Chapter 5

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It was well into the afternoon the next day when Jackie finally awoke. She awoke to the sound of giggling and laughter and the most amazing aroma. As her stomach growled, Jackie decided it was time to get out of bed.

She slowly crept down the stairs and spied on the girls with Emmett. A smile spread across her face as she watched them play. As Emmett pretended to be a large bear, the girls took their turns hunting him but ultimately always ended up being captured and tickled by him.

This man, barely knew them, but was already acting like more of a father than their real dad ever had. A look with multiple emotions crossed her face but quickly dissapered as both Emmett and the girls spotted her on the stairs.

"Mommy!" Sofia cried as her and Maddie ran to hug her.

As she descended the stairs, Emmett swept her off her feet, insisting he carry her to the couch. Sofia quickly filled Jackie in on their morning with Emmett. Apparently he had made them eggs and pancakes and had even watched Frozen. Jackie also observed that someone had picked up and actually cleaned the entire house.

Jackie's stomach growled again.

"What is that amazing smell?" she asked.

Emmett grinned. "That would be Esme's lasagna," he informed her. "Want some?"

Jackie nodded enthusiastically and Emmett hurried off to the kitchen to get her a plate. He came back with a steaming helping of lasagna and garlic bread.

She was so hungry, she couldn't help but to shovel it in.

"I'm really sorry," she said in between bites, "about last night." She paused to look at him. "I didn't know who else to call."

"Why are you appologizing?" Emmett asked. "You could have died last night."

"I know, but you barely know me..."

Emmett interrupted her, "I would have thought by now, it was fairly obvious," he said.

"What?" Jackie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

Emmett was sure if he could blush, he would be bright red right now, perhaps she didn't know how he felt about her.

"I, uh," he nervously paused for a moment, "I really like you," he informed her.

Jackie giggled. "You don't even know me," she said.

"Then go out with me," he answered, grabbing both of her hands. "Tonight," he insisted.

"What?" Jackie chuckled nervously. He couldn't possibly be serious, she thought.

"We can't. Not tonight anyways..."

"Then tomorrow," Emmett cut her off.

She looked into his beautiful amber eyes. He was dead serious. She took a deep breath.

"Okay, tomorrow," she finally agreed. "But where are we going to find a babysitter?"

Jackie was upstairs getting ready, frantically trying on dress after dress. She finally decided on a navy knee length dress that was curve hugging, strapless and had a sweet heart neckline. She straightened her long gorgeous hair and played up her beautiful green eyes with gold eyeshadow and a lengthening black mascara. She went to check the mirror one last time when the doorbell rang.

Emmett, Alice and Bella were waiting outside for Jackie to answer the door. Alice and Bella had agreed to watch the girls while Emmett and Jackie went out.

"Oh god, I'm so nervous," Emmett muttered. "Why am I so nervous? Are my palms sweating? Oh my god. I think my palms are sweating," he freaked.

"Is that even possible?" Bella asked.

"No," Alice giggled. Calm down Emmett," she instructed. "Your palms can't sweat, remember?"

Jackie opened the door and Emmett's jaw dropped. She was stunning. Even Alice approved.

"Finally someone else who seems to understand and appreciate fashion," she exclaimed as Bella rolled her eyes.

"Seriously though," Alice continued. "Forget the little black dress, you're killing it in navy."

"Thanks," Jackie blushed. "I just didn't want to look like a total mom."

"You look good," Bella replied, "Definitely not a total mom."

The three stepped in, and Emmett introduced Bella and Alice to Sofia and Maddie. As they were about to walk out, Alice nudged Emmett.

"Oh," he nearly shouted, "I forgot, I have something for you," he smiled as he pulled a blue velveteen box from his pocket and handed it to her.

Jackie gasped as she opened the box and revealed the most gorgeous necklace.

It was a small heart shapped sapphire pendant surrounded by tiny white diamonds.

"It looks just like a smaller version of the necklace Jack gave Rose on the Titanic," she gushed.

"What?" Emmet asked completely lost.

"It means she likes it," Bella chuckled.

"I knew she would," Alice beamed.

A little later that evening, Bella was downstairs picking up toys while Alice was finishing up giving the girls a bath, getting them ready for bed. Bella had just sat down to finish some home work when the door bell rang.

"Can I help you?" Bella asked as she opened the door.

A man with curly blonde hair and striking blue eyes, stood on the porch. He wasn't very tall but he had a solid frame and he definitely had the face of a model.

The man seemed disorientatated for a moment before speaking. His voice was gruff and almost angry when he did.

"Where's Jackie?" he asked.

"Um," Bella paused for a moment, put off by the rudeness of the stranger. "She's not here right now."

The man made some sort of guttural snort before turning and stalking off.

"Oh-kay," Bella said to herself as she shut the door.

"Who was that?" Alice asked coming down the stairs.

"I have no idea," replied Bella.

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