Like A Slap In The Face

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We actually make it back home just before the sun came up. "Aug..." I lightly shake him. The shit they gave him knocked his ass out the entire. I'm glad I knew where I was going otherwise we would still be Vegas. He leans up. "We here?" He slurs. I laugh as low as I could, "Yes." "I'm glad you find this shit funny." I let my laugh out, "I'm sorry but the way you're talking right now is hilarious yo ass still a lil loopy." "Yeah, yeah." I help him inside and the back outside for our bags.

"Your stuff is right here." I say to him. I was not about to make to the pool house with his ass so this sofa will be his spot. I go to head upstairs. "Milan... Where you going?" He asks very slowly. "Upstairs August." I answer facing him. "Just chill... Chill down here for a while." "Alright I'll be back." I walk into the hallway closet and grab two blankets. I toss one to him and sit on the opposite sofa and wrap up. "That was some trill ass shit you did Milan. I take back what I said.. You'll be able to survive out here on your own. You a beautiful ass person inside and out with a deadly ass aim. Still ain't better than mine tho.. but I'm just giving you yo props." He laughs. I smile. "Thanks August that means a lot coming from you."

We both fall asleep on the sofa. I hear the door knob turning so I go to the peephole. "Daddy!" I open the door. "Hello my beautiful daughter!" He hugs me and comes inside. In the midst of the excitement of my father being home I forgot all about August sleeping off his medicine. I look over and see him standing up. "Oh no what happen my boy?" My father asks going over to him. "Keno tried to shoot my ass but he only took a lil chunk of my shoulder." "Those are the worst. Where is he  now?" My father ask. "In the ocean somewhere." August says looking at me. My father laughs, "That's my boy. You can always get the job no matter the task at hand. I hope Milan wasn't that much trouble. Great fucking job my boy. Tonight we celebrate." I roll my eyes, really?

I'm just waiting for August to speak up and say something and once a few minutes has passed he doesn't. It's pretty fucked up I'm not getting my congratulations or shit. We ain't celebrating the fact that it was me who put Keno ass in the water.. What the fuck ever. I sit there just quiet with nothing to say. It's a knock on the door, Bruce answers it. "Hey I'm here for August." A woman says. "Aye Aug." Bruce calls him over. August walks to the door. "Jakira!" She literally jumps on him. "Ah fuck!" August yells out in pain. "Oh my God, baby I'm so sorry.. Let me help you back to the couch."


I wake up and see a text from Brianna. Aliyah was a lil salty about the news but I think she's over it. She spent the night with me. "Baby." I shake her lightly. "Yes baby?" She mumbles. "Um so Bri wants to hoop at the park. Come with me... I want you to meet her." She rolls over and looks at me, "How do you know I want to meet your little friend." Why does every girl end up being labeled as a lil friend? I laugh, "I want you to do it. I don't need no problems."

"Oh it could still be problems." She says getting up. "Not when you know her." I say getting up and heading to my drawer. "Bitches are triffling they can be your best friend and still fuck yo nigga like he's theirs." She says. "Do you trust me enough to not allow that to happen?" I ask her. "It's not about you and yes I do trust you but it's the women I don't trust." I smile, "Baby forreal you don't have nothing to worry about with her, she's not like that." "Sure Chris because you've been her friend for years now."

We get to the park and Bri is out there waiting. While Aliyah takes her sweet lil time getting out the car I start walking up there. "What's up Bri?"  We hug. "What's good ready for this L?" I laugh, "Very funny. But I got somebody I want you to meet." She looks over at me, "Who?" I look over and see Aliyah walking up. "My girlfriend." "Your what?!?"


It's hot out here, my forehead is sweating, my hair smells like a flat iron. Needless to say I'm not all that thrilled to be out here. The girl doesn't look all that thrilled either. "Baby this is Brianna.. Bri this is my girl Aliyah." The girl smiles at me, "It's nice to meet you Aliyah." She extends her hand. I take it, "You too Brianna." "You hoop?" She asks holding up the basketball. "No I leave that to him. I'll be sitting on the bleachers babe." "Alright ready to lose?" He asks Brianna. She laughs.

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