19: His Secret

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Well first thing I would like to say sorry for the big wait, it took me so long because

1.I have so much coursework to do I’ve had to make an A3 size chart just to keep me on track. I break up for the summer soon and I can’t relax because of my coursework – I will scream.

2. Had a really bad time at work.  They have moved me into a different section (which I don’t like) and basically I have to get on with it :(

Anyway I will stop ranting .

Again sorry for the big wait x

Picture of the parents and the baby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Right then…



I stood there frozen stiff; I couldn’t take my eyes of the handsome little man Andrea was carrying. There was no doubt that this little boy came from Andrea, they had the same amber eyes that glowed like fire when the light caught them. His nose and cheeks came from Andrea but his hair and smile were from his dad, and the person I think they may come from was someone I could never imagine Andrea to be with.

My eyes moved to Andrea who surprisingly didn’t look angry with me being here despite being told I was not to stick my nose in on her past. Well it was a little late for that seeing as her past was smiling in her arms.

Andrea looked tired and defeated so with one deep sigh she moved to the side and motioned me in “come on in”. I slipped past her not saying a word.

As I sat down on the cream sofa I watched Andrea place her son down on a play mat and then sit on an armchair to face me. The living room was joined with the dining room but was very bright with vibrant cream almost yellow walls and a lush light coffee coloured carpet; there was a TV in the corner of the room resting on a stand complete with a DVD player and mostly kids DVD’s. Next to the TV was a small electric coal fire with a dark wooden frame and pictures resting on the mantel piece, just under a large plain mirror.

In the centre of the room near the sofa and armchair lay a wooden coffee table with rounded edges. The table was covered with magazines, a few dummies and toys that continued out onto the carpet. I could tell that her little boy kept her busy.

The square window set into the wall opposite us cast bright sunshine all over the room and I couldn’t help but feel this was what a real home should feel like.

“Would you like a drink?” I could tell she was nervous about me being her by the way she kept checking her nails, so taking it easy with her I nodded “a cup of tea will be great”.

She smiled slightly, stood up and proceeded over to the kitchen. I turned my head to follow her and watched her pass the white kitchen dining table and through an arch that lead into the kitchen.  Andrea called out to me “do you take any sugar?”

“Just one spoonful”.  As I listened to the kettle staring to boil and the clatter of spoons and cups I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt a little hand touch my knee. I gasped when I looked down and found her son standing up, using my legs as support and smiling at me like I was the best thing in the world.

I felt warm under his glowing smile and I couldn’t help but reach out and place him on my lap. My nose tingled, catching that fresh scent of baby. He was perfect and I enjoyed every gurgling and squeaky sound he made. I ran my fingers through the light layer of brown hair on his head and enjoyed the smoothness of his skin.

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