just a stomach bug

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JJ and Reid were the first two to arrive at the table other than Hotch and Garcia. "My sweet babies I'm so glad you guys are okay." Garcia said wrapping her arms around both JJ and Reid in a group hug. "You guys had me worried sick. I'm so glad you're alright." she said with her right hand on JJ's left shoulder and her left hand on Reid's right shoulder. "What happened here?" she asked Reid examining the stitches on his forehead. JJ laughed at Garcia as she looked Reid up and down for more injuries. "Well I was punched in the face by our kidnapper that's it." Reid said giggling at Garcia, who was now examining JJ for injuries. Garcia gasped. "What are you two doing. I see in your eyes. You won't take your eyes off of each other. No way." she said looking at Reid and JJ who now had bright red cheeks. "Are we that easy?" JJ asked causing Garcia to light up with happiness. "Congrats you two! When were you gonna tell me about this!" Garcia asked enthusiastically. Morgan came in before the two had the chance to answer, causing Garcia to practically sprint to greet him. "My sweet big black six pack chocolate thunder babe I missed you so much." she said wrapping her arms tightly around him. "Ditto baby girl." Morgan said kissing her forehead. "Garcia," Rossi said in an attempt to direct her focus towards the case. "Oh yes, okay two young boys in Southern Florida went missing this morning. This disappearance is supposedly related to last years abduction where two young girls were taken. Only one survived. She was released last week. These pairs were both taken on September 2nd, which seems to have special meaning to our unsub." Garcia said. "What did he do to the girls?" Reid asked tapping his foot. "No clue. The one survivor, Nellie Richards had very bad post traumatic stress disorder, and could only tell us there was a room, with food, and water, but not enough." Garcia responded. The team nodded their heads. "So do we think the unsub could be starving one of his victims? Or possibly having the two fight to get food and water?" Morgan added. "We don't know we'll discuss when we land. But two boys are missing and we need to find them fast. Wheels up." Hotch said looking at his watch.

Reid and JJ sat in the booth with Hotch and Prentiss sitting across from the two. "So, how are you two lovers?" Prentiss asked as Hotch smirked at Reid. "Is this how it's gonna be?" Reid asked smiling. "Sorry. Yall are just too perfect for each other." Reid looked at JJ, who had become quite pale in the face. "Jaydge, you alright?" he whispered rubbing her hand with his thumb. JJ didn't respond. "Honey, are you okay?" he said looking her in the eyes. JJ nodded her head as she stood up. "I've gotta go to the restroom Spence." she said covering her mouth. " JJ." Reid called out following her back to the small plane bathroom. "Emily," Hotch said quietly. "Yeah, yeah of course." Emily responded getting up to go aid her friend. Reid held her hair behind her head and held her hand as she threw up into the small toilet. "JJ!" Emily said, worried. Reid kissed her on the forehead as he massaged her hand. "You're okay, it's okay sweetheart." Reid said to JJ, nodding his head at Emily, who had obvious concern about her dear friend. Emily nodded her head back as she returned to her seat. JJ stopped throwing up and looked up at Reid who had tear glazed eyes. He hated seeing his friends sick, sad, afraid or in pain. "Spence I'm alright. It's just a stomach bug. Don't worry about me." JJ said smiling. Reid nodded his head and tried to smile. "Are you sure you're okay? Can I do anything to help you? I mean statistics say that when you throw up it could-" "Spence, I'm fine, I promise you." she said patting him on the back. He nodded his head and held her hand as they returned to their seats. "Everything alright?" Hotch asked as JJ nodded her head. "Yeah." she said smiling at Reid.


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