Chapter 8

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It was Saturday evening and Jackie had finally just finished all of her paperwork for the CDC. She had been so swamped recently, that she hadn't even seen Emmett since Monday, but the state had insisted on having everything turned in before graduation.

Through it all, the girls had been real troopers. They actually hadn't bothered her all day, despite it being the weekend.

She was sitting on Maddie's bed, reading both girls a bed time story.

"Mom," began Sofia, "will the Easter Bunny know where to find us?"

"Of course" Jackie replied not really putting much thought into what Sofia was asking her.

"But we didn't color any Easter Eggs today."

As Sofia finished her sentance, Jackie's eyes drew wide. She had totally forgotten that tomorrow was Easter.

She had nothing. No baskets, no dresses, no candy. Did she even have eggs? There were maybe five in the refrigerator, she thought to herself when all of a sudden the door bell rang.

"Do you think that's the Easter Bunny?" Sofia asked excitedly.

"I doubt it," Jackie laughed, "but I'll go check."

"Mom!" Sofia yelled from her bed as Jackie descended the stairs. "Tell him we're sorry about forgetting to color eggs!"

Jackie slowly opened the door, slightly apprehensive as to who might be on the other side this late at night. She sighed in relief to find it was only Emmett.

"Hello, Beautiful," he smiled as she opened the door. "Long time, no see," he smirked.

"I'm so sorry," she began. "You won't believe the week I've had," she explained. "And I totally forgot that tomorrow was Easter," she whispered as a few tears filled her eyes.

Suddenly Alice stepped out from behind Emmett. "I knew you might forget," she stated with a small smile. "So I took it upon myself to pick up a few things," she exclaimed excitedly as she brushed past both Emmett and Jackie and invited herself in.

"Oh my god," Jackie breathed as a few things turned out to be two gigantic Easter baskets, two of the most beautiful Easter dresses and a dozen intricately decorated Easter eggs.

"This was all that I could get ready in time for tonight," Alice explained. "Tomorrow I'll have Easter eggs hiding all over our place for the girls when you guys come for dinner," she gushed.

Jackie smacked her forehead as she cursed.

"You forgot about tomorrow," Emmett answered knowingly.

"I've got that covered too," Alice said as she seemed to magically reveal another bag from hiding somewhere.

It was a short lilac cocktail dress with a strapless sweetheart neckline and a rhinestone embellished botice. Jackie couldn't believe it, but it was actually even in the right size.

"Seriously you guys," Jackie paused, slightly overwhelmed, "this is too much."

"Babe," Emmett paused cupping her chin with his hands, "you guys are my family now," he began.

"And that means letting me," Alice interrupted, "do what I do best!" she exclaimed.

Jackie shook her head in disbelief.

"It's best to just agree with the pixie," Emmett added.

"At this point, I don't know what I'd do with out you guys," she said as a few tears spilled down her cheeks.

Alice hugged Jackie and then left to go home so she could finish up her Easter preperations there. As soon as Alice was gone, Emmett scooped Jackie up into his arms and carried her over to the couch.

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