Chapter 18

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"What?!" Jackie practically screeched as she jumped off the steps and away from Emmett.

"I thought you knew," Emmett winced.

"No!" she yelled. "I mean I thought genetic experiments or something, but vampires?"

She had started pacing the front lawn again. "I've let you watch my children, Emmett. My children!" She yelled.

Emmett jumped up, placing his hands on her shoulders trying to calm her.

"It's not like that," he said. "I told you, we only feed on animals."

"Yeah, but still!" Jackie chewed her bottom lip in frustration. "How did it happen?" she finally asked.

"What do you mean?" he questioned.

"How did you become a vampire?" She seemed slightly annoyed at having to explain herself.

"I was nearly mauled to death by a bear," Emmett paused, "Carlisle changed me before I died," he said.

"I think you're leaving something out," Jacob snorted as he suddenly appeared in the front doorway with a mischievous grin on his face.

Jackie looked back at Emmett. He slightly growled, but remained silent.

"Well if your not gonna tell her..." Jacob taunted.

"Rosalie," Emmett finally answered, "Rosalie carried me for two days and brought me to Carlisle."

"That's not what I remember you calling her," Jacob sneered.

Jackie looked to Emmett confused.

"Why are you doing this, man?" Emmett questioned.

"I just think she deserves to know the truth before she makes her decision," Jacob answered.

"Emmett, what is he talking about?" she demanded.

Jackie could see Emmett's muscles tighten as his jaw clenched.

"Think about it Jackie," Jacob urged, "Edward has Bella..."

"Don't do this," Emmett pleaded.

"Alice has Jasper," Jacob continued.

"And you were with Rosalie," Jackie answered as she finally pieced it all together. Emmett sighed, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Is that why you won't make love to me?" she suddenly yelled. "Your still in love with her, aren't you?" Jackie angrily accused.

"Oh, this is getting good," Jacob scoffed as he passed by placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'll be in the car," he said, "Unless you want to stay..."

"No," Jackie interrupted. "I think we're done here," she stated as she looked back at Emmett with hurt and betrayl in her eyes.

"Jackie, please, don't do this!" Emmett grabbed at her hand but she snapped it away from him. "I thought she was my mate, but I was wrong."

"And maybe your wrong about me too," she replied. "Just stringing me along till you find someone better..."

"It doesn't work that way!" he roared as his temper threatened to take over. "You're my mate!" he yelled at her but she continued to walk away. "Jackie," he hollared causing her to pause, "you belong to me!" he roared again, this time so aggressively that even the trees seemed to tremble.

For a moment Emmett thought she might stay, but when she turned around, she narrowed her eyes at him. "I belong to no one," she replied defiantly.

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