NYC baby!

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Six days later, Reid was discharged from the hospital, and cleared to fly back to Quantico. Hotch had been working on some minor cases while the team was away.
"Reid, are you sure you're ready to go back? We can totally stay a little while longer." Morgan asked, as Reid was in obvious pain while boarding the jet.
"I'm fine, after all, ooh," Reid said, being cut off by a dull pain in his lower abdomen. "After, after, after all, the bau needs us." Reid grabbed his side and sat on the stairs of the jet.
"Reid!" Morgan yelled. "Reid listen to me, you're not getting on that plane. You're just not. There's no way we're gonna make you go back to work in this condition."
"Morgan please, I just wanna go home." Reid asked, reaching for Morgan's hand to get some help up. Morgan looked at JJ, who had tears in her eyes.
"Pretty boy," Morgan sighed. "Listen. How about this, how about we send Emily and Rossi back. You stay here. JJ and I both have about three days of vacation time left, and you bet we'd love spending it with you. After all, we are in NYC baby!" Morgan laughed. Reid looked down at his side, as he looked up at JJ, who had a wide smile on her face.
"Not you too Jaydge." he smiled. "Whatever, you know the Statue of Liberty was actually donated by the French as a gift to the U.S, and since-"
"Okay Reid." JJ said, supporting him as he stood up. Reid giggled, followed by a frown. JJ looked at him and sighed.
"Spence," JJ said softly, tilting his head towards her. "This will be great. Our own vacation." JJ kissed him softly and tried her best not to hurt him as he kissed her back.
"Hey hey hey, and mine." Morgan interrupted.
"Oh shut up," Reid said as he grabbed JJ's waist.
"Come on you two, we've got a city to see!" Morgan said eagerly, grabbing Reid by the arm.

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