Chapter 4

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By now, the entire family, with the exception of Rosalie, knew about Emmett's growing infatuation with the new mystery woman in town. Emmet had been confused when Carlisle asked him to escort the high school nurse to his office at the hospital, but as he sat there, watching his beautiful Jaqueline, it all made perfect sense to him now. His Jaqueline, he thought again. Damn right she was, he smirked to himself.

It was torturous to him, having to sit there and wait. Finally after a few minutes she turned around. Emmett smiled as her breathing became erratic. He could hear how her heart beat sped up at the sight of him and he loved having that affect on his mate.

"What exactly can I do for you?" she asked.

"I'm under strict orders to escort you to my dad's office at the hospital. He wants to have you examined."

Jackie looked confused. "Your dad?"

"Yeah, Carlisle."

She was still lost.

"Carlisle Cullen?" Emmett tried again.

"Wait, you're a Cullen?"

"Yeah," Emmett paused, "why? Is that a bad thing?"

"No," Jackie replied, nonchalantly shaking her head. "It explains the eyes though."

Lunch had just ended, so Jackie quickly locked up and they headed out the door.

"I need to be back in time to pick up my girls," she informed him.

"Don't worry, the hospital is just down the road," Emmett replied as he lent her a hand to help her into his jeep. Instantly she had butterflies in her stomach and when their hands touched, it felt like time stopped.

She shook her head a little to clear her thoughts and sat down. The first few minutes they drove in awkward silence until Jackie finally got up enough nerve to speak first.

"So, that day that you helped me get the truck started, you told me your name and when I looked up and you were gone," she commented.

"Yeah, I was hungry," he smirked. That wasn't entirely untrue.

"Oh." Jackie didn't buy it. "I really am sorry, I don't know what came over me, I don't usually hug strangers," she blurted out.

Emmett knew exactly what came over her. It was the pull of their mate bond, but surely he couldn't tell her that.

"It's ok babe, I know I'm irresistible," he grinned at her. His grin widened as he noticed a small blush creeping into her cheeks. "You know, you've still never told me your name. Unless you just want me to call you nurse lady for the rest of my life."

"Oh god no," Jackie rolled her eyes. "I get enough of that at school." She paused, looking at him, "It's Jaqueline Winters, but i usually go by Jackie."

"I like that name, Jaqueline, not many people with it."

They soon pulled up to the hospital and all awkwardness had completely vanished as they carried on conversation after conversation.

Emmett walked her down to his dad's office, and helped her up onto the exam table. Jackie couldn't help but notice, his touch was incredibly cold too. She had noticed it the day they'd hugged, but just thought it was because they'd been outside.

Carlisle walked in and greeted them both.

"Jackie, I was going through the immunization records you sent for employment verification," he paused giving her a concerned look. "And are you aware you only had 2 doses of the MMR vaccine?"

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