Gangsta Love Part 2

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Before we could figure out who she was talking too, the door opens. "Meet my baby daddy Roscoe and your niece and nephew Roc Jr and Ratarah." I roll my eyes, "Seriously? You brought them here why?" I ask making sure I got my shit on my side. "I thought it was time you meet your niece and nephew. That's all baby. Thanks Roc. Come here babies." The children walk in and the door shuts. Well they are cute. "I'm surprised you've managed to keep them this long."

"Actually Milan I just got them back, Thank you. Is this proof enough that I'm straight enough for you August?" Shatarah asks him. "I never said I didn't believe you Shatarah. I only asked one question then you and your sis over there decided to go at it. By the way you should never just call someone and say she's here either. You just don't know how ugly it was about to get." He says chuckling. "Well... Roc and Ra go say hey to your auntie while me and apparently your future uncle, if yo aunt doesn't mess this up too, talk." She says. One she ought to get back handed for talking slick two who said I wanted them to know who I was. I'm only here with August.

"Hey auntie... Ohhh that's a pretty bracelet can I get one?" "Ra mama told you bout asking people for stuff." "She ain't just a person though mama said that's her sister." Ratarah says. "What's your name?" Roc asks looking up at me. "Milan." I answer looking down at both of them. "Like the city." Roc says. I crack a smile, "Yeah." "I wanna go there one day and do fashion." Ratarah says. "You like fashion too?" I ask. She shakes her head yes. "That's cool, me too. What you like doing Roc?" "Playing basketball. You like ball too?" I laugh, "Nah but you have an older cousin who loves basketball."

We leave Shatarah's apartment and take the children over to a pizza spot. While they go play we actually eat. "Let me find out you got soft spot for kids." August says. I laugh, "Well maybe... Just a little.... The way they were eating though like that shit was just crazy. I wonder when their last meal was." They were like it was no tomorrow. "I know real crazy. It's good Shatarah actually cleaned herself up." Hm. "I still I have my reservations about that but I guess."

We get back to the apartment and walk the kids up. "I fucking knew it!"


"Baby wake up." I say shaking Aliyah. I'm hungry as hell. "What Chris?" She mumbles turning rolling, as if that's gone stop me from touching her. "Let's go get something to eat." She huffs getting up. I laugh rolling out of bed. I walk into the bathroom and slide my clothes back on, how the hell they ended up in here, no clue. I slide my watch on and make sure I'm strapped.

The shit was crazy when Aug told me about his homegirl. We got some niggas looking into that shit as well Jakira shit. "Baby I'm tired." Aliyah whines coming into the bathroom. "I'm hungry." I say turning her way. She rolls her eyes at me. I kiss her lips and grab her hand. "What you think about you and Jamari moving in with me?" I ask once we're inside the car and moving.


"I don't know how I feel about that. My grandma has been taking care of him his entire life. I don't even think I could handle taking care of him full time." I mean that in all honesty. I don't know shit about raising a child especially a special needs one at that. "I'll be there to help you." Chris say. "Baby that's sweet I swear it is but Jamari is a lot to handle and I just don't think getting him full time is what's best right now. Maybe once it's a more establish situation then we can talk about it." "I got you baby. Well what about you?" He says. "I could see it. You don't think it's too soon?" I ask. "Hell nah. I love you girl and I can see myself with you for the long haul. Ima give you that big ass house one day soon as I go pro, Jamari coming too."

I smile. "I love you Chris." You don't find too many niggas that's willing to be open minded to taking care of a child that's not his. "I love you too baby."


Oh my God. Watching all of this shit is terrifying the fuck out of me. She's in so much pain. I didn't appreciate ole mommy dearest over there either, no stay in room Latesha, you need to see what you'll be going through. Who the fuck asked her what she thought. Trey is walking around this room like a mad man. "Are you expecting as well?" The nurse asks me smiling. "Yes." I fake a smile. Bitch clearly my fucking stomach is poking out, this ain't fat. I really just want to go home and take my grumpy ass to sleep.

I take a seat over on the sofa and begin to doze off until I hear screaming and then crying. I forgot where I was for a second. "Baby come here." I get up and go over to Trey. "Meet Alivia." I look up at her. "She's cute look her little fingers." Alivia has Makayla's eyes. Big daddy Trey gone have a real problem on his hands. She ain't been out for no less than ten minutes and is as adorable as a doll.


My baby girl is finally here. She's so beautiful! "Let me see my grand baby Trey." My mama says. I pass her Alivia. "Hey grandmas baby." I smile and look at Makayla, "You good?" I ask. "Tired." I grab my phone and capture a picture. I feel bad I didn't have a chance to tell the crew but shit I almost forget my own damn name dealing with this shit.

I send them the picture. I walk out the room, "Baby you want something? " I ask Latesha. "Some Cheez-It's." "Be careful with all that salt Latesha." My mama says. Latesha looks like she's ready to mug her. I laugh and walk down to the snack machine. I step back once I grab the stuff and breathe. I'm really a daddy now. I have a precious lil girl in there that's counting on me. It's time to stay strapped forreal now, between me and her two crazy uncles we good to go.


I'm just hoping I don't hear an I told you so. The few times I choose to look at the good in sometime I end up looking like a fool. Shatarah kicked out on us, leaving us with her children. I pull up to the house and help Milan carry the children inside. I lay them in the guest room next to Milan's and go back down to Milan.

"How are you going to explain this?" She asks laying on my chest. "Baby I don't even know. How the hell could Shatarah do some shit like that?" I'm disappointed as hell, mad as hell mostly because I got played like a motherfucking fool. "Sometimes we're fooled by the mask people wear." I shake my head and lean my head back. Santiago is going to want to know how the fuck his grandchildren got here all of sudden.

"Rise up real quick baby." She moves and I walk into the kitchen and pour me up a cup of Henny. This shit has really blown my damn mind. I walk back into the living room. "Makayla had the baby." Milan says. "I'll be sure to call and congratulate my nigga." I say sitting back down. "I could kill you if you ever got a side bitch pregnant." I look down at her and laugh, "Alright thug." "Thug I'm deadass. You and the bitch will be DOA." I wrap my arms around her. "I wouldn't because I can't find another bitch that sucks as good as you." She gasps and punches my shoulder. I laugh, "I'm joking halfway." I say looking over at her. "Keep playing August." I grab her but she resists. "Stop going against the grain." "Nah you go finish searching for the bitches."

"I would never." I say caressing her face. She straddles my lap, "Good." She says kissing my lips quickly, I go to lean back in for another but she moves back. "Milan." She laughs running her hands through my head. She leans back in letting me take over the kiss. "I love you August." "I love you too Milan."

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