deep breaths

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"Jaydge, are you okay?" Reid asked helping her up in panic. She threw on a maxi dress that Penelope had brought with her as she nodded her head. He hated to see her in pain. He tried to look away to hide his watery eyes from her. She took a deep breath and laughed. "Babe. I'm okay. I promise." she said kissing his cheek. Morgan, Rossi and Hotch all arrived to see JJ rubbing her stomach and taking deep breaths. "Morgan what do we do!" Reid yelled panicking. "Reid! Calm down. We can get her to a hospital." Morgan said. JJ smiled and combed her fingers through Reid's hair. "Spence. I'm in labor. It's fine." she said trying to comfort him. Reid began to feel light headed. "Come on kid don't pass out on me. You know a hell of a lot more about this kinda thing than I do." Morgan said patting Reid on the back. Reid hopped into Morgan's car and sat in the middle seat with JJ. Hotch, Prentiss and Rossi sat in the back and Penelope rode shotgun. Reid held JJ's hand as she felt another strong contraction coming on. "Breathe. Deep breath in, and deep breath out." Reid said softly as she squeezed his hand. Reid hated to see her go through this. She bit her lip to avoid crying out in pain. Reid rubbed the palm of her hand gently with his thumb as the contraction subsided. "You're doing great." Reid said warmly, smiling and massaging JJ's shoulders gently. JJ smiled at Reid as he helped her relax. "Spence. Tomorrow we'll be parents." JJ said grinning widely. Reid smiled and kissed JJ on the cheek. "How far away are we?" JJ asked Penelope, who was smiling widely to see Reid holding JJ's hand in his. "About four minutes. Hang in there Jen." Penelope said kindly. JJ smiled and kissed Reid on the cheek, who was obviously very worried that JJ was in pain. "Spence." JJ said giggling. "I'm fine. My contractions are about six minutes apart, not constant." Reid nodded his head as JJ grabbed his hand. They arrived at the hospital soon after. Reid helped JJ out of the car as she felt another sharp pain in her abdomen. "Spence." she called out. He held her up and massaged her shoulders as he kissed her cheek softly. "Deep breaths Jaydge." he said calmly as she took a deep breath in. "That's it." he said holding her hand as she squeezed it. It hurt his hand, but he knew it helped her, so he wouldn't let go. She let out a quiet moan as the pain became sharper. "Morgan! Get a wheelchair!" Reid called out as Morgan nodded his head. Morgan ran the wheelchair over to the car in the parking lot as JJ took a seat. Reid got on his knees and held both of her hands as the pain subsided. He took deep breaths with her and whispered her favorite song to her to comfort her. JJ grinned as the contraction ended. "Thanks Spence." JJ said smiling widely. She loved when he held her hands. It comforted her, and calmed her. Reid wheeled her into the emergency room as she rubbed her stomach gently. Reid checked her in and wheeled her into the labor and delivery room. JJ changed into a hospital gown and walked out of the bathroom to find Reid fluffing the pillows on her hospital bed. "Come sit Jaydge." Reid said holding her hand and walking her over to the bed. "Spence. We're gonna be parents. In about seven hours according to the chart over there we'll be a family of three." JJ said smiling at her stomach. Reid smiled as wide as ever as he pulled her into a hug. "Seven hours huh? Seven hours left of being just a couple. Seven hours and were a family?" Reid said letting out a breath of air. "Wow." he said laughing. "And I'm spending my last hours as a woman without children dressed in this." JJ said laughing at the hospital gown. Reid laughed as JJ rolled her eyes. "Well you look pretty damn hot to me mama." Reid said winking, as JJ blushed. "Knock knock!" Penelope yelled opening the door. "Hey Garcia." JJ said smiling. "I bear gifts!" she yelled as the rest of the team followed behind her. JJ laughed to find each team member carrying a large gift. "Yay!" Reid said laughing. "Well, I figure that the little one might need some badass FBI merchandise because of her badass parents!" Penelope said handing the two a onesie that had "FBI" on the front and "Feed Baby Immediately" on the back. JJ smiled as Reid chuckled . "Thanks Garcia." Reid and JJ both said in sync as they hugged her. "That was cute you guys!" Penelope said laughing at their unplanned words. "And from Rossi, Hotch and I." Morgan said handing JJ a five foot tall pink teddy bear. JJ gasped and smiled widely. "She is gonna be a spoiled rotten brat thanks to you five." Reid said giggling. "And here's my gift for the lovely parents." Prentiss said smiling. JJ opened the box to find two books labeled "Parenting for Dummies". Reid laughed and flipped open the book. "Give me ten minutes." Reid said smiling. "Thank you all so much." JJ said wiping tears away from her eyes. "You look great JJ." Morgan said kindly. "He's right." Penelope agreed. JJ grinned, until she felt a sharp pain in her back. "Spence!" she yelled. He grabbed her hand as she let out a loud scream. "We need a doctor asap!" Morgan yelled as Reid tried to comfort JJ. A woman ran in to find JJ breathing rapidly as Reid ran his fingers through her hair and rubbed her back gently in attempt to calm her down. Morgan nodded his head at Reid as the team left the room. "Jaydge you're so strong." Reid said as she let out loud moans as the pain increased. "How dilated is she?" the woman asked putting on blue gloves. "I'm not sure." Reid said nervously. The nurse checked as she gasped. "You're fully dilated Jennifer." the doctor said smiling. "What does that mean?" JJ said sweating. "It means it's time to push." Reid responded in shock.

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