Chapter 32

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Carlisle cleared his throat loudly causing the couple to pull away from their embrace.

"If you two love birds would be so kind as to not make out in my office- I would be eternally grateful," Carlisle chuckled. "Besides," he nodded towards Emmett, "I bet Jackie would be pretty excited for the surprise that's waiting for her."

Jackie's eyes went wide as a smile grew across her face. "What surprise?" she asked.

As if on cue, Sofia and Maddie burst through the door.

"Mommy!" they squealed and screamed in delight.

Jackie fell to her knees, opening her arms for her daughters to run in to her embrace. What ensued was a tangle of hugs, tickles, giggling and kisses.

Carlisle eventually saw himself out as Emmett bear hugged his three girls. He thought himself one lucky man. Who would have ever thought that he would have a family of his own.

Jackie took good care to make sure she didn't accidentally crush her daughters. Thankfully it wasn't as hard as she thought it would be. Lifting both girls up, she gently set them on top of Carlisle's examination table.

Jackie shifted around on her feet nervously for what felt like hours. How in the world was she supposed to explain to her girls that she was a vampire. Did they even know what a vampire was, she wondered.

"Girls," she spoke softly at first, "there's something I need to tell you," she said. Taking a deep breath, she ran her hands through her hair before letting out a sigh.

"We already know," Sofia interrupted.

"What?" Jackie questioned. She angrily looked over at Emmett who threw his hands up defensively.

"It wasn't me," he insisted.

"Mom, we knew Emmett was a vampire before you did," Sofia explained.

"How?" Jackie asked.

"We just did," she shrugged. "I mean, didn't you ever wonder why no body ate, or why Emmett was always so cold? All the signs were there, Mom" Sofia answered. "You just didn't see them."

Jackie sat back in shock and awe. When did her little girl get so grown up.

"So you're ok with this?" Jackie asked her girls.

"Yeah," Sofia replied and Maddie nodded her head. "We knew it would happen some time."

Maddie suddenly elbowed Sofia. The two girls shared a look before Sofia turned back to Jackie.

"But we have a question," Sofia said. "Was it Daddy that caused this to happen?"

Both Emmett and Jackie looked at eachother. Neither of them knew what to say. As Jackie gathered her words, she grabbed both of their hands and stared intensely into both of her daughters eyes.

"Yes, it was," Jackie began. "But I want both of you to understand, that man- was not your father. You have nothing to worry about anymore and I want you to forget he ever exsisted. Emmett is your daddy now, and the Cullen's are our family," she said. "Do you understand?" Jackie smiled.

Both girls nodded their heads in unison. "We understand," they replied.

Jackie grabbed the girls into another hug as Emmett embraced all three of them again.

Suddenly there was a loud commotion in the house underneath them. Emmett and Jackie grabbed the girls before rushing downstairs to see what was going on. They arrived just as Bella threw Jacob out of the house.

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