enough to know i love you

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On the flight back to Quantico, JJ fell asleep on Reid, with her head laying on his chest. Rossi and Hotch had slouched back in their seats and fallen asleep, and Emily sprawled out on her seat with her legs propped up on the windowsill. Reid smiled at JJ, admiring how cute she looked whilst she slept. "Pretty boy." Morgan whispered to Reid who was daydreaming. "Mmhm?" Reid said looking up at JJ. "You know I was just joking earlier." Morgan said smiling. "About what?" Reid asked. "You're no player. You sure do treat her well and that's quite admirable about you." Morgan said sincerely. "I love her. So so much. She means so much to me. I love her to death. I really do. You know, the case we had in Montana about a month ago? It hit me pretty damn hard. It wasn't that different than any other old case, but for some reason it really tugged at my heart. And, well, she said she loved me. She's so beautiful inside and out. I know it's kinda early, but I really do think we have something special. I've never been so in love. There's been others before her, you know, Lila," "You mean that hot ass chick in Vegas you banged?" Morgan interrupted causing Reid to giggle. "Shh, and we didn't have sexual relations we just-" "Made out in a pool fully clothed?" Morgan interrupted once again. "Yes, but JJ's different, she's perfect, she makes me the happiest man alive. You know I've had a crush on her since she joined the BAU?" Reid said smiling down on sleeping JJ. "No shit." Morgan laughed causing Reid to laugh also. "But seriously Spencer. She's got a good one and vice versa." Morgan said giving Reid a friendly hug. JJ readjusted and started to smile. "No way," Reid said smiling at JJ who now had both eyes opened. "How much did you hear?" Reid asked blushing. JJ wrapped her arms around his neck and slammed her lips against his. "Enough to know that I too am in love." JJ said causing Morgan to smile and Reid to cry happy tears. Morgan shut his eyes leaving only JJ and Reid awake. "Hey Spence, lets relax a little bit when this plane lands, huh?" JJ asked laughing about what happened last time the two shared some "relaxation". "Deal." Reid said kissing her forehead before the two drifted off into sleep.

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