16: His Secret

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Hello everyone!!

I'm actually excited about this chapter and I hope you like it xx


I leant against the railings not knowing what to think or feel. I hated Andrea for saying those things especially when she mentioned my dad like that but I also felt guilty for sticking my nose into her past.

“I remember you being a little bitch but not a nosey bitch”. I kept my eyes on the sea as Rachel’s smug voice spoke out.

“Not now Rachel!”

“Why, going to attack me like mum?”

I turned to look at her “yes and because it’s you I will make sure I finish the job”. Rachel scoffed and crossed her arms ignoring my hateful glare “don’t act all tough in front of me August, I know that under all this” she gestured to my bikini outfit “lies that scared little girl who let everyone walk over her”. I got right in her face so that she could see the truth behind my words “that girl is dead”.

I walked away from her eager to leave her behind but her words stopped me in my tracks “who was the guy you were with at the moon run?” I thought about many lies to tell her but in the end I settled for denial, I turned to her “what are you talking about?”

Rachel draped her arms on the railing and leant against them “don’t play dumb, I smelt the scent of a male wolf all over you. So who was he?”

I shrugged “the scent was probably just James; he took me to the moon run”. She smiled wickedly “no it wasn’t James because I’ve been around him long enough to recognise his scent. Who was the guy?”

“Rachel there was no guy, I met a lot of people that night so it must just be that ok!” She rolled her eyes “fine don’t tell me”. 

I was just going to leave her alone but a thought popped in to my head “oh Rachel, where were you off on your little night time adventure?”

Rachel’s eyebrows rose “excuse me?”

“Last night I heard a noise and when I went to investigate I saw you getting into a car. Why?” Rachel laughed smugly “I don’t know why Andrea called you nosey”.

“Stop with the sarcasm Rachel, where were you going?”

She smiled, flashing her perfect white teeth, “I’m afraid little sister that not everyone can give without receiving. So tell me who’s the guy and I may tell you where I was going last night”. I crossed my arms and held back some adult words “there isn’t any guy Rachel so that deal isn’t going to work. What are you hiding?”

Rachel smiled at me once before walking over to the glass doors, I watched her retreating back and expected her to just leave me with unanswered questions but she stopped with her hand grasping the door handle and spoke “all secrets are revealed eventually August, just be ready for the more dangerous ones” then she walked inside.

There they were again, secrets. I seemed to be surrounded by then and Rachel’s words actually scared me slightly, which secret was so dangerous? Was it Rachel’s? I really had to watch myself because something, somewhere felt wrong.


I was feeling tired and miserable, I hadn’t heard from Macy as every time I called her she would either be too busy to talk or her voice mail would answer. What was up with her? She was meant to be my best friend.

The sun was streaming through the bedroom window as I lay on the bed just wanting to be away from everything and everyone. I hadn’t seen Lizzie or Jack since our little talk, Kiera was out shopping and Andrea didn’t want to speak to me.  Chris, Paul, James and Rachel had all gone out shopping leaving me in the house alone which only depressed me further; here I was miserable and upset while they were all fine and dandy. I finally started to believe that maybe my life was tough to torture me.

His SecretWhere stories live. Discover now