Chapter 21

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*Breaking Dawn Part 1*

" just have to break them in," Alice told Bella who was trying on a pair of beautiful heels for the big day tomorrow.

"I've been breaking them in, for three days," Bella whined.

Jackie visibly rolled her eyes, "You're wasting your time Alice," she snickered as she strutted past in her own pair of heels Alice had picked out for her.

Alice sent her a warning glare, "You're not helping," she reprimanded.

"Can I just go bare foot?" Bella asked.

"No!" Alice snapped. "Absolutely not!"

Bella looked around at the Cullens setting up the wedding decorations in the backyard. Jackie and Alice followed her gaze. It was starting to look beautiful, Jackie thought. Alice had really out done herself this time.

"I'm just thinking it's a little much, you know?" Bella explained. "The dress and the shoes and all of this," she said as she gestured to the yard.

"My god," Jackie snorted. "Can't you ever just be grateful for once in your miserable life?" she exclaimed.

"I am grateful," Bella said, quickly becoming defensive. "I just think all of this is..." she trailed off.

"No," Alice interjected, "it's exactly enough," she said. "Tomorrow will be perfect," she promised smiling and looking back and forth at the two. "For both of you."

Bella looked distracted for a moment as she gazed up at the window that Edward was staring out of. Unlike Emmett who was excited to finally be marrying Jackie, Edward seemed slightly hesitant.

"You," Alice paused as she directed her instructions towards Bella, "go home and get lots of beauty sleep," she told her. "That's an order," she added before smiling and pulling Bella into a hug.

As Bella walked off to leave, Alice gently grabbed Jackie by the arm.

"What happened between you two this summer?" she asked.

Jackie thought back to the night Emmett had gathered the family to tell them he had proposed. Alice of course had already known as she had seen it through Emmett. The rest of the family seemed ecstatic to be gaining three more members, but Bella, however took a very different approach to the news.

A few weeks later, Bella had finally decided to confront Jackie while no one else was around.

"Do you even love him?" Bella narrowed her eyes accusingly at Jackie.

"Of course I do," Jackie replied as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What kind of question is that?" she asked.

"Then how could you leave him like you did?" Bella questioned angrily.

"I don't see how this is any of your business," Jackie exclaimed.

"And you went running to Jake of all people," Bella spat, continuing on as if Jackie had never spoke.

"Jake is my friend," Jackie replied. "Seriously, where is this coming from?" she asked. "Is this about the double wedding? Cause we don't have to..."

"No," Bella snapped at her. "I couldn't care less about the stupid wedding," she mumbled.

"Then what?" Jackie practically yelled.

"Jacob is missing," Bella began.

"And you thought that blaming me would make you feel better," Jackie finished for her.

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