one more adventure...

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*2 months later*
"Spence." JJ said, shaking Reid's arm to wake him up from his afternoon nap on the leather couch. Reid jolted up and stretched his arms. "Yeah Jaydge?" he said groggily. She laughed and kissed his forehead. "Dinner darling." she said as he stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Yum." he whispered, kissing her on the cheek and walking to the dining room. He grinned as JJ shrugged her shoulders. "White cheddar macaroni for the fourth time this week?" he asked giggling quietly. "Sorry Spence. Baby has been requesting this quite a bit." she said smiling, taking a seat across from Reid. "Well in about four weeks that munchkin will be out of there to enjoy some with us." Reid said smiling widely. JJ tried to fake a smile and then let out a small sigh. "What is it Jen?" Reid asked, confused as to her lack of enthusiasm about starting a family. "Nothing, it's just, you know." JJ said scooping spoonfuls of macaroni on to her plate. "Jaydge?" Reid choked out starting to tear up. "It's not that Spencer. You know I love you more than I love anything or anybody, and I'm overjoyed to bring our child into this world, but I'm scared. Having a baby is a lot of work. For the past eleven months and twenty seven days we've been together, have been the best days of my life. We have such a spark in our relationship. I hate to be the one to say it, but do you think a baby will take the fun out of our lives? But trust me, I'm overjoyed to have a family. With you. I guess I just want one last adventure." JJ sighed, rubbing her belly. Reid grabbed her hand and stood up from the table. "Let's do it." he said smirking. "What?" JJ said confused. "Let's have not one last adventure, but one more adventure." Reid said twirling her close to him, bringing her into a tight hug. "What do you mean?" JJ asked, still in shock and confused. "Go." he said smiling. "Where?" JJ asked. "Pack your bags." he said kissing her softly on the cheek. "Spence!" she said enthusiastically. "Be down in ten minutes. I'll start the car." he said playfully, as JJ ran up the stairs to go pack. Reid smiled to himself as he watched her run into the bedroom to grab her stuff. He ran to the living room the grab his phone. He dialed a number eagerly, and it rang three times before someone finally answered. "Pretty pretty boy!" Morgan yelled from the other side of the phone. "Hey Morgan." Reid said smiling through his words. "What might you be up to?" Morgan said playfully. "Where are you guys? I know you're on a case right now, but where?" he asked Morgan, shoving things into a suitcase. "Nope, we just finished a case. We have the weekend off, and we're back here in good old Quantico , well, unless another stupid serial killer decides to interfere." Morgan said laughing. "No way!" a voice yelled from behind Morgan. "Penelope, you better hush! Wait, Morgan, is the whole team with you?" Reid asked making sure JJ was still occupied upstairs. "You betcha pretty boy, and you're on speaker, so behave." Morgan said laughing, as Penelope slapped him playfully on the back. "Oh, okay, so, I'm gonna ask JJ, to marry me. This weekend. She wants one more adventure, before the baby. Look, this is. a lot to ask, I know, but could you guys meet me in Miami? I, I really want you guys to be there. And I'm sure Jaydge would too." Reid said nervously over the phone. A silence followed by laughter was heard on the other line. Reid sighed and started to unpack his suitcase. "You're right, it's a stupid idea never-" Reid said being cut off by Morgan "Hey! I'll be there!" Morgan shouted, causing Reid to try to smile. "Count me in Reid. You know she'll say yes. Don't sell yourself short." Prentiss said warmly. "I suppose I could have Beth watch Jack for a weekend." Hotch said trying to hold back a smile. "You guys are back! Way to go Aaron! And I will be there." Rossi yelled patting Hotch on the back, causing Reid to giggle softly. "I wouldn't miss it for the world G man." Penelope said smiling. Reid's eyes began to tear up as he smiled widely. "Thanks guys." Reid said trying to contain his excitement. "I gotta go. She's coming. Bye!" Reid whispered to the phone. "Bye pretty boy." Morgan said smirking at Reid through the phone. Reid hung up the phone and threw it in his pocket. He grabbed the suitcase and ran to hug JJ. "So where are we going?" JJ asked, handing Reid her suitcase smiling. "It's a surprise. Get in the car." he said smiling. "Aren't you coming?" she said laughing. "Yeah! I just have to grab one more thing. I'll meet you there." he said grinning. She nodded her head and walked out to the car to wait for him. Reid ran to his dresser and grabbed a small box from inside one of his pairs of socks. He smiled as he opened the box, revealing the small ring, with a rose gold band and a beautiful diamond, nowhere near as beautiful as the woman who stole his heart.

(this is my favorite chapter I've ever written ever holy shoot ok but ily and thanks for all the love and comments they mean the world!)

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