a night of romance

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Reid sat next to JJ in the large rocking chair as she comforted Rosaline. "Spence, she won't stop crying. I don't know what I'm doing wrong." JJ said sighing. Reid kissed JJ on the cheek and wrapped an arm around her. "It's not your fault Jaydge. You're a wonderful mother. Don't blame yourself. Babies cry Jaydge." he said softly, trying to comfort a stressed and overwhelmed JJ. She smiled at Spencer and rested her head on his shoulder as Rosaline continued to cry. JJ rolled her eyes and then a thought entered her brain. "I see wheels turning Jaydge, what is it." he asked concerned and confused. JJ winked at him as his confusion grew even more. "You know what genius, maybe you could make her stop fussing." JJ said as Reid bit his inner cheek. "Well, you know, most children find their mothers heart beat more so soothing them their fathers because in the womb-" Reid said, being cut off when JJ placed Rosaline in his arms. Reid rocked her back and forth gently against his chest as he whispered to her an assortment of 'cooing ' and 'shhing' noises until her blue eyes shut and her fingers fell out of her mouth. JJs mouth dropped to the floor as Reid childishly stuck out his tongue at JJ. "Unbelievable." she whispered, as she heard the doorbell ring. Reid giggled as he continued to rock her back and forth in his arms. JJ opened the door to see an unexpected guest awaiting her. "Hotch!" she said excitedly, pulling him in for a hug. "Oh my, I'm sorry, I'm a mess. Ros won't stay asleep for more than a half hour at a time, but, how can I help you?" JJ asked as Hotch grinned. "Well, I know what it's like to have a new baby, no worries. But, Jack was wondering if we could talk Rosaline for the night, he'd love to watch teenage mutant ninja turtles with her tonight, and whenever else she's awake." Hotch said smirking. JJ giggled and rolled her eyes. "So, how much did Penelope spill to you." JJ said blushing. "Well, I know you and Reid have had a few romantic nights taken from you, so I figure it's time you get a night of romance." Hotch said smiling widely, which JJ found unusual for Hotch. "Well tell Jack that sounds just lovely to me!" JJ said smiling as she called Reid downstairs. Reid walked slowly downstairs, wearing only a pair of black sweatpants, with Rosaline in his arms. "Hotch!" Reid shrieked in embarrassment. Hotch rolled his eyes as both JJ and Reid laughed. "Thank you so much." Reid and JJ both said as Hotch left with Rosaline in her arms. JJ took a deep breath of relief as Hotch pulled out of the driveway. "Who would of thought." JJ said giggling. "What is it?" Reid said squinting his eyes with a perplexed look on his face. "Than Aaron Hotchner, of all people would be interested in giving us a night of romance." JJ said surprised. Reid held back a giggle as he shrugged his shoulders. "Hm. I'm not sure." Reid lied. He had always been an awful liar, especially working against a trained profiler. "You." JJ said smiling as it all clicked. Reid bit his lip to avoid smiling widely. "Me?" Reid said mocking her voice. She rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck as she rocked back and forth. "You planned this didn't you." JJ said smiling, knowing she had figured him out. "I hate profilers." Reid said grinning. JJ pressed her lips against his softly as she grabbed his hand and dragged him up the stairs. "No no no! Our night of romance will be more than some well needed sex." Reid said smirking. "More than, eh." JJ said winking. "Go change into that lovely red dress of yours, and I'll meet you downstairs at 7:30." Reid whispered, kissing JJ on the forehead before she scurried upstairs to get ready.

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