old school

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Only moments before arriving to the crime scene, the team was woken up by a Skype call from Garcia. JJ and Reid, who sat next to each other on the couch as usual, scurried over to the small table where the small laptop set. "Hey baby girl." Morgan said
opening the monitor to reveal a stressed out and somewhat flustered Garcia. "Oh dear my friends, three more bodies were turned up by the Las Vegas police department, and get this, three men. Complete change in M.O. Oh yeah! And they are the husbands and fiancées of the women who were murdered." The team shook their heads in disbelief as they pondered the new information in attempt to make sense of it. "How were they killed?" Rossi asked, stroking his beard in deep thought. "Suicide. One man hung himself, the other sliced his own throat, and the other overdosed." Garcia said with a sigh. "On what drug?" Prentiss asked. "Heroin." she replied. "Heroin? That's a little old school, don't you think?" Rossi asked confused. "Drugstore heroin actually is quite the common drug." Reid interrupted. "It's quite easy to buy off the streets, and even a small amount has the power to send the provide a rush and cloudy mental function to the user. There's a possibility that he was doing it to find a way out, because, sometimes after a tragedy, it's all you might want to turn to, he could've been just trying to forget about it for just a little bit, until he used too much, and made a lethal mistake." The team paused as Reid bit his lip to hold back tears and looked down at the laces on his converse. JJ held his shoulder and smiled at him. He nodded his head as the team nodded theirs. "Okay, maybe they're abducted together, and held until the husband gives up?" JJ said as Hotch nodded his head in agreement. "Okay! I'll dig! PG out." Garcia said as Morgan blew a kiss and shut the laptop. "Okay, when we land, I want JJ and Reid at the dump sight. Look around carefully at the people who visit. I think he's revisiting, because of the fancy costumes he dresses them in. He's putting on a show for someone. Morgan and Rossi, go take a look at the bodies. Emily and I will get set up in the Vegas office." The team nodded their heads as they landed. JJ and Reid hopped into the black SUV as Reid continued to stare down at his converse. "Hey, Spence." JJ said as Reid sniffled. Reid looked up with teary eyes as she grabbed his hand. "Do you want to talk? About, well, anything." JJ said softly, trying to comfort him. Reid shook his head as silence filled the car. JJ respected his decision and rubbed the palm of his hand with her thumb, as he does to her when she seems sad or frightened. "Jaydge," he whispered as she sighed in relief. "The thing about, dilaudid, my rant, on the plane, do you think, they got the wrong idea?" Reid said wiping a tear from his eye. JJ pulled over the car outside the theater and grabbed his hands. "Spence, don't do that. Don't worry about that." JJ said, moving a strand of hair from his face. Reid shook his head and sniffled. "No, no, I mean, what kind of agent am I? I mean, a druggie? As a federal agent?" he said as tears streamed down his face. "Spence. You're not a druggie. You're the most amazing and strong person I've ever known. It's not your fault. We all have scars, some different than others. Don't do that to yourself. You might have had experience with dilaudid but that only makes you stronger. You're a genius Spence, and you and I both know sure as hell how hard it is for anyone, even the smartest of people to recover from what happened to you. But you did. You came out a stronger and even better person because of it. Don't let the demons of your past become your demons of today." JJ said, as Reid began to smile. JJ smiled widely as her eyes began to overflow with tears. "I love you so god damn much." Reid said, slamming his lips against hers. They let go in a fit of laughter. "Well, that was fun, but we've got some crimes to investigate, so perhaps we could keep it G rated." JJ said jokingly as the two entered the theater.

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