Chapter 29

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*A/N- Dedicated to Emzy1001, KatSegla and peju23. What can I say? I really love comments ;) *

Emmett stalked John for miles until his scent finally grew stronger right outside a dive bar a couple towns over. Emmett clenched his giant fists as he walked up to the doorway. The bastard was definitely inside.

As usual, Emmett was much larger than the bouncer checking id's at the door. With a bloodthirsty glare on Emmett's face, the bouncer gulped before allowing him to pass without any identification. Once Emmett took a seat a few stools down from John, the bartender promptly rushed over to him and requested Emmett's order.

"The strongest shit you've got," he growled.

The bartender nodded and returned with something, sliding the amber liquid over to him. Emmett downed the glass before returning to study his wife's killer. There was no mistaking it was him. Jackie's scent was all over the man as was a faint smell of arousal. Emmett's eyes narrowed to slits. The dumb shit had actually enjoyed himself. With impossible strength, the glass shattered under Emmett's infuriated grasp.

After a few hours of sitting there, the bouncer finally announced that the bar was closing. Emmett didn't mind waiting, he had nothing but time on his hands and used that to orchestrate his plan. What he intended to inflict on John would be nothing short of torturous.

Of course the bastard was the last one to leave. Emmett smirked, as this would make things so much easier. He followed John outside and flashed over to him. With incredible speed, Emmett grabbed him and dragged his body a mile or so into the woods where no body would hear John scream.

With dulled senses, John hadn't even had time to react, let alone grasp what was going on. But as his eyes focused on Emmett's face, realization struck. John's eyes widened as Emmett's hand tightened around his throat. Based on the sheer size of Emmett alone, John had always figured he would be strong, but this was something all together different.

Nearly crushing his windpipe, Emmett effortlessly hauled John off the ground like a rag doll. Slamming him into a tree with such force, bark litterally exploded off the trunk around them. With his mountainous body pressed against John's writhing form, he easily subdued the former navy seal and dragged John's arms above his head. One handedly, Emmett's vice like grip lifted the man until his feet dangled above the ground.

"Recognize this?" Emmett snarled as he pulled out a knife from his back pocket. A bloodthirsty look blazed in Emmett's eye as he suddenly rammed the dagger through both of John's wrists.

Taking a step back, Emmett let John's body drop, forcing his nailed wrists to support the brunt of his own weight. John screamed out in pain as his shoulders instantly dislocated. With dizzying speed, Emmett crushed both of John's knee caps with the boot of his heel, eliciting another loud shriek from the man.

Gripping John by the hair on his head, Emmett delivered one powerful uppercut to John's jawbone. With a loud pop, not only did the jaw dislocate but his bones were instantaneously pulverized from the blow.

"We wouldn't want anyone to hear you, know would we?" Emmett smirked before cursing as a slight buzzing came from inside the pocket of his jeans.

Damn Alice and her visions, he thought. No doubt she had probably seen what he was up too and was calling to stop him. He let the call go to voice mail but it immediately began ringing again. This time it was Edward. With a snarl, he threw the phone against a tree. Vengeance had taken hold of him and there was nothing that could stop him now.

"But this isn't what I saw," Alice whined as she paced back and forth outside Carlisle's home office.

"Maybe you made a mistake," Jasper drawled, "Perhaps you read too much into it?" he suggested but knew better than to doubt or argue with his wife. However, this time it appeared like maybe she had gotten the vision wrong.

"You and I both know, that's not how this works," she countered. "I'm telling you, she's going to wake up."

Carlisle stepped out of his office, shaking his head with a frown. "I'm afraid you may be in denial Alice," he said. "Jasper and I both heard her heart give out before the venom had time to spread," he explained.

As Alice was about to protest, Carlisle cut her off. "If you don't believe us, go see for yourself," he said stepping aside so she could pass.

Edward, Jasper and Esme followed Alice in. Edward and Esme gasped at the sight of Jackie's body, seeing it for the first time themselves. Everyone seemed to hold their breath as they remained silent for a few moments, but it was just as Carlisle had said. There was no heart beat to be heard.

It didn't matter, Alice refused to believe this was the end. As the others left, Alice took a seat next to Jackie and gently washed away all of the dried blood from her body. She even shampooed and rinsed Jackie's hair before brushing it and letting her curls air dry beautifully.

"She's going to wake up," Alice contended a few hours later as Edward and Jasper walked into the room. "And that stupid brother of ours isn't going to be here because he's out doing something stupid."

Edward and Jasper shared a confused look. "What do you mean?" Edward asked.

"Well, you should know, even if I tell you, it's not going to change anything," she informed them first. Both men nodded their head in understanding.

"Emmett tracked John to a bar a few towns over and he dragged him out into the woods to slowly torture him to death," she blurted.

"Without us?!" Jasper and Edward replied in unison.

Fishing Alice's phone out of her pocket, Jasper searched through his wife's contacts before dialing Emmett's number. The phone rang and rang before finally going to voice mail.

"Here, let me try," Edward suggested but a few moments later was just as frustrated by the outcome.

"It's no use," Alice informed them as she received a vision of Emmett throwing his phone against a tree. "He destroyed his phone so we can't interrupt him," she explained.

"I can't believe he would do this alone," Jasper sighed in bewilderment.

"I know. She was our family too," Edward agreed before both brothers hung their heads in defeat.

Emmett looked back over his shoulder at what was left of the mangled carnage behind him. To say that he had enjoyed himself would be the understatement of the year. It may not have taken away the pain of losing his soul mate, but it had definitely lessened it some.

As streaks of sunshine began to lighten the dark sky, Emmett viciously took down a bear and a few mountain lions after that. Ripping his shirt off in the process, he was a monstrous sight- drinking his fill, as blood spilled down his mouth and chest.

He couldn't have given a shit less as he was furious with the Maker and livid with the universe. How dare they give him his soul mate only to have her violently ripped from his arms heartlessly.

He knew Alice would see this final decision but nothing mattered to him anymore. There was nothing left for him to say or do and he refused to wander the earth for centuries alone. With his mind made up, Emmett headed out of the forest. If he couldnt be with her here, then he would meet Jackie again in the afterlife. Emmett would go to Italy just like Edward had done and offer himself up to the Volturi.

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