I asked excited.
"Of course" he grinned as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "this is perfect Jack, I love you!"
Capping my hands over my mouth I quickly pulled from his embrace when I had realized what I had just said.
"You...you love me?" he asked a bit surprised.
Feeling speechless I couldn't help my face from turning red with embarrassment as I tried to hide it.
"I am sorry, Jack" I muttered, "we have only been dating a month...I don't know whats came over me. I mean you probably think I'm..."
"I love you too, Zoe" he laughed as he interrupted my mindless rant.
"Really?" I asked as I uncovered my face, "you know you don't have to say it just because I did..."
"I am honest, Zoe Sugg, I love you."
Hearing the name Sugg come from his mouth quickly snapped me back in to college memories. Back when Jack and I had just gotten together, we both planned to quit college and move to London. I was Zoe Sugg, the childless, wild Youtuber. Was that really who I was now?
Sensing Jack's lips hit mine I quickly was pulled back to reality as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Giving into his kiss I slowly melted into his embrace as our lips fought against one another.



"Well, Tallulah this was a good dinner, wasn't it?" asked Sadie.
"I loved the chocolate cake" giggled Tallulah as she continued to play with her doll.
"Me too" smirked Sadie as she looked up at me.
"So, what do you girls want to do now?" I asked as I looked around the table, "we have an hour or so until bedtime."
"Lets go for a walk!" grinned Sadie, "how about through the park?"
"What do you say, Tallulah?" I asked as I looked down at her.
"I guess" she sighed, "but I need my coat from the car, its cold out there!"
"Okay" I laughed, "we will get your coat."
Zipping up Tallulah's coat she instantly laced her small hand into mine as Sadie walked on the opposite, sneaking her hand into my other one.
"So, Tallulah, what is your dolls name?" questioned Sadie as we started down to the park.
"Zalfie" she smirked, "its mummy and daddy's name put together."
"Cute..." groaned Sadie as she looked over to me.
"Yeah, aunty Louise told me about it."
"How is aunty Louise?" I asked surprised that Tallulah could remember her.
"I'm not sure...mummy hasn't been to her house in a while. I do miss her though."
"Yeah, Louise is a great person" I sighed as I made big eyes at Sadie.
"What are you and your daddy doing tomorrow?" asked Sadie as she tried to make a connection with her.
"I don't yawned Tallulah, "something fun, I hope."
"Of course it will be fun!" I laughed, "your weekends with dad are always fun."
"Yeah, yeah" grinned Tallulah as we turned down the walk way to the park.
"I think its closed..." gasped Sadie as we stopped to a bit movie screen with two people kissing in front of it.
"Can you rent out the park?" I asked a bit confused.
"Apparently!" yelped Tallulah as she grabbed the attention of the two kissing.
Trying to focus on the girls face I was instantly stabbed in the heart when I noticed it was Zoe....and Jack.

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