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"JJ!" you're glowing! Prentiss yelled as she wrapped her in her arms tightly by the door of JJ's home. Prentiss smiled widely at JJ as JJ looked down at her stomach. "And you look like a very happy daddy!" she said to Reid who couldn't take his eyes off of JJ's belly. "You caught me." Reid said laughing exchanging a friendly hug with Prentiss. All of the sudden an enthusiastic Penelope Garcia burst through the door walking in her four inch wedges. "How are my babies and their baby doing right now!" she said hugging both JJ and Reid tightly. Reid laughed as he grabbed the keys off the small table near the door. "So what mall are we visiting ladies?" he asked holding JJ's hand as they walked down the porch stairs on the way to get in the car. "How about Dumfries Plaza?" a voice called out, causing Reid and JJ to turn their heads to the street in front of the small home. JJ laughed as Reid rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the invite pretty boy, and pretty baby boy!" Morgan called out patting JJ's baby bump gently. ""Or baby girl!" Prentiss yelled out. "Or pretty boys! Or baby girls!" Penelope yelled out." "Whatever Morgan. Hop in the back." Reid said smiling as Garcia steadily walked over in her wedges trying not to trip. "All of the sudden the back seems like quite the appealing seat." she said placing her hands on Morgan's abs, who were shown quite clearly through his tight gray tee shirt. Everyone except for Penelope laughed as they all hopped in the car.
When they arrived at the mall, JJ and Reid kissed and embraced as the girls and boys separated. "Get a room!" Morgan yelled patting Reid on the back as he let go of the kiss. JJ winked and rubbed her stomach, "Check!" she said quietly as Reid bit his lip smiling. "Reid." Morgan said smiling as the two began to stroll through the mall. "Yeah?" Reid asked, turning around taking his eyes off of JJ. "You love her, right?" he asked Reid causing Reid to tilt his head. "Hell yeah! You remember what I said on the plane, I love her so much, she's the only person I want to love and ever will love for the rest of my life!" he said enthusiastically. Reid gasped and then looked at the ground blushing. Morgan put his hand on Reid's shoulder as Reid looked up grinning. "What, what, would she say?" he asked, turning around and looking at a jewelry store behind him, biting his lip nervously. "Reid, she loves you. In a few months she's bringing your baby into this world. She would say yes, you don't need to be a genius with an IQ of 184 and an eidetic memory to know that." Morgan said smiling. "187." Reid muttered under his breath as Morgan rolled his eyes. "What was that?" he asked jokingly. "187. I have an IQ of 187. You said-" Reid said being cut off by Morgan's laugh. "Come on kid. It's time you make her JR." Morgan said walking Reid into the jewelry shop.

(yall look it's the title aw ok but let me know what you think of it! comments are very much appreciated. 💖 and any name ideas! I have one in mind but leave some just in case! both genders (: )

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