Chapter 34

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"It's been three months since you transitioned," Carlisle told Jackie as she sat upstairs in his home office. Emmett stood closely next to her on the exam table as Carlisle flashed the otoscope across her eyes. "How do you feel?" he asked.

"About the same," Jackie replied. "I don't feel any weaker or anything like Bella does," she said.

Carlisle nodded his head. "That's good," he remarked. "What about anything- out of the ordinary?" Carlisle questioned. Bella had yet to show any signs of a special gift, aside from blocking Edward, but Carlisle had an inclination that Jackie was a different story.

"Well," Jackie paused, shifting around nervously, "there is one thing," she admitted.

"Well c'mon child," his eyes brightened up, "don't keep us in suspense," he exclaimed excitedly.

"Emmett," Jackie began as she grabbed on to his hand. She could feel her eyes dilate and saw his pupils also enlarge in response. "I want you to walk around and quack like a duck," she said.

Immediately Emmett crouched down. Tucking his arms under like wings, he waddled around and began to quack like a duck. Carlisle stood dumbfound in shock. He had never seen a gift of such mind control before.

"Emmett, stop," Jackie commanded and he did.

Suddenly Emmett began freaking out. "What did you just do to me?" he yelled.

"Wait, is this the first time you've done that?" Carlisle asked slightly confused.

"No," Jackie confessed.

"No?" Emmett shrieked. "What else have you done to me?" he challenged as he angrily narrowed his eyes at her.

"Emmett," she said grabbing his hand once more. She looked up into his eyes, both his and hers dilated again. "I want you to forget everything that just happened," she said. "You will have to memory of this conversation or my compelling you to act like a duck."

Blinking a few times, Emmett looked around like he was waiting for something. " So what's your gift?" he asked.

"That's remarkable," Carlisle breathed.

"What?" Emmett questioned. " Did I miss something?" he asked, confusion evident on his face.

"Can I show him?" Jackie asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow at Carlisle.

"Of course," he replied. "Just don't turn me into a duck or anything," he chuckled.

"I won't," she smiled. Grabbing onto Carlisle's arm, she performed her gift once again.

"I want you to grab that pen and throw it across the room," Jackie instructed.

Sure enough Carlisle did as he was told.

"Incredible," Carlisle breathed looking down at his own hand as though it had betrayed him. "I knew what was going on, but I couldn't stop myself," he explained.

"So your gift is mind control?" Emmett asked.

"I believe it's much, much more than that," Carlisle interjected.

Suddenly there was a loud crash downstairs followed by the sound of shattering glass. The three flashed down the stairs, fearing that Sofia or Maddie might be involved. They sighed in relief as they entered the room and found that everyone had gathered around Alice. However, their solace was short lived as Alice began to explain the vision she'd just received.

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